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Svensk Bot. Tidskr. 47: 256, fig. 1b, e. 1953,.

Treatment appears in FNA Volume 27. Treatment on page 213. Mentioned on page 207, 209, 218, 221, 223.
imported>Volume Importer
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 06:48, 30 July 2020

Plants in open tufts or mats, dull black, often yellowish green distally, usually purplish when wet, especially in older portions of stems. Stems 1.5–10 cm, central strand absent or indistinct. Leaves erect proximally, usually slightly curved distally, rarely somewhat secund when dry, ovatelanceolate, sharply keeled distally, 1.6–2.5 mm, 1-stratose; margins usually recurved throughout, denticulate distally, 1-stratose or 2-stratose; apices acute; costa percurrent or excurrent as a denticulate, occasionally weakly decurrent awn, abaxial surface papillose; basal marginal cells quadrate or oblate, often trigonous; distal laminal cells mostly short-rectangular or quadrate, 8–10 µm wide, papillose, strongly sinuose with reddish or orange walls. Sexual condition autoicous. Capsule redbrown, sometimes orangebrown, ovoid-cylindric, narrowed to the mouth, 0.7–1.25 mm, rarely striate when old; exothecial cells mostly isodiametric, mainly more or less quadrate, usually mixed with a few short-elongate or oblate cells, thin-walled, with small trigones; stomata present; peristome patent or erect, dark-red or red, 190–380 µm, densely papillose, entire or slightly perforated. Spores 10–14 µm, granulose.

Phenology: Capsules mature late spring to early summer.
Habitat: Somewhat shaded granite or limestone ledges
Elevation: low to high elevations (0-2000 m)


V27 285-distribution-map.gif

Alta., B.C., N.W.T., Ont., Que., Sask., Alaska, Colo., Eurasia


Schistidium boreale is one of the five species of the genus in North America with papillose distal laminal cells. The combination of its dull black color, usually turning purplish when wet, reddish or orange laminal cell walls, and ovoid-cylindrical capsules that are narrowed at the mouth separates this species from the other papillose taxa. Schistidium papillosum is usually olivaceous and lacks colored cell walls; S. strictum is usually a dull red-brown, has cupulate capsules, and appears to be restricted to northwestern, coastal areas, and S. frisvollianum, an arctic species, is more strongly ornamented. None of these three taxa turns purple when wet. Schistidium maritimum occasionally has papillose distal laminal cells. That species, however, is restricted to coastal areas, its leaves are ovate-lanceolate to linear-lanceolate with 2-stratose distal laminae, and its costa has one or two well-developed stereid bands, which are absent in all other North American species of the genus.

Selected References


Lower Taxa


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... more about "Schistidium boreale"
deciduous +  and persistent +
multistratose +
Terry T. McIntosh +
not papillose +
decurrent +  and denticulate +
sinuous +  and straight to sometimes +
rectangular +
trigonous +, oblate +  and quadrate +
divided +
undifferentiated +
oblate +, short-elongate +  and few +
plicate +  and smooth +
not papillose +
mitrate +  and cucullate +
small;large +
sulcate +  and smooth +
orangebrown +  and redbrown +
long-exserted +
striate +  and smooth +
narrowed;ovoid-cylindric +
0.07 cm0.7 mm <br />7.0e-4 m <br /> (0.125 cm1.25 mm <br />0.00125 m <br />) +
thin +  and thick +
excurrent;percurrent +
subpercurrent +
reniform +, elliptical +  and terete +
usually not markedly larger +
2-stratose +  and 1-stratose +
autoicous +  and sexual +
quadrate +  and short-rectangular +
Alta. +, B.C. +, N.W.T. +, Ont. +, Que. +, Sask. +, Alaska +, Colo. +  and Eurasia +
low to high elevations (0-2000 m) +
reproduction +  and asexual +
dioicous +, autoicous +  and sexual +
Somewhat shaded granite or limestone ledges +
papillose +, mammillose +  and smooth +
1-stratose +  and secund +
specialized +
dioicous +, autoicous +  and sexual +
keeled +  and ovatelanceolate +
0.16 cm1.6 mm <br />0.0016 m <br /> (0.25 cm2.5 mm <br />0.0025 m <br />) +
2-stratose;1-stratose +
denticulate +
thick-walled +  and sinuose +
papillose +  and smooth +
subtriangular +, ovate +, rectangular +  and quadrate +
thick-walled +  and sinuose +
papillose +  and smooth +
not +  and differentiated +
perforated +  and entire +
red +  and dark-red +
erect +  and patent +
lanceolate;linear +
Capsules mature late spring to early summer. +
Svensk Bot. Tidskr. +
straight +
sigmoid +  and arcuate +
papillose +  and smooth +
short to long +
ornamented +  and smooth +
globose +
1.5 cm15 mm <br />0.015 m <br /> (10 cm100 mm <br />0.1 m <br />) +
muticous;long-awned +
Schistidium boreale +
Schistidium +
species +
orange +  and reddish +
4 cm40 mm <br />0.04 m <br /> (18 cm180 mm <br />0.18 m <br />) +
purplish;yellowish green;black +