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... more about "Brickellia hinckleyi"
introrse +
connate +
acute;acuminate +
scarious +
absent +
hirsute +
papillate +
continuous +
hairy +
3-nerved +
lance-elliptic +
lanceolate;lanceovate +
(4-)5-angled;10-ribbed +
clavate +
stigmatic +
white +
25;34 +
coarse +
absent +
not 2-lipped +
monomorphic +
10-ribbed +
silvery-setulose +
prismatic +
4mm;5mm +
Tex. +
straight +
distinct +
proximal +
11;22 +
bisexual +
dispersed +
singly +
singly +
indeterminate +
homogamous +
surrounding +
cylindric;campanulate +
cauline +
scarious +
lanceovate +
2-carpellate +
inferior +
attached +
anatropous +
persistent +
tough +
thick +
connate +
nerved +
4-8-striate +
persistent +
distinct +
unequal +
equal +
Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. +
1940 +
absent +
epaleate +
flat;convex +
fibrous +
exalbuminous +
modifed +
4;5 +
alternate +
branched +
erect +
scabrous +
2-branched +
hirsutulous +
papillate +
Brickellia hinckleyi +
Brickellia +
species +
cylindric +
perennial +