Information for "Phanerophlebia auriculata"

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Display titlePhanerophlebia auriculata
Default sort keyPhanerophlebia auriculata
Page length (in bytes)3,375
Page ID21539
Page content languageen - English
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Page creatorimported>Volume Importer
Date of page creation23:28, 29 July 2020
Latest editorimported>Volume Importer
Date of latest edit23:28, 29 July 2020
Total number of edits1
Total number of distinct authors1
Recent number of edits (within past 90 days)0
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... more about "Phanerophlebia auriculata"
attenuate +
George Yatskievych +
L. Underwood +
obliquely cuneate +  and nearly cordate +
simple to commonly +
ovatelanceolate +
roundish +
Ariz. +, N.Mex. +, Tex. +  and n Mexico +
600–2100 m. +
inflated +
often +  and glabrous +
Soil pockets in sheltered rock crevices of canyons and ravines +
caducous +  and persistent +
shriveled;not umbonate;concave;flat +
monomorphic +
60 cm600 mm <br />0.6 m <br /> (75 cm750 mm <br />0.75 m <br />) +
evergreen +
10 cm100 mm <br />0.1 m <br /> (60 cm600 mm <br />0.6 m <br />) +
not articulate +
Incised (?) +, Falcate (?) +, Ovate (?) +  and Lanceolate (?) +
2 cm20 mm <br />0.02 m <br /> (9 cm90 mm <br />0.09 m <br />) +
inequilateral +  and equilateral +
nearly +  and largest +
Bull. Torrey Bot. Club +
round +, cuplike +, hoodlike +, reniform +, falcate +  and linear +
2 +  and 3 +
persistent +
filiform +
discrete +
variously--shaped +
Illustrated +
reniform +  and oblong +
dictyostelic +, unbranched +  and branched +
short-creeping +  and erect +
Cyrtomium auriculatum +
Phanerophlebia auriculata +
Phanerophlebia +
species +
anastomosing +  and simple +
epiphytic +  and hemiepiphytic +