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    "batchcomplete": "",
    "continue": {
        "sroffset": 10,
        "continue": "-||"
    "query": {
        "searchinfo": {
            "totalhits": 21
        "search": [
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Nandina",
                "pageid": 47517,
                "size": 5613,
                "wordcount": 280,
                "snippet": "David Whetstone, T.A. Atkinson, Daniel D. Spaulding Etymology: Chinese name <span class=\"searchmatch\">meaning</span> &quot;plant from the south&quot; Treatment appears in FNA Volume 3. Shrubs, evergreen",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-30T07:38:56Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Deinandra",
                "pageid": 18458,
                "size": 14180,
                "wordcount": 819,
                "snippet": "Baldwin, John L. Strother Etymology: No etymology stated in protologue\u00a0<span class=\"searchmatch\">meaning</span> uncertain Treatment appears in FNA Volume 21. Treatment on page 280. Mentioned",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-29T22:40:46Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Calendula",
                "pageid": 15555,
                "size": 6336,
                "wordcount": 455,
                "snippet": "Etymology: Latin calends, first day of the month, and -ula, tendency\u00a0perhaps <span class=\"searchmatch\">meaning</span> \u201cthrough the months\u201d and alluding to \u00b1 year-round flowering Treatment appears",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-29T19:30:25Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Byrsonima",
                "pageid": 7164,
                "size": 4836,
                "wordcount": 329,
                "snippet": "Greek byrsa, leather, alluding to use of bark of some species in tanning\u00a0<span class=\"searchmatch\">meaning</span> of suffix obscure Treatment appears in FNA Volume 12. Treatment on page",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-29T17:18:06Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Sesamum",
                "pageid": 11246,
                "size": 5047,
                "wordcount": 332,
                "snippet": "Barringer Introduced Etymology: Greek s\u00e9samon (Arabic simsim), literally <span class=\"searchmatch\">meaning</span> plant oil Treatment appears in FNA Volume 17. Treatment on page 361. Annuals",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-29T18:24:22Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Pseudolycopodiella",
                "pageid": 21854,
                "size": 5527,
                "wordcount": 312,
                "snippet": "M. Beitel Etymology: Green pseudo-, false, and Latin -ella, diminutive, <span class=\"searchmatch\">meaning</span> false little Lycopodium, because of its resemblance to Lycopodiella Treatment",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-29T23:34:42Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Rhapidophyllum",
                "pageid": 23599,
                "size": 9343,
                "wordcount": 626,
                "snippet": "phyllon, leaf, in reference to the spines of the leafbases, or perhaps <span class=\"searchmatch\">meaning</span> having the leaf of Rhapis (a genus of small Asian palms) Treatment appears",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-29T23:52:00Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Mycelis",
                "pageid": 15250,
                "size": 6476,
                "wordcount": 424,
                "snippet": " Strother Etymology: No etymology in protologue\u00a0no readily discernible <span class=\"searchmatch\">meaning</span> from Greek or Latin roots Treatment appears in FNA Volume 19. Treatment",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-29T19:11:49Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Tolpis",
                "pageid": 15296,
                "size": 6644,
                "wordcount": 452,
                "snippet": " Strother Etymology: No etymology in protologue\u00a0no readily discernible <span class=\"searchmatch\">meaning</span> from Greek or Latin roots Treatment appears in FNA Volume 19. Treatment",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-29T19:14:30Z"
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Cassiope tetragona",
                "pageid": 59609,
                "size": 5163,
                "wordcount": 576,
                "snippet": "lighting fires. Some Inuit call it itsutit, <span class=\"searchmatch\">meaning</span> \u201cfuel for the fire,\u201d plantiksutit, or qijuktaat, <span class=\"searchmatch\">meaning</span> \u201cwood fetched.\u201d The flowers are said to taste",
                "timestamp": "2020-07-30T12:15:35Z"