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introrse +
connate +
scarious +
absent +
hirsute +
papillate +
continuous +
hairy +
decurrent +
3-nerved +
lance-elliptic +
suborbiculate;spatulate;suborbiculate;spatulate;rhombic-ovate;ovate;obovate;oblong;linear;lance-rhombic;lanceovate;lanceolate;lance-linear;deltate +
(4-)5-angled;10-ribbed +
clavate +
stigmatic +
10;80 +
coarse +
absent +
not 2-lipped +
monomorphic +
10-ribbed +
prismatic +
straight +
For John Brickell, 1748–1809, Irish-born physician and naturalist who settled in Georgia (not John Brickell, 1710?–1745, Irish naturalist who visited North Carolina ca. 1729–1731 and published on the natural history of North Carolina in 1737) +
distinct +
proximal +
8;45 +
bisexual +
dispersed +
singly +
singly +
indeterminate +
homogamous +
surrounding +
cylindric;obconic or campanulate +
cauline +
2-carpellate +
inferior +
attached +
anatropous +
persistent +
tough +
thick +
connate +
nerved +
(4-)5-6(-16)-striate +
persistent +
distinct +
unequal +
equal +
Sketch Bot. S. Carolina +
1823 +
absent +
epaleate +
flat;convex +
fibrous +
exalbuminous +
modifed +
1;3;7 +
alternate +
branched +
erect +
2-branched +
hirsutulous +
papillate +
Brickellia +
Asteraceae tribe Eupatorieae +
genus +
cylindric +