Semantic search
- Filament petal architecture
- Filament petal fusion
- Floral pigment
- Floral scale architecture
- Floral scale architecture or coloration or relief
- Floral scale architecture or function or pubescence
- Floral scale architecture or relief
- Floral scale architecture or shape
- Floral scale arrangement
- Floral scale arrangement or shape
- Floral scale atypical length
- Floral scale atypical quantity
- Floral scale atypical width
- Floral scale coloration
- Floral scale coloration or reflectance
- Floral scale coloration or relief
- Floral scale course
- Floral scale duration
- Floral scale fixation or orientation
- Floral scale length
- Floral scale orientation
- Floral scale position
- Floral scale pubescence
- Floral scale pubescence or texture
- Floral scale quantity
- Floral scale reflectance
- Floral scale relief
- Floral scale shape
- Floral scale size
- Floral scale some measurement
- Floral scale texture
- Floral scale width
- Floral-cup
- Floral-cup coloration
- Floral-cup depth
- Floral-cup some measurement
- Floral-tube
- Floral-tube architecture
- Floral-tube architecture or function or pubescence
- Floral-tube architecture or pubescence or relief
- Floral-tube architecture or shape
- Floral-tube arrangement
- Floral-tube arrangement or course or shape
- Floral-tube arrangement or shape
- Floral-tube atypical length
- Floral-tube atypical some measurement
- Floral-tube atypical width
- Floral-tube coloration
- Floral-tube coloration or density
- Floral-tube condition
- Floral-tube course
- Floral-tube depth
- Floral-tube diameter
- Floral-tube duration
- Floral-tube floral-tube duration
- Floral-tube floral-tube prominence
- Floral-tube height or length or size
- Floral-tube l w ratio
- Floral-tube length
- Floral-tube length or size
- Floral-tube orientation
- Floral-tube position
- Floral-tube position or shape
- Floral-tube position relational
- Floral-tube presence
- Floral-tube prominence
- Floral-tube pubescence
- Floral-tube quantity
- Floral-tube reflectance
- Floral-tube shape
- Floral-tube size
- Floral-tube size or width
- Floral-tube some measurement
- Floral-tube stamen position or shape
- Floral-tube stamen quantity
- Floral-tube texture
- Floral-tube width
- Floret anther coloration
- Floret anther presence
- Floret anther size
- Floret anther some measurement
- Floret corolla architecture
- Floret corolla arrangement or course or shape
- Floret corolla coloration
- Floret corolla coloration or density
- Floret corolla orientation
- Floret corolla prominence
- Floret corolla shape
- Floret corolla size
- Floret corolla some measurement
- Flower perianth architecture or shape
- Flower perianth condition
- Flower perianth orientation or shape
- Flower perianth shape
- Flower perianth size
- Flowers petal coloration
- Flowers sepal coloration
- Flowers sepal shape
- Flowers sepal some measurement
- Frond scale architecture or shape
- Frond scale size
- Frond scale texture
- Front calyx architecture or shape
- Fruit scale coloration
- Fruit scale height or length or size
- Fruit scale length or size
- Fruit scale life cycle
- Fruit scale some measurement
- Functional anther atypical quantity
- Functional anther quantity
- Functional anther some measurement
- Glandular bristle architecture
- Glandular scale shape
- Gynoecium
- Gynoecium architecture
- Gynoecium coloration
- Gynoecium fusion
- Gynoecium length
- Gynoecium position relational
- Gynoecium prominence
- Gynoecium shape
- Gynoecium size
- Gynoecium some measurement
- Gynoecium width
- Gynophore
- Gynophore atypical quantity
- Gynophore atypical some measurement
- Gynophore coloration or density
- Gynophore fixation or orientation
- Gynophore fragility or size
- Gynophore fusion
- Gynophore height or length or size
- Gynophore length
- Gynophore length or size
- Gynophore life cycle
- Gynophore orientation
- Gynophore position
- Gynophore presence
- Gynophore prominence
- Gynophore pubescence
- Gynophore quantity
- Gynophore shape
- Gynophore size
- Gynophore some measurement
- Gynostemium
- Gynostemium shape
- Gynostemium some measurement
- Hair floral-tube length
- Hair floral-tube width
- Hypanthium
- Hypanthium architecture
- Hypanthium architecture or function or pubescence
- Hypanthium architecture or pubescence
- Hypanthium architecture or pubescence or relief
- Hypanthium architecture or shape
- Hypanthium arrangement
- Hypanthium arrangement or shape
- Hypanthium atypical length
- Hypanthium atypical some measurement
- Hypanthium atypical width
- Hypanthium coloration
- Hypanthium coloration or density
- Hypanthium condition
- Hypanthium condition or size
- Hypanthium condition or texture
- Hypanthium course
- Hypanthium dehiscence
H cont.
- Hypanthium depth
- Hypanthium development
- Hypanthium diameter
- Hypanthium duration
- Hypanthium fusion
- Hypanthium growth form
- Hypanthium height or length or size
- Hypanthium length
- Hypanthium length or size
- Hypanthium life cycle
- Hypanthium orientation
- Hypanthium position
- Hypanthium position or shape
- Hypanthium presence
- Hypanthium prominence
- Hypanthium prominence or shape
- Hypanthium pubescence
- Hypanthium pubescence or relief
- Hypanthium quantity
- Hypanthium reflectance
- Hypanthium relief
- Hypanthium shape
- Hypanthium size
- Hypanthium some measurement
- Hypanthium texture
- Hypanthium variability
- Hypanthium width
- Inner and outer tepal shape
- Inner and outer tepal some measurement
- Inner anther coloration
- Inner anther dehiscence or orientation
- Inner anther height or length or size
- Inner anther reproduction
- Inner anther size
- Inner anther some measurement
- Inner anther width
- Inner bristle architecture
- Inner bristle architecture or pubescence or shape
- Inner bristle coloration
- Inner bristle coloration or density
- Inner bristle duration
- Inner bristle fusion
- Inner bristle length
- Inner bristle length or size
- Inner bristle orientation
- Inner bristle position or structure subtype
- Inner bristle position relational
- Inner bristle presence
- Inner bristle prominence or shape
- Inner bristle pubescence
- Inner bristle pubescence or relief
- Inner bristle quantity
- Inner bristle shape
- Inner bristle some measurement
- Inner bristle width
- Inner corolla shape
- Inner corolla some measurement
- Inner dorsal tepal quantity
- Inner lateral tepal course
- Inner lateral tepal fusion
- Inner lateral tepal length
- Inner lateral tepal width
- Inner perianth quantity
- Inner perianth width
- Inner petal architecture
- Inner petal arrangement or shape
- Inner petal atypical some measurement
- Inner petal coloration
- Inner petal coloration or density
- Inner petal depth
- Inner petal fusion
- Inner petal length
- Inner petal orientation
- Inner petal shape
- Inner petal size
- Inner petal some measurement
- Inner petal texture
- Inner petal variability
- Inner petal width
- Inner scale architecture or pubescence
- Inner scale arrangement
- Inner scale coloration
- Inner scale length
- Inner scale pubescence
- Inner scale quantity
- Inner scale relief
- Inner scale shape
- Inner scale some measurement
- Inner scale width
- Inner sepal architecture
- Inner sepal architecture or shape
- Inner sepal arrangement
- Inner sepal atypical length
- Inner sepal coloration
- Inner sepal condition
- Inner sepal fragility
- Inner sepal height or length or size
- Inner sepal length
- Inner sepal position
- Inner sepal pubescence
- Inner sepal quantity
- Inner sepal shape
- Inner sepal size
- Inner sepal some measurement
- Inner sepal texture
- Inner sepal variability
- Inner sepal width
- Inner stamen arrangement or course or shape
- Inner stamen coloration
- Inner stamen coloration or density
- Inner stamen length or size
- Inner stamen orientation
- Inner stamen quantity
- Inner stamen shape
- Inner tepal architecture
- Inner tepal architecture or relief
- Inner tepal architecture or shape
- Inner tepal arrangement
- Inner tepal arrangement or course or shape
- Inner tepal arrangement or shape
- Inner tepal atypical length
- Inner tepal atypical quantity
- Inner tepal atypical some measurement
- Inner tepal atypical width
- Inner tepal character
- Inner tepal coloration
- Inner tepal coloration or density
- Inner tepal coloration or reflectance
- Inner tepal condition
- Inner tepal depth
- Inner tepal diameter
- Inner tepal fixation or orientation
- Inner tepal fragility
- Inner tepal fragility or size
- Inner tepal fusion
- Inner tepal height or length or size
- Inner tepal l w ratio
- Inner tepal length
- Inner tepal length or size
- Inner tepal life cycle
- Inner tepal orientation
- Inner tepal position
- Inner tepal prominence
- Inner tepal prominence or shape
- Inner tepal pubescence
- Inner tepal pubescence or texture
- Inner tepal quantity
- Inner tepal reflectance
- Inner tepal relief
- Inner tepal shape
- Inner tepal size
- Inner tepal some measurement
- Inner tepal texture
- Inner tepal variability
- Inner tepal width
- Innermost tepal architecture
- Innermost tepal shape
- Internodal bristle presence
- Intravaginal scale architecture or shape
L cont.
- Lateral and abaxial petal fusion
- Lateral and abaxial petal lengths
- Lateral and abaxial petal size
- Lateral anther architecture or structure in adjective form
- Lateral anther quantity
- Lateral inner sepal architecture
- Lateral inner sepal fusion
- Lateral inner sepal size
- Lateral petal pubescence
- Lateral petal quantity
- Lateral petal size
- Lateral sepal architecture
- Lateral sepal architecture or shape
- Lateral sepal arrangement
- Lateral sepal arrangement or shape
- Lateral sepal atypical length
- Lateral sepal atypical some measurement
- Lateral sepal atypical width
- Lateral sepal coloration
- Lateral sepal condition
- Lateral sepal course
- Lateral sepal course or shape
- Lateral sepal fixation
- Lateral sepal fixation or orientation
- Lateral sepal fusion
- Lateral sepal length
- Lateral sepal length or size
- Lateral sepal orientation
- Lateral sepal orientation or shape
- Lateral sepal position
- Lateral sepal prominence
- Lateral sepal pubescence
- Lateral sepal quantity
- Lateral sepal shape
- Lateral sepal size
- Lateral sepal some measurement
- Lateral sepal texture
- Lateral sepal width
- Lateral stamen architecture
- Lateral stamen position relational
- Lateral stamen some measurement
- Lateral tepal length
- Lateral tepal orientation
- Lateral tepal some measurement
- Lateral tepal width
- Leaf androecium position
- Leaf perianth position
- Leaf scale presence
- Lip sepal fusion
- Lobe tepal architecture or relief
- Lobe tepal architecture or shape
- Lobe tepal fusion
- Lobe tepal growth form
- Lobe tepal length
- Lobe tepal length or size
- Lobe tepal shape
- Lobe tepal width
- Longer anther life cycle
- Longer anther position
- Longer anther reproduction
- Longer bristle architecture
- Longer bristle some measurement
- Longer petal arrangement
- Longer sepal arrangement
- Longest bristle some measurement
- Longest scale architecture
- Longest scale atypical length
- Longest scale atypical some measurement
- Longest scale atypical width
- Longest scale height or length or size
- Longest scale length
- Longest scale length or size
- Longest scale some measurement
- Longest scale variability
- Longest scale width
- Lower and lateral petal pubescence
- Lower median tepal size
- Lower petal height or length or size
- Lower petal life cycle
- Lower petal quantity
- Lower petal shape
- Lower petal some measurement
- Lower petal width
- Lower scale pubescence
- Lower sepal atypical some measurement
- Lower sepal length
- Lower sepal pubescence
- Lower sepal quantity
- Lower sepal shape
- Lower sepal some measurement
- Lower sepal width
- Lower tepal some measurement
- Lowermost petal size
- Lowest petal atypical some measurement
- Lowest petal prominence
- Lowest petal pubescence
- Lowest petal shape
- Lowest petal size
- Lowest petal some measurement
- Marginal bristle size
- Marginal bristle some measurement
- Medial stamen coloration
- Medial stamen pubescence
- Median anther architecture or structure in adjective form
- Median petal development
- Median petal size
- Median scale orientation
- Mentum
- Mentum architecture
- Mentum fusion
- Mentum height or length or size
- Mentum orientation
- Mentum presence
- Mentum prominence
- Mentum shape
- Mentum size
- Mentum some measurement
- Mid tepal coloration
- Mid to distal margins anthocyanotic architecture
- Mid to distal margins anthocyanotic pubescence
- Mid to distal margins anthocyanotic shape
- Middle floral scale width
- Middle petal texture
- Middle petal width
- Middle scale width
- Midvein scale architecture or function or pubescence
- Midvein scale architecture or shape
- Nectar guide
- Nectar scale coloration
- Nectar scale depth
- Nectar scale prominence
- Nectar scale shape
- Nectar scale some measurement
- Nectar spur
- Nectariferous petal presence
- Nectart tube
- Nectary scale architecture or pubescence or shape
- Nectary scale fixation
- Nectary scale fusion
- Nectary scale height or length or size
- Nectary scale orientation
- Nectary scale position relational
- Nectary scale prominence
- Nectary scale pubescence
- Nectary scale shape
- Nectary scale variability
- Non-wing sepal shape
- Non-wing sepal some measurement
- Nonfunctional stamen development
- Outer and inner bristle presence
- Outer and inner bristle quantity
- Outer and inner bristle some measurement
- Outer and inner bristle variability
- Outer anther coloration
- Outer anther coloration or odor
- Outer anther dehiscence
- Outer anther size
- Outer anther some measurement
- Outer bristle architecture
- Outer bristle arrangement
- Outer bristle atypical quantity
- Outer bristle coloration
- Outer bristle fragility
- Outer bristle fusion
- Outer bristle height or length or size
- Outer bristle length