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A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride

Bot. Gaz. 56: 474. 1913.

Etymology: For the state Idaho
Basionym: Platyspermum Hooker Fl. Bor.-Amer. 1: 68, plate 18, fig. B. 1830,
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 7. Treatment on page 566. Mentioned on page 224, 229, 239.
imported>Volume Importer
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 12:33, 30 July 2020

FNA7 P70 Teesdalia nudicaulis.jpegTeesdalia nudicaulis
Idahoa scapigera
Isatis tinctoria
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey
Barbara Alongi

Plants scapose. Stems absent. Leaves basal, rosulate, petiolate, blade margins entire or lyrately lobed. Inflorescences (few-to-many) on peduncle from basal rosette. Fruiting pedicels ascending or erect, slender. Flowers: sepals ovate or oblong; petals oblanceolate, (slightly longer than sepals, apex obtuse); stamens (erect), slightly tetradynamous; filaments not dilated basally; anthers ovate or broadly so, (apex obtuse); nectar glands lateral, semiannular, intrastaminal, median glands present (smaller, distinct). Fruits sessile or, rarely, stipitate, orbicular or orbicular-ovate, smooth, strongly latiseptate; valves not veined or obscurely veined; replum slightly flattened; septum complete, (hyaline); stigma capitate. Seeds flattened, broadly winged, orbicular; seed-coat (coarsely reticulate at center), not mucilaginous when wetted; cotyledons accumbent. x = 8.


w North America


Species 1.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

"thick" is not a number.

... more about "Idahoa"
broadly +  and ovate +
Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz +
A. Nelson & J. F. Macbride +
Platyspermum +
appendaged +  and unappendaged +
lobed +  and entire +
much smaller +  and reduced +
urceolate +, campanulate +  and tubular +
branched +  and simple +
well-developed +
not +  and differentiated +
emarginate +  and entire +
w North America +
straight +  and curved +
For the state Idaho +
connate +  and distinct +
tetradynamous +
latiseptate +, stipitate +, , +  and sessile +
orbicular-ovate +  and orbicular +
erect +  and ascending +
connate +  and distinct +
decurrent +
emarginate to 2-fid +  and entire +
pinnatifid +
intrastaminal +  and lateral +
tenuinucellate +, crassinucellate +  and bitegmic +
campylotropous +  and anatropous +
rudimentary +
oblanceolate +
trinucleate +  and 3(-11)-colpate +
flattened +
mucilaginous +
aseriate +, biseriate +  and uniseriate +
not +  and mucilaginous +
white +, black +, brown +  and yellow +
orbicular +  and flattened +
saccate +  and not saccate +
persistent +  and caducous +
distinct +
oblong +  and ovate +
reduced +
latiseptate +, schizocarpic +, samaroid +  and lomentaceous +
indehiscent +  and dehiscent +
angustiseptate +, flat +, angled +, terete +, torulose +, not +, segmented +  and nutletlike +
tetradynamous +
unbranched +  and branched +
procumbent +  and decumbent +
descending +, ascending +  and erect +
2-lobed +, entire +, conical +  and capitate +
subsessile +, sessile +  and petiolate +
persistent +
Cruciferae +
Brassicaceae +
eglandular +, peltate +, malpighiaceous +, dendritic +, sessile +, stalked +, simple +  and unicellular +
scale-like +  and forked +
veined +  and not veined +
pubescent +  and glabrous +
anastomosing +
perennial +, biennial +  and annual +
aquatics +  and terrestrial +
glabrous +  and pubescent +