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Schimper in P. Bruch and W. P. Schimper

in P. Bruch and W. P. Schimper, Bryol. Europ. 5: 151, plates 479, 480. 1852.

Etymology: Greek heteros, differing, and kladion, branchlet, alluding to growth form
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 368. Mentioned on page 341, 363, 366, 369, 642.
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Latest revision as of 07:46, 30 July 2020

PteriHeterocladiumDimorphum.jpegHeterocladium dimorphumPatricia M. Eckel
PteriHeterocladiumMacounii.jpegHeterocladium macouniiPatricia M. Eckel
PteriHeterocladiumProcurrens.jpegHeterocladium procurrensPatricia M. Eckel

Plants in wiry wefts, dark green to olive green, occasionally yellowish. Stems irregularly branched to pinnate; paraphyllia few or absent. Leaves appressed or squarrose, imbricate, dimorphic, stem-leaves ovate-acuminate, branch leaves ovate; margins plane, serrate, serrulate, or papillose-serrate; apex acute to acuminate; costa single, short, usually 2-fid or double to mid leaf, broad basally; alar cells not differentiated; laminal cells quadrate to rhomboidal, strongly papillose or smooth, walls thickened; basal and juxtacostal cells elongate. Capsule horizontal, short-cylindric, curved.


North America, Mexico, Central America (El Salvador), South America, Europe, Asia


Species 9 (3 in the flora).

Heterocladium frequently has elongate to flagellate branches. The seta is 0.1–0.2 cm and smooth; the capsule is brown; the operculum is conic-apiculate to short-rostrate; the peristome is perfect, with 2 or 3 elongate, nodose cilia; and the spores are 10–18 µm and essentially smooth.

Selected References



1 Laminal cells smooth; leaves squarrose-spreading when dry. Heterocladium procurrens
1 Laminal cells smooth or papillose; leaves spreading to erect-appressed when dry > 2
2 Laminal cell papillae 2-4 per lumen; stem epidermal cells multipapillose; leaf margins papillose-serrate. Heterocladium macounii
2 Laminal cell papillae 1 at distal ends; basal cells smooth; stem epidermal cells smooth; leaf margins serrate to serrulate. Heterocladium dimorphum
... more about "Heterocladium"
acute +  and acuminate +
Robert E. Magill +
Schimper in P. Bruch and W. P. Schimper +
short-cylindric +
not differentiated +
double to mid leaf +  and 2-fid +
North America +, Mexico +, Central America (El Salvador) +, South America +, Europe +  and Asia +
Greek heteros, differing, and kladion, branchlet, alluding to growth form +
smooth +  and papillose +
squarrose;appressed +
concave +
papillose-serrate +, serrulate +  and serrate +
thread-like +
papillose +  and smooth +
dioicous +  and sexual +
oblong-rhomboidal +, rhomboidal +  and quadrate +
cucullate +, conic +  and short-rostrate +
in P. Bruch and W. P. Schimper, Bryol. Europ. +
ovate-acuminate +
often somewhat larger +
irregularly branched;pinnate +
erect;more or less creeping +
Heterocladium +
Pterigynandraceae +
yellowish +, dark green +  and olive green +