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Pages in category "Shape"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 391 total.
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- Property:Abaxial and lateral central spine course
- Property:Abaxial central spine course
- Property:Abaxial lip course
- Property:Abaxial margin course
- Property:Abaxial spine course
- Property:Abaxial surface course
- Property:Abaxial throat course
- Property:Achene course
- Property:Acumen course
- Property:Adaxial central spine course
- Property:Adaxial edge course
- Property:Adaxial epidermal-cell course
- Property:Adaxial hair course
- Property:Adaxial lamella course
- Property:Adaxial lip course
- Property:Adaxial margin course
- Property:Adaxial side course
- Property:Adaxial surface course
- Property:Age course
- Property:Anther course
- Property:Apex course
- Property:Apical appendage course
- Property:Apical bud course
- Property:Apical cell course
- Property:Apical margin course
- Property:Apical mucro course
- Property:Apiculu course
- Property:Apophysis course
- Property:Appendage course
- Property:Areole course
- Property:Arm course
- Property:Auricle course
- Property:Awn course
- Property:Axis course
- Property:Barb course
- Property:Basal awn course
- Property:Basal blade course
- Property:Basal blade-leaf course
- Property:Basal callus course
- Property:Basal juxacostal laminal cell course
- Property:Basal marginal laminal cell course
- Property:Basal sinus course
- Property:Basal spine course
- Property:Basal tubercle course
- Property:Basal-bud course
- Property:Base apex course
- Property:Base course
- Property:Beak course
- Property:Berry course
- Property:Blade course
- Property:Blade margin course
- Property:Body apex course
- Property:Body course
- Property:Bract course
- Property:Bract hair course
- Property:Bracteole course
- Property:Bractlet course
- Property:Branch course
- Property:Branch leaf course
- Property:Branchlet course
- Property:Bristle course
- Property:Bristle-spine course
- Property:Bud apex course
- Property:Bud course
- Property:Callus course
- Property:Callus hair course
- Property:Calyx course
- Property:Calyx lobe course
- Property:Capitulum course
- Property:Capsule course
- Property:Caruncle course
- Property:Caryopse course
- Property:Catkin course
- Property:Cauline blade course
- Property:Cauline leaf course
- Property:Cell course
- Property:Cell margin course
- Property:Cell-wall course
- Property:Central awn course
- Property:Central pinna course
- Property:Central spine course
- Property:Cilium course
- Property:Cladophyll course
- Property:Claw course
- Property:Coat course
- Property:Columella course
- Property:Column course
- Property:Cone-seed course
- Property:Connectif course
- Property:Connective course
- Property:Corolla course
- Property:Corolla urn course
- Property:Corolla-tube course
- Property:Costa course
- Property:Crest course
- Property:Crossvein course
- Property:Crown course
- Property:Culm base course
- Property:Culm course
- Property:Cusp course
- Property:Cypsela course
- Property:Distal branch course
- Property:Distal bud course
- Property:Distal cell course
- Property:Distal edge course
- Property:Distal laminal bud course
- Property:Distal laminal cell course
- Property:Distal leaf course
- Property:Distal medial cell course
- Property:Distal medial laminal cell-wall course
- Property:Distal part course
- Property:Distal portion course
- Property:Distal segment course
- Property:Distal spike course
- Property:Distal stem course
- Property:Distal subulum course
- Property:Dorsal awn course
- Property:Dorsal sepal course
- Property:Face course
- Property:Fiber course
- Property:Filament course
- Property:Filament portion course
- Property:Fimbria course
- Property:Floral scale course
- Property:Floral-tube course
- Property:Flower course
- Property:Flower tube course
- Property:Flowering-stem course
- Property:Fruit course
- Property:Fruits capsule course
- Property:Fruits cypsela course
- Property:Fruits drupe course
- Property:Fruits follicle course
- Property:Fruits silicle course
- Property:Fruits silique course
- Property:Furrow course
- Property:Individual stem course
- Property:Inflorescence blade-leaf course
- Property:Inflorescence course
- Property:Inflorescence leaf-blade course
- Property:Inner central spine course
- Property:Inner cypsela course
- Property:Inner flexuou course
- Property:Inner lateral tepal course
- Property:Inner phyllary course
- Property:Inner spathe course
- Property:Inner; inner apex course
- Property:Innovation course
- Property:Internodal prickle course
- Property:Internode course
- Property:Lamella course
- Property:Lamina cell course
- Property:Lamina course
- Property:Laminal cell course
- Property:Larger pinna course
- Property:Larger spine course
- Property:Largest medial blade course
- Property:Largest spine course
- Property:Lateral awn course
- Property:Lateral branch course
- Property:Lateral lobe course
- Property:Lateral sepal course
- Property:Lateral shoot course
- Property:Lateral spur course
- Property:Lateral wing course
- Property:Lateral-vein course
- Property:Leaf acumen course
- Property:Leaf apex course
- Property:Leaf course
- Property:Leaf margin course
- Property:Leaf primordium course
- Property:Leaf-blade course
- Property:Leaf-stem course
- Property:Lemma apex course
- Property:Lemma awn course
- Property:Lemma course
- Property:Ligule embryo course
- Property:Limb apex course
- Property:Limb course
- Property:Limb lobe course
- Property:Line course
- Property:Lip course
- Property:Lip vein course