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Iter Hispan., 176, 195, 231. 1758.

Common names: Rhatany or ratany
Etymology: For either Johann Georg Heinrich Kramer, 1684–1744, Austrian Army physician and botanist, or his son William Heinrich Kramer, d. 1765, Austrian physician and naturalist, or both
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 12. Treatment on page 25. Mentioned on page 24.
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Latest revision as of 18:29, 29 July 2020

FNA12 P03 Cissus trifoliata.jpegCissus trifoliata
Causonis japonica
Krameria lanceolata
Alice Tangerini
Alice Tangerini

Stems consisting of long-shoots only or long and short-shoots, canescent, strigose, or villous; bark gray or brown. Leaves: blade linear to ovate, ape× mucronate, acute, or obtuse, surfaces canescent, strigose, or villous, sometimes with stalked glandular-hairs. Inflorescences with leafy bracts. Flowers: sepals purple, pink, or magenta [yellow or brown], lanceolate to ovate or oblong; petals smaller than sepals, secretory petals pink, red, redbrown, green, yellow, purple, or orange, orbiculate to cuneate, petaloid petals green or yellow with expanded distal portions partially purple or pink; stamens pink, green, or white, didynamous or equal; ovary strigose or tomentose; style curved, red, pink, or greenish white, glabrous; stigma recessed. Capsules globose or slightly compressed laterally, circular or cordate in outline with longitudinal ridge across 1 or both faces; spines slender to stout, glabrous or hairy proximally, smooth or with retrorse or recurved barbs distally. Seeds brown. x = 6.


United States, Mexico, West Indies, Central America, South America


Species 18 (4 in the flora).

Selected References



1 Herbs, decumbent; inflorescences terminal, secund racemes; stamens equal. Krameria lanceolata
1 Shrubs, erect; inflorescences axillary, solitary flowers; stamens didynamous. > 2
2 Sepals reflexed; secretory petals with oil-filled blisters covering outer surfaces; petaloid petals distinct, narrowly oblanceolate; spines on capsules slender, bearing unicellular hairs basally and amber-colored recurved barbs to 1 mm near tip. Krameria bicolor
2 Sepals ± cupped inward or around petals and gynoecium; secretory petals with oil-filled blisters mostly on distal portions of outer surfaces; petaloid petals connate basally, free portions oblanceolate to reniform; spines on capsules stout, usually bearing curved multicellular hairs on basal 1/2 and retrorse barbs near tip, or glabrous, sometimes with minute serrations near tip. > 3
3 Shrubs 1–2 m; leaf blades linear to linear-lanceolate, sometimes with multicellular, stipitate, glandular hairs; styles pink; spines on capsules 2–5 mm. Krameria erecta
3 Shrubs 0.3–1 m; leaf blades linear to ovate, lacking glandular hairs; styles greenish white; spines on caspules 0.5–1.5 mm. Krameria ramosissima
... more about "Krameria"
Beryl B. Simpson +
Loefling +
recurved +  and retrorse +
brown +  and gray +
obtuse +, acute +, linear +  and ovate +
cordate;circular;,;compressed;globose +
Rhatany or ratany +
pink +  and purple +
United States +, Mexico +, West Indies +, Central America +  and South America +
For either Johann Georg Heinrich Kramer, 1684–1744, Austrian Army physician and botanist, or his son William Heinrich Kramer, d. 1765, Austrian physician and naturalist, or both +
superior +  and adaxial +
tomentose +  and strigose +
yellow +  and green +
connate +  and distinct +
3 +, 2 +  and 5 +
smaller +
adnate +  and connate +
Iter Hispan., +
orange +, purple +, yellow +, green +, redbrown +, red +  and pink +
magenta +, pink +  and purple +
distinct +
lanceolate +  and ovate or oblong +
with retrorse or recurved barbs +  and smooth +
hairy +  and glabrous +
Slender (?) +  and Stout (?) +
white +, green +  and pink +
villous +, strigose +  and canescent +
greenish white +, pink +  and red +
villous +, strigose +  and canescent +
Krameria +
Krameriaceae +
evergreen +  and perennial +
shrub +  and herb +