Property:Shoot coloration Revision as of 23:20, 29 July 2020 (view source)imported>Volume Importer Revision as of 06:25, 30 July 2020 (view source) imported>Volume Importer Newer edit → Revision as of 06:25, 30 July 2020 A Text property defining a single value. Structure: shoot Character: coloration A subproperty of stem A Type of stem Types of shoot coloration None. Parts of shoot coloration None. Usage19previous 5,0002050100250500next 5,000FilterShowing 10 pages using this property.AAsimina incana +redbrown +, tan +Asimina longifolia +redbrown +, yellowbrown +Asimina longifolia var. longifolia +redbrown +, yellowbrown +Asimina longifolia var. spatulata +redbrown +, yellowbrown +Asimina parviflora +redbrown +, reddish +Asimina pygmaea +redbrown +Asimina reticulata +gray-brown +, red +, redbrown +, …Asimina tetramera +redbrown +, tan +HHuperzia lucidula +brown +PPtychostomum pseudotriquetrum +redbrown +