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Pages in category "Texture"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,938 total.
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- Property:Abaxial adaxial surface pubescence
- Property:Abaxial and adaxial face pubescence
- Property:Abaxial and adaxial face relief
- Property:Abaxial and adaxial surface pubescence
- Property:Abaxial base pubescence
- Property:Abaxial blade pubescence
- Property:Abaxial cell relief
- Property:Abaxial costal surface relief
- Property:Abaxial exudate pubescence
- Property:Abaxial face coating
- Property:Abaxial face pubescence
- Property:Abaxial face reflectance
- Property:Abaxial face relief
- Property:Abaxial filament pubescence
- Property:Abaxial gland pubescence
- Property:Abaxial groove pubescence
- Property:Abaxial groove relief
- Property:Abaxial hair pubescence
- Property:Abaxial keel relief
- Property:Abaxial leaf pubescence
- Property:Abaxial leaflet pubescence
- Property:Abaxial ligule pubescence
- Property:Abaxial limb pubescence
- Property:Abaxial limb relief
- Property:Abaxial lip pubescence
- Property:Abaxial lip reflectance
- Property:Abaxial lip relief
- Property:Abaxial lobe pubescence
- Property:Abaxial margin pubescence
- Property:Abaxial median crest relief
- Property:Abaxial midnerve pubescence
- Property:Abaxial midvein pubescence
- Property:Abaxial midvein relief
- Property:Abaxial rachis pubescence
- Property:Abaxial rib pubescence
- Property:Abaxial ridge pubescence
- Property:Abaxial sheath relief
- Property:Abaxial side pubescence
- Property:Abaxial spine pubescence
- Property:Abaxial surface coating
- Property:Abaxial surface pubescence
- Property:Abaxial surface reflectance
- Property:Abaxial surface relief
- Property:Abaxial tip pubescence
- Property:Abaxial vein pubescence
- Property:Abaxial vein-axil pubescence
- Property:Abaxial vestiture pubescence
- Property:Achene margin relief
- Property:Achene pubescence
- Property:Achene reflectance
- Property:Achene relief
- Property:Achene wall pubescence
- Property:Achene wall relief
- Property:Adaxial abaxial face pubescence
- Property:Adaxial abaxial surface pubescence
- Property:Adaxial and abaxial face pubescence
- Property:Adaxial and abaxial surface pubescence
- Property:Adaxial apex pubescence
- Property:Adaxial base pubescence
- Property:Adaxial blade pubescence
- Property:Adaxial bud relief
- Property:Adaxial cell relief
- Property:Adaxial distal cell relief
- Property:Adaxial distal laminal cell relief
- Property:Adaxial edge pubescence
- Property:Adaxial epiderme relief
- Property:Adaxial face pubescence
- Property:Adaxial face relief
- Property:Adaxial filament pubescence
- Property:Adaxial gland pubescence
- Property:Adaxial groove pubescence
- Property:Adaxial hair pubescence
- Property:Adaxial layer relief
- Property:Adaxial leaf pubescence
- Property:Adaxial leaflet pubescence
- Property:Adaxial leaflet reflectance
- Property:Adaxial ligule pubescence
- Property:Adaxial ligule relief
- Property:Adaxial limb pubescence
- Property:Adaxial lip pubescence
- Property:Adaxial lobe pubescence
- Property:Adaxial margin pubescence
- Property:Adaxial midrib pubescence
- Property:Adaxial midvein pubescence
- Property:Adaxial outgrowth relief
- Property:Adaxial petiole pubescence
- Property:Adaxial phyllarie pubescence
- Property:Adaxial primary secondary-vein pubescence
- Property:Adaxial pubescence
- Property:Adaxial rib pubescence
- Property:Adaxial sulcus pubescence
- Property:Adaxial surface coating
- Property:Adaxial surface pubescence
- Property:Adaxial surface reflectance
- Property:Adaxial surface relief
- Property:Adaxial suture pubescence
- Property:Adaxial tooth pubescence
- Property:Adaxial vein pubescence
- Property:Adaxial vein relief
- Property:Adaxial vein-axil pubescence
- Property:Age pubescence
- Property:Age reflectance
- Property:Age relief
- Property:Albumen relief
- Property:All pubescence
- Property:Alveola relief
- Property:Amber reflectance
- Property:And abaxial adaxial surface pubescence
- Property:And marginal abaxial hair pubescence
- Property:And/or pubescence
- Property:Androgynophore pubescence
- Property:Androphore pubescence
- Property:Angle pubescence
- Property:Angle relief
- Property:Annulus relief
- Property:Anther appendage pubescence
- Property:Anther head pubescence
- Property:Anther pubescence
- Property:Anther reflectance
- Property:Anther relief
- Property:Anther-filament pubescence
- Property:Apex awn pubescence
- Property:Apex coating
- Property:Apex column pubescence
- Property:Apex pubescence
- Property:Apex reflectance
- Property:Apex relief
- Property:Apex tip pubescence
- Property:Apical beak pubescence
- Property:Apical bud pubescence
- Property:Apical cell relief
- Property:Apical collar reflectance
- Property:Apical face relief
- Property:Apical gland relief
- Property:Apical hair pubescence
- Property:Apical laminal cell relief
- Property:Apical lobe relief
- Property:Apical margin pubescence
- Property:Apical margin relief
- Property:Apical part pubescence
- Property:Apical region pubescence
- Property:Apical surface pubescence
- Property:Apiculu pubescence
- Property:Apiculu relief
- Property:Apiculum relief
- Property:Apophysis coating
- Property:Apophysis reflectance
- Property:Aporose pubescence
- Property:Appearance pubescence
- Property:Appendage pubescence
- Property:Appendage relief
- Property:Area coating
- Property:Area reflectance
- Property:Areolation relief
- Property:Areole pubescence
- Property:Aril coating
- Property:Aril pubescence
- Property:Arista pubescence
- Property:Arm relief
- Property:Array pubescence
- Property:Aspect pubescence
- Property:Attachment pubescence
- Property:Attachment scar pubescence
- Property:Auricle pubescence
- Property:Auricle relief
- Property:Awn awn pubescence
- Property:Awn coating
- Property:Awn column pubescence
- Property:Awn pubescence
- Property:Awn relief
- Property:Axil pubescence
- Property:Axil reflectance
- Property:Axillary bud pubescence
- Property:Axillary tuft pubescence
- Property:Axis coating
- Property:Axis pubescence
- Property:Axis reflectance
- Property:Axis relief
- Property:Back pubescence
- Property:Back relief
- Property:Band coating
- Property:Band pubescence
- Property:Band relief
- Property:Banner base pubescence
- Property:Banner lobe pubescence
- Property:Banner pubescence
- Property:Banner wing pubescence
- Property:Bark coating
- Property:Bark pubescence
- Property:Bark reflectance
- Property:Bark relief
- Property:Basal and proximal blade pubescence
- Property:Basal and proximal sheath relief
- Property:Basal awn pubescence
- Property:Basal awn relief
- Property:Basal axil pubescence
- Property:Basal blade pubescence
- Property:Basal blade relief
- Property:Basal bristle reflectance