imported>Volume Importer |
imported>Volume Importer |
(No difference)
Revision as of 12:33, 30 July 2020
- A Text property defining a single value.
- Structure: involucre
- A subproperty of inflorescence
- A Part of inflorescence
Types of involucre
C cont.
I cont.
- Involucel length
- Involucel presence
- Involucel quantity
- Involucel shape
- Involucel size
- Involucel some measurement
- Involucel variability
Parts of involucre
- Abaxial base coloration
- Abaxial base prominence
- Abaxial base pubescence
- Abaxial base quantity
- Adaxial base coloration
- Adaxial base length
- Adaxial base pubescence
- Adaxial base quantity
- Adaxial base shape
- Adaxial base width
- Anther base shape
- Awn base presence
- Awn base shape
- Awn base size
- Banner base coloration
- Banner base pubescence
- Base
- Base architecture
- Base architecture or arrangement
- Base architecture or arrangement or shape or vernation
- Base architecture or coloration or relief
- Base architecture or dehiscence
- Base architecture or fixation
- Base architecture or function or pubescence
- Base architecture or pubescence
- Base architecture or pubescence or relief
- Base architecture or pubescence or shape
- Base architecture or relief
- Base architecture or shape
- Base area
- Base arrangement
- Base arrangement or course or shape
- Base arrangement or growth form
- Base arrangement or relief
- Base arrangement or shape
- Base arrangement or vernation
- Base atypical length
- Base atypical quantity
- Base atypical some measurement
- Base atypical width
- Base character
- Base coating
- Base coloration
- Base coloration or density
- Base coloration or pubescence or relief
- Base coloration or reflectance
- Base coloration or relief
- Base condition
- Base condition or size
- Base condition or texture
- Base course
- Base course or shape
- Base dehiscence
- Base density
- Base depth
- Base derivation
- Base development
- Base diam
- Base diameter
- Base duration
- Base duration or growth form
- Base fixation
- Base fixation or architecture
- Base fixation or orientation
- Base fragility
- Base fragility or size
- Base fusion
- Base growth form
- Base growth form or orientation
- Base growth form or texture
- Base height
- Base height or length
- Base height or length or size
- Base insertion
- Base l w ratio
- Base l/w
- Base length
- Base length or size
- Base length/width
- Base life cycle
- Base location
- Base location or position
- Base maturation
- Base more or les length
- Base orientation
- Base orientation or shape
- Base position
- Base position or shape
- Base position or structure subtype
- Base position relational
- Base presence
- Base prominence
- Base prominence or shape
- Base pubescence
- Base pubescence or relief
- Base pubescence or shape
- Base pubescence or texture
- Base quantity
- Base reflectance
- Base relief
- Base reproduction
- Base shape
- Base shape or architecture
- Base shape or vernation
- Base size
- Base size or length
- Base size or width
- Base some measurement
- Base structure subtype
- Base texture
- Base thickness
- Base variability
- Base width
- Blade base architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Blade base architecture or shape
- Blade base life cycle
- Blade base orientation or shape
- Blade base position
- Blade base shape
- Blade base size
- Blade base width
- Branch base architecture or shape
- Branch base atypical length
- Branch base atypical width
- Branch base coloration
- Branch base length
- Branch base presence
- Branch base shape
- Branch base width
- Broader and longer base shape
- Broader base architecture or shape
- Broader base condition or size
- Broader base length or size
- Calyx base architecture or fixation
- Calyx base orientation
- Calyx base pubescence
- Calyx base quantity
- Calyx base shape
- Calyx base size or width
- Calyx base some measurement
- Capsules base duration
- Capsules base pubescence
- Cauline base architecture
- Cauline base architecture or fixation
- Cauline base atypical length
C cont.
- Cauline base length
- Cauline base position
- Cauline base position or shape
- Cauline base quantity
- Cauline base shape
- Cauline base size
- Cauline base width
- Central base prominence
- Cone base shape
- Connective base architecture
- Connective base height or length or size
- Connective base shape
- Connective base width
- Corolla base coloration
- Corolla base coloration or density
- Corolla base shape
- Corolla base some measurement
- Corolla base texture
- Costa base coloration
- Costa base fixation
- Costa base shape
- Culm base arrangement or pubescence
- Culm base atypical length
- Culm base course
- Culm base duration
- Culm base fixation
- Culm base length
- Culm base life cycle
- Culm base presence
- Culm base shape
- Culm base size or width
- Culm base width
- Distal base architecture
- Distal base architecture or fixation
- Distal base length
- Distal base shape
- Distal base width
- Distal cauline base architecture or fixation
- Distal cauline base shape
- Distalmost base size
- Distalmost involucral-bract arrangement
- Earliest base arrangement or shape
- Earliest base character
- Earliest base shape
- Extreme base coloration
- Extreme base length
- Filament base fusion
- Filament base lengths
- Filament base orientation
- Filament base position
- Filament base pubescence
- Filament base width
- Floral-tube base shape
- Floral-tube base size
- Floret base some measurement
- Furrow base coloration
- Involucral-beak
- Involucral-bract
- Involucral-bract architecture
- Involucral-bract architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Involucral-bract architecture or function or pubescence
- Involucral-bract architecture or pubescence or shape
- Involucral-bract architecture or shape
- Involucral-bract arrangement
- Involucral-bract arrangement or course or shape
- Involucral-bract atypical length
- Involucral-bract atypical quantity
- Involucral-bract atypical some measurement
- Involucral-bract atypical width
- Involucral-bract base architecture
- Involucral-bract base coating
- Involucral-bract base coloration
- Involucral-bract coloration
- Involucral-bract fusion
- Involucral-bract height or length or size
- Involucral-bract length
- Involucral-bract length or size
- Involucral-bract orientation
- Involucral-bract position
- Involucral-bract position relational
- Involucral-bract presence
- Involucral-bract prominence
- Involucral-bract pubescence
- Involucral-bract quantity
- Involucral-bract reflectance
- Involucral-bract shape
- Involucral-bract shape or architecture
- Involucral-bract size
- Involucral-bract size or width
- Involucral-bract some measurement
- Involucral-bract texture
- Involucral-bract variability
- Involucral-bract width
- Involucre base pubescence
- Larger involucral-bract some measurement
- Leaf base architecture or pubescence or relief
- Leaf base architecture or shape
- Leaf base character
- Leaf base coloration
- Leaf base diameter
- Leaf base orientation
- Leaf base quantity
- Leaf base reproduction
- Leaf base shape
- Leaf base size or length
- Leaf base some measurement
- Leaf base texture
- Leaf base variability
- Leaf base width
- Leaflet base shape
- Leaves base coloration
- Limb base architecture
- Limb base architecture or shape
- Limb base pubescence
- Lip abaxial base coloration
- Lip abaxial base quantity
- Lip base coloration
- Lip base fusion
- Lip base shape
- Lobe base architecture
- Lobe base arrangement or shape
- Lobe base coloration
- Lobe base length
- Lobe base shape
- Lobe base size
- Lobe base some measurement
- Longer involucral-bract architecture
- Longer involucral-bract variability
- Longest involucral-bract height or length or size
- Longest primary involucral-bract height or length or size
- Longest primary involucral-bract position relational
- Lower involucral-bract architecture
- Lowermost base architecture
- Mid and distal base architecture or fixation
- Mid base architecture
- Mid base shape
- Mid base size
- Middle base prominence
- Middle base relief
- Middle base shape
- Middle base texture
- Middle lateral base shape
O cont.
- Outer involucral-bract coloration
- Outer involucral-bract height or length or size
- Outer involucral-bract length
- Outer involucral-bract orientation
- Outer involucral-bract prominence
- Outer involucral-bract reflectance
- Outer involucral-bract shape
- Outer involucral-bract some measurement
- Outer involucral-bract variability
- Outermost involucral-bract shape
- Outermost involucral-bract some measurement
- Outermost involucral-bract variability
- Ovary base architecture or shape
- Ovary base course
- Ovary base insertion
- Ovary base shape
- Ovary base size
- Pedicel base architecture
- Pedicel base shape
- Pedicel base width
- Penultimate involucral-bract atypical quantity
- Penultimate involucral-bract quantity
- Perigynium base size or width
- Petal base character
- Petal base fusion
- Petal base pubescence
- Petal base reproduction
- Petal base shape
- Petiolar base architecture or fixation
- Petiolar base length
- Petiolar base life cycle
- Petiolar base quantity
- Petiolar base shape
- Petiolar base some measurement
- Petiolar base width
- Petiole base architecture
- Petiole base architecture or fixation
- Petiole base architecture or function or pubescence
- Petiole base architecture or pubescence or shape
- Petiole base architecture or shape
- Petiole base arrangement
- Petiole base coloration
- Petiole base condition
- Petiole base duration
- Petiole base fusion
- Petiole base life cycle
- Petiole base pubescence
- Petiole base quantity
- Petiole base shape
- Petiole base size
- Petiole base size or width
- Petiole base texture
- Petiole base width
- Phyllaries base texture
- Plant base architecture
- Plant base arrangement or growth form
- Plant base fragility
- Plant base height or length or size
- Plant base pubescence
- Plant base pubescence or texture
- Plant base shape
- Plant base size or width
- Primary involucral-bract atypical quantity
- Primary involucral-bract quantity
- Principal involucral-bract architecture
- Principal involucral-bract arrangement
- Principal involucral-bract position relational
- Proximal base architecture
- Proximal base arrangement
- Proximal base coloration
- Proximal base growth form
- Proximal base height or length or size
- Proximal base quantity
- Proximal base shape
- Proximal base some measurement
- Proximal involucral-bract architecture
- Proximal involucral-bract position relational
- Proximal involucral-bract some measurement
- Proximalmost involucral-bract architecture
- Proximalmost involucral-bract height or length or size
- Proximalmost involucral-bract length
- Proximalmost involucral-bract length or size
- Proximalmost involucral-bract position relational
- Proximalmost involucral-bract quantity
- Secondary involucral-bract architecture
- Secondary involucral-bract arrangement
- Secondary involucral-bract atypical quantity
- Secondary involucral-bract quantity
- Seed-cone base architecture or shape
- Seed-cone base shape
- Segment base shape
- Sheath base coloration
- Sheath base depth
- Sheath base pubescence
- Sheath base quantity
- Sheath base reflectance
- Sheath base texture
- Shoot base orientation
- Sinus base quantity
- Slender base some measurement
- Spine base pubescence
- Staminode base coloration
- Staminode base pubescence
- Stem base architecture
- Stem base architecture or pubescence or relief
- Stem base arrangement
- Stem base atypical some measurement
- Stem base coloration
- Stem base duration
- Stem base pubescence
- Stem base reflectance
- Stem base shape
- Stem base size
- Stem base some measurement
- Stylar base life cycle
- Stylar base some measurement
- Style base architecture
- Style base arrangement
- Style base coloration
- Style base condition
- Style base course
- Style base duration
- Style base fusion
- Style base orientation
- Style base position
- Style base reflectance
- Style base relief
- Style base shape
- Style base size
- Style base some measurement
- Subtending involucral-bract arrangement
- Subtending involucral-bract length or size
Showing 25 related entities (more are available).
- Abaxial base coloration +
- Abaxial base prominence +
- Abaxial base pubescence +
- Abaxial base quantity +
- Adaxial base coloration +
- Adaxial base length +
- Adaxial base pubescence +
- Adaxial base quantity +
- Adaxial base shape +
- Adaxial base width +
- Anther base shape +
- Awn base presence +
- Awn base shape +
- Awn base size +
- Banner base coloration +
- Banner base pubescence +
- Base +
- Base architecture +
- Base architecture or arrangement +
- Base architecture or arrangement or shape or vernation +
- Base architecture or coloration or relief +
- Base architecture or dehiscence +
- Base architecture or fixation +
- Base architecture or function or pubescence +
- Base architecture or pubescence +
- ...