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Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27: 448, plate 38, figs. 1, 2. 1940.

Common names: Siskiyou mariposa-lily
IllustratedEndemicConservation concern
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 26. Treatment on page 131. Mentioned on page 120, 130.
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Latest revision as of 05:35, 30 July 2020

Stems not branching, ca. 1 dm. Leaves: basal persistent, ca. 2 dm; blade lanceolate, tapering at base, flat. Inflorescences subumbellate, 2-flowered. Flowers erect; perianth open, campanulate; sepals smaller than petals; petals pink to light purplish, obovate, 35–40 mm, adaxial surface hairy only distal to gland, margins yellow-ciliate; glands bordered proximally by wide, ciliate membrane, distally by short hairs; anthers lanceolate, apex apiculate. Capsules nodding, winged, ellipsoid, ca. 1 cm, apex acute. Seeds irregular. 2n = 20.

Phenology: Flowering late spring–mid summer.
Habitat: Open areas in rocky soils
Elevation: 1000–1500 m


Of conservation concern.

Calochortus persistens is restricted to the Klamath and Cascade ranges in Siskiyou County.

Selected References


Lower Taxa


"broad" is not a number."usually longer and broader" is not a number."thicker" is not a number.

... more about "Calochortus persistens"
pseudobasifixed +  and basifixed +
lanceolate +
P. L. Fiedler +  and R. K. Zebell +
Ownbey +
whorled +, opposite +  and alternate +
petiole-like +
2 cm20 mm <br />0.02 m <br /> (?) +
dilated +
reticulate-veined +  and parallel-veined +
tapering +  and lanceolate +
sheathing +  and involucrate +
1;several +
tunicate +  and scaly +
ellipsoid +
1 cm10 mm <br />0.01 m <br /> (?) +
Siskiyou mariposa-lily +
1000–1500 m +
connate-coroniform +  and dilated +
sessile +  and pedicellate +
unisexual +  and bisexual +
winged +  and capsular +
globular +, oblong +, linear +  and 3-angled +
membranaceous +  and leathery +
Open areas in rocky soils +
2-flowered +  and subumbellate +
paired +, paniculate +  and racemose +
persistent +
proximalmost +
reduced +
many;several +
campanulate +
pink +  and light purplish +
distinct +
obovate +
3.5 cm35 mm <br />0.035 m <br /> (4 cm40 mm <br />0.04 m <br />) +
Flowering late spring–mid summer. +
Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. +
wind-distributed +
distinct +
ovate +  and lanceolate +
smaller +
Illustrated +, Endemic +  and Conservation concern +
adnate +  and free +
staminodial +
3 +, 4 +  and 6 +
not branching +
glaucous +  and glabrous +
1 cm10 mm <br />0.01 m <br /> (?) +
3 +  and 1 +
Calochortus persistens +
Calochortus +
species +
connate +  and distinct +
sepaloid +  and petaloid +
narrower +
caulescent +  and scapose +
3 +  and 2 +