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(A. L. Grant) G. L. Nesom

Phytoneuron 2012-39: 32. 2012.

Common names: Santa Catalina Island monkeyflower
Basionym: Mimulus traskiae A. L. Grant Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 5: 226. 1923
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 17. Treatment on page 446. Mentioned on page 428, 429, 445.
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Latest revision as of 19:02, 29 July 2020

Herbs, annual. Stems erect, 80–120 mm, glandular-pubescent. Leaves cauline, nearly even-sized or enlarging distally; petiole absent or with petiolelike extension; blade ovate to obovate, 12–41 × 5–21 mm, margins entire or crenate, plane, usually ciliate proximally, apex obtuse, surfaces glandular-pubescent. Pedicels 3–5 mm in fruit. Flowers 2 per node, or 1 or 2 per node on 1 plant, chasmogamous. Calyces distinctly asymmetrically attached to pedicel, not inflated in fruit, 18–21 mm, glandular-pubescent, lobes subequal, apex acute, ribs usually green, intercostal areas whitish. Corollas: throat magenta, abaxial lip magenta, adaxial lip whitish, palate ridges not seen, tube-throat 20–23 mm, limb 4–5 mm diam., bilabiate, lobes of abaxial lip smaller than adaxial. Anthers (distal pair) nearly exserted, glabrous. Styles puberulent distally. Stigmas exserted, lobes unequal, abaxial 6–8 times adaxial. Capsules not seen.

Phenology: Flowering Mar–Apr.
Habitat: Rocky, brushy slopes.
Elevation: 0–100 m.


Diplacus traskiae is known only from Santa Catalina Island. According to the California Native Plant Society Online Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants, ed. 8 (http://www.cnps.org/cnps/rareplants/inventory/), it (as Mimulus traskiae) is possibly extirpated.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Diplacus traskiae"
6-8 times adaxial lobes +
acute +  and obtuse +
Guy L. Nesom +  and Melissa C. Tulig +
(A. L. Grant) G. L. Nesom +
Mimulus traskiae +
1.2 cm12 mm <br />0.012 m <br /> (4.1 cm41 mm <br />0.041 m <br />) +
ovate;obovate +
not +, leathery +  and not fleshy +
0.5 cm5 mm <br />0.005 m <br /> (2.1 cm21 mm <br />0.021 m <br />) +
glandular-pubescent +
not inflated +
1.8 cm18 mm <br />0.018 m <br /> (2.1 cm21 mm <br />0.021 m <br />) +
Santa Catalina Island monkeyflower +
not +, rarely radially symmetric +  and weakly strongly bilabiate +
white;yellow;orange;yellow;orange;purplish brown;purple;lavender;magenta;red;pink;blue +
salverform;rotate +
0–100 m. +
petiole-like +
hairy +  and glabrous +
reflexed;nodding;erect +
reduced +
compressed;asymmetrically ovoid;lanceoloid or nearly cylindric +
Rocky, brushy slopes. +
gland-tipped +
alternate +, opposite +, rosulate +  and subrosulate +
persistent +  and deciduous +
enlarging +  and equal-sized +
0.4 cm4 mm <br />0.004 m <br /> (0.5 cm5 mm <br />0.005 m <br />) +
triangular;deltate +
unequal +, smaller +  and subequal +
palmate +  and subpinnate +
plane +, crenate +  and entire +
wing-angled +  and angled +
2 +  and 1 +
chasmogamous +
basal +  and superior +
tenuinucellate +  and unitegmic +
orthotropous +  and anatropous +
rarely more or less equal to or slightly longer +
0.3 cm3 mm <br />0.003 m <br /> (0.5 cm5 mm <br />0.005 m <br />) +
with petiolelike extension +
Flowering Mar–Apr. +
Phytoneuron +
yellow +  and olive green or dark-brown +
flattened +, ovoid +  and oblong +
deciduous +
glandular-pubescent +
8 cm80 mm <br />0.08 m <br /> (12 cm120 mm <br />0.12 m <br />) +
glandular-pubescent +
Eunanus +  and Mimulus sect. Diplacus +
Diplacus traskiae +
Diplacus +
species +
2 cm20 mm <br />0.02 m <br /> (2.3 cm23 mm <br />0.023 m <br />) +
dehiscent +, indehiscent +  and loculicidal +
10 +, 9 +  and 8 +