imported>Volume Importer |
imported>Volume Importer |
Revision as of 17:48, 29 July 2020
- A Text property defining a single value.
- Structure: palea
- A subproperty of inflorescence
- A Part of inflorescence
Types of palea
Parts of palea
- Abaxial margin architecture
- Abaxial margin architecture or pubescence or relief
- Abaxial margin architecture or shape
- Abaxial margin character
- Abaxial margin coloration
- Abaxial margin course
- Abaxial margin presence
- Abaxial margin prominence
- Abaxial margin pubescence
- Abaxial margin pubescence or relief
- Abaxial margin shape
- Achene margin relief
- Achene margin width
- Adaxial margin architecture
- Adaxial margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Adaxial margin architecture or shape
- Adaxial margin arrangement
- Adaxial margin coloration
- Adaxial margin course
- Adaxial margin height or length or size
- Adaxial margin length
- Adaxial margin life cycle
- Adaxial margin orientation
- Adaxial margin prominence
- Adaxial margin pubescence
- Adaxial margin pubescence or relief
- Adaxial margin shape
- Adaxial margin texture
- Adaxial margin width
- Anther margin coloration
- Apex margin architecture or relief
- Apex margin prominence or shape
- Apex margin shape or vernation
- Apical margin architecture
- Apical margin architecture or dehiscence
- Apical margin architecture or pubescence or relief
- Apical margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Apical margin architecture or relief
- Apical margin architecture or shape
- Apical margin coloration
- Apical margin course
- Apical margin depth
- Apical margin growth form or texture
- Apical margin length
- Apical margin pubescence
- Apical margin pubescence or relief
- Apical margin relief
- Apical margin shape
- Apical margin some measurement
- Apical margin width
- Areole margin architecture
- Areole margin height or length or size
- Areole margin quantity
- Basal margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Basal margin fusion
- Basal margin position
- Basal margin pubescence
- Basal margin quantity
- Basal margin shape
- Beak margin architecture
- Beak margin coloration
- Between glands margin pubescence
- Between glands margin shape
- Between individuals margin shape
- Between individuals margin variability
- Between portions margin architecture
- Between portions margin architecture or shape
- Between portions margin atypical length
- Between portions margin length
- Between portions margin life cycle
- Between portions margin orientation
- Between portions margin shape
- Between portions margin width
- Between teeth and awn margin coloration
- Between teeth and awn margin prominence
- Between teeth and awn margin texture
- Between teeth margin coloration
- Between teeth margin texture
- Between teeth margin width
- Blade margin architecture
- Blade margin architecture or function or pubescence
- Blade margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Blade margin architecture or shape
- Blade margin atypical some measurement
- Blade margin coloration
- Blade margin course
- Blade margin fragility or size
- Blade margin length
- Blade margin life cycle
- Blade margin orientation
- Blade margin position
- Blade margin presence
- Blade margin prominence
- Blade margin pubescence
- Blade margin pubescence or texture
- Blade margin shape
- Blade margin size
- Blade margin size or width
- Blade margin some measurement
- Blade margin width
- Blades margin architecture or shape
- Body margin architecture or shape
- Bract margin architecture
- Bract margin architecture or function or pubescence
- Bract margin architecture or relief
- Bract margin architecture or shape
- Bract margin pubescence
- Bract margin shape
- Bract margin texture
- Bracteole margin architecture
- Bracteole margin architecture or function or pubescence
- Bracteole margin architecture or shape
- Bracteole margin pubescence
- Bracteole margin shape
- Branch unit architecture
- Branch unit height or length or size
- Bud-scale margin arrangement
- Bud-scale margin fusion
- Cauline margin architecture
- Cauline margin architecture or shape
- Cauline margin life cycle
- Cauline margin pubescence
- Cauline margin shape
- Cauline margin size
- Cell margin architecture or shape
- Cell margin course
- Cell margin orientation
- Cell margin position or shape
- Cell margin quantity
- Cell margin shape
- Cell margin shape or vernation
- Central margin coloration
- Central margin position
- Central margin shape
- Central margin size
- Claw margin shape
- Collar margin prominence or shape
- Collar margin pubescence
- Collar margin shape
- Collateral margin architecture or shape
- Collateral margin arrangement
- Collateral margin coloration
- Collateral margin prominence
- Collateral margin shape
- Collateral margin size
- Cup margin shape or vernation
- Distal cauline margin architecture or shape
- Distal cauline margin shape
- Distal cauline margin size
- Distal laminal margin architecture
- Distal laminal margin orientation
- Distal laminal margin shape
- Distal laminal margin shape or vernation
- Distal margin architecture
- Distal margin architecture or course
- Distal margin architecture or pubescence or relief
- Distal margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Distal margin architecture or relief
- Distal margin architecture or shape
- Distal margin arrangement
- Distal margin character
- Distal margin coloration
- Distal margin coloration or reflectance
- Distal margin fusion
- Distal margin height or length or size
- Distal margin length
- Distal margin life cycle
D cont.
- Distal margin orientation
- Distal margin position
- Distal margin position relational
- Distal margin presence
- Distal margin prominence
- Distal margin pubescence
- Distal margin quantity
- Distal margin relief
- Distal margin shape
- Distal margin shape or vernation
- Distal margin some measurement
- Distal margin texture
- Distal margin variability
- Distal margin width
- Distalmost margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Distalmost margin architecture or shape
- Distalmost margin shape
- Distalmost margin shape or vernation
- Dorsal margin coloration
- Dorsal margin length
- Dorsal margin shape
- Dorsal margin width
- Earliest margin arrangement or shape
- Earliest margin character
- Earliest margin shape
- Exostome margin architecture or shape
- Individual unit architecture
- Inflorescence unit architecture
- Inflorescence unit arrangement
- Inflorescence unit arrangement or growth form
- Inflorescence unit atypical quantity
- Inflorescence unit fixation or orientation
- Inflorescence unit length
- Inflorescence unit nutrition
- Inflorescence unit position
- Inflorescence unit position or structure subtype
- Inflorescence unit prominence
- Inflorescence unit quantity
- Inflorescence unit variability
- Inflorescence unit width
- Inner margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Inner margin architecture or relief
- Inner margin architecture or shape
- Inner margin coloration
- Inner margin coloration or reflectance
- Inner margin quantity
- Inner margin shape
- Inner margin texture
- Inner margin width
- Lamina margin architecture
- Lamina margin architecture or shape
- Lamina margin orientation
- Lamina margin shape
- Lamina margin size or width
- Laminal margin architecture
- Laminal margin architecture or pubescence or relief
- Laminal margin character
- Laminal margin orientation
- Laminal margin shape
- Lateral margin coloration
- Lateral margin fixation or orientation
- Lateral margin fusion
- Lateral margin length
- Lateral margin position
- Lateral margin shape
- Lateral margin shape or vernation
- Lateral margin width
- Lateral unit architecture
- Leaf margin architecture
- Leaf margin architecture or shape
- Leaf margin arrangement
- Leaf margin coloration
- Leaf margin course
- Leaf margin development
- Leaf margin orientation
- Leaf margin position or shape
- Leaf margin prominence or shape
- Leaf margin pubescence
- Leaf margin quantity
- Leaf margin relief
- Leaf margin reproduction
- Leaf margin shape
- Leaf margin shape or architecture
- Leaf margin shape or vernation
- Leaf margin size
- Leaf-blade margin pubescence
- Leaflet margin architecture
- Leaflet margin architecture or shape
- Leaflet margin shape
- Leaves margin architecture
- Leaves margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Lemma margin arrangement
- Lemma margin pubescence
- Lemma margin shape
- Lemma margin shape or vernation
- Lemma margin texture
- Limb margin architecture or shape
- Limb margin relief
- Limb margin shape
- Lip margin shape or vernation
- Lobe margin architecture
- Lobe margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Lobe margin architecture or shape
- Lobe margin coloration
- Lobe margin depth
- Lobe margin length or size
- Lobe margin pubescence
- Lobe margin relief
- Lobe margin shape
- Lower margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Lower margin prominence
- Lower margin relief
- Margin
- Margin architecture
- Margin architecture or arrangement
- Margin architecture or course
- Margin architecture or dehiscence
- Margin architecture or fixation
- Margin architecture or fragility
- Margin architecture or function or pubescence
- Margin architecture or pubescence
- Margin architecture or pubescence or relief
- Margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Margin architecture or relief
- Margin architecture or shape
- Margin area
- Margin arrangement
- Margin arrangement or course or shape
- Margin arrangement or density
- Margin arrangement or pubescence
- Margin arrangement or relief
- Margin arrangement or shape
- Margin arrangement or shape or course
- Margin arrangement or vernation
- Margin atypical area
- Margin atypical length
- Margin atypical quantity
- Margin atypical some measurement
- Margin atypical width
- Margin character
- Margin coating
- Margin coloration
- Margin coloration or density
- Margin coloration or pubescence or relief
- Margin coloration or reflectance
- Margin coloration or relief
- Margin condition
- Margin condition or size
- Margin course
- Margin course or shape
- Margin dehiscence
- Margin dehiscence or orientation
- Margin density
- Margin depth
- Margin development
- Margin diameter
- Margin duration
- Margin duration or growth form
- Margin fixation or orientation
- Margin fragility
- Margin fragility or size
- Margin fusion
- Margin geographical terms
- Margin growth form or texture
- Margin growth order
M cont.
- Margin height
- Margin height or length or size
- Margin insertion
- Margin l w ratio
- Margin length
- Margin length or size
- Margin lengths
- Margin life cycle
- Margin orientation
- Margin orientation or shape
- Margin position
- Margin position or shape
- Margin position or structure subtype
- Margin position relational
- Margin presence
- Margin prominence
- Margin prominence or shape
- Margin pubescence
- Margin pubescence or relief
- Margin pubescence or relief or texture
- Margin pubescence or shape
- Margin pubescence or shape or architecture
- Margin pubescence or texture
- Margin quantity
- Margin ratio
- Margin reflectance
- Margin relief
- Margin relief or texture
- Margin reproduction
- Margin shape
- Margin shape or architecture
- Margin shape or vernation
- Margin size
- Margin size or quantity
- Margin size or width
- Margin some measurement
- Margin structure in adjective form
- Margin structure subtype
- Margin texture
- Margin variability
- Margin vernation or shape
- Margin width
- Mid margin architecture
- Mid margin shape
- Mid margin size
- Mid to distal margin architecture or shape
- Middle lateral margin shape
- Middle margin architecture or course
- Middle margin architecture or shape
- Middle margin coloration
- Middle margin length
- Middle margin prominence
- Middle margin relief
- Middle margin shape
- Middle margin texture
- Middle margin width
- Ocrea margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Outer margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Outer margin architecture or shape
- Outer margin growth form or texture
- Outer margin height or length or size
- Outer margin pubescence
- Outer margin shape
- Outermost margin architecture
- Outermost margin architecture or shape
- Palea margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Palea margin arrangement
- Palea margin pubescence
- Palea unit shape
- Palea unit some measurement
- Petal margin pubescence
- Petal margin shape
- Petiolar margin length
- Petiolar margin life cycle
- Petiolar margin shape
- Petiolar margin width
- Petiole margin architecture
- Petiole margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Petiole margin architecture or shape
- Petiole margin pubescence
- Petiole margin size or width
- Petiole margin texture
- Petiole proximalmost margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Phyllary margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Phyllary margin growth form or texture
- Phyllary margin pubescence
- Pinna margin shape
- Pinna margin shape or vernation
- Pinna margin texture
- Pinnule margin architecture
- Pinnule margin architecture or shape
- Pinnule margin shape
- Process margin shape
- Proximal and mid margin pubescence
- Proximal cauline margin architecture or shape
- Proximal margin architecture
- Proximal margin architecture or arrangement or shape or vernation
- Proximal margin architecture or coloration or relief
- Proximal margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Proximal margin architecture or shape
- Proximal margin character
- Proximal margin coloration
- Proximal margin coloration or density
- Proximal margin length
- Proximal margin length or size
- Proximal margin orientation
- Proximal margin pubescence
- Proximal margin relief
- Proximal margin shape
- Proximal margin some measurement
- Proximal margin texture
- Proximal margin variability
- Proximal margin width
- Scale margin architecture or course
- Scale margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Scale margin architecture or relief
- Scale margin architecture or shape
- Scale margin arrangement
- Scale margin coloration
- Scale margin condition or fragility
- Scale margin fusion
- Scale margin pubescence
- Scale margin shape
- Scales margin shape
- Seeds margin shape
- Segment margin architecture
- Segment margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Segment margin architecture or shape
- Segment margin arrangement
- Segment margin orientation
- Segment margin prominence
- Segment margin shape
- Segment margin shape or vernation
- Sepal margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Sepal margin architecture or shape
- Sepal margin coloration
- Sepal margin fusion
- Sepal margin growth form or texture
- Sepal margin pubescence
- Sepal margin pubescence or texture
- Sepal margin shape
- Sepal margin size or width
- Sepal margin texture
- Sepals margin texture
- Septa margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Septum margin size
- Sheath margin architecture
- Sheath margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Sheath margin architecture or shape
- Sheath margin arrangement
- Sheath margin coloration
- Sheath margin fusion
- Sheath margin pubescence
- Sheath margin some measurement
- Sheath margin texture
- Side margin architecture or pubescence or relief
- Smaller margin architecture or shape
- Smaller margin shape
- Spike unit length or size
- Spike unit some measurement
- Spikelet unit architecture
- Spikelet unit quantity
- Spikelet unit reproduction
- Sporophyll margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Sporophyll margin shape
- ... further results
Showing 25 related entities (more are available).
- Abaxial margin architecture +
- Abaxial margin architecture or pubescence or relief +
- Abaxial margin architecture or shape +
- Abaxial margin character +
- Abaxial margin coloration +
- Abaxial margin course +
- Abaxial margin presence +
- Abaxial margin prominence +
- Abaxial margin pubescence +
- Abaxial margin pubescence or relief +
- Abaxial margin shape +
- Achene margin relief +
- Achene margin width +
- Adaxial margin architecture +
- Adaxial margin architecture or pubescence or shape +
- Adaxial margin architecture or shape +
- Adaxial margin arrangement +
- Adaxial margin coloration +
- Adaxial margin course +
- Adaxial margin height or length or size +
- Adaxial margin length +
- Adaxial margin life cycle +
- Adaxial margin orientation +
- Adaxial margin prominence +
- Adaxial margin pubescence +
- ...