Revision as of 17:10, 29 July 2020 by imported>Volume Importer
Types of style
Parts of style
- 3-locular apex coloration
- 3-locular apex dehiscence
- 3-locular apex position
- 3-locular apex shape
- 3-locular apex some measurement
- Abaxial apex architecture or pubescence or relief
- Abaxial apex character
- Abaxial apex condition or texture
- Abaxial apex fragility
- Abaxial apex pubescence or relief
- Abaxial apex shape
- Abaxial appendage coloration
- Abaxial appendage presence
- Abaxial appendage prominence
- Abaxial appendage quantity
- Abaxial appendage shape
- Abaxial appendage some measurement
- Abaxial appendage width
- Achene apex some measurement
- Adaxial apex architecture or shape
- Adaxial apex fragility
- Adaxial apex length
- Adaxial apex prominence
- Adaxial apex pubescence
- Adaxial apex shape
- Adaxial apex texture
- Adaxial apex width
- Anther apex architecture
- Anther apex architecture or shape
- Anther apex arrangement
- Anther apex shape
- Anther appendage arrangement or shape
- Anther appendage pubescence
- Anther appendage shape
- Apex
- Apex abaxially
- Apex apex architecture
- Apex apex size or width
- Apex appendage atypical some measurement
- Apex appendage development
- Apex appendage some measurement
- Apex architecture
- Apex architecture or arrangement
- Apex architecture or arrangement or shape or vernation
- Apex architecture or coloration or relief
- Apex architecture or course
- Apex architecture or dehiscence
- Apex architecture or fixation
- Apex architecture or fragility
- Apex architecture or function or pubescence
- Apex architecture or pubescence
- Apex architecture or pubescence or relief
- Apex architecture or pubescence or shape
- Apex architecture or relief
- Apex architecture or shape
- Apex architecture or structure in adjective form
- Apex architecture ref taxa
- Apex arrangement
- Apex arrangement or course or shape
- Apex arrangement or dehiscence
- Apex arrangement or growth form
- Apex arrangement or pubescence
- Apex arrangement or shape
- Apex arrangement or shape or course
- Apex arrangement or vernation
- Apex atypical length
- Apex atypical quantity
- Apex atypical some measurement
- Apex atypical width
- Apex character
- Apex coating
- Apex coating or coloration
- Apex coloration
- Apex coloration or density
- Apex coloration or pubescence or relief
- Apex coloration or reflectance
- Apex coloration or relief
- Apex condition
- Apex condition or fragility
- Apex condition or size
- Apex condition or texture
- Apex course
- Apex course or shape
- Apex degree
- Apex dehiscence
- Apex dehiscence or orientation
- Apex depth
- Apex development
- Apex diam
- Apex diameter
- Apex duration
- Apex duration or growth form
- Apex fixation
- Apex fixation or orientation
- Apex fragility
- Apex fragility or size
- Apex fragility or texture
- Apex function
- Apex fusion
- Apex growth form or texture
- Apex height
- Apex height or length or size
- Apex length
- Apex length or size
- Apex lengths
- Apex les length
- Apex les width
- Apex life cycle
- Apex location
- Apex odor or shape
- Apex orientation
- Apex orientation or shape
- Apex phyllotaxy
- Apex position
- Apex position or shape
- Apex position or structure subtype
- Apex position relational
- Apex presence
- Apex prominence
- Apex prominence or shape
- Apex pubescence
- Apex pubescence or relief
- Apex pubescence or shape
- Apex pubescence or texture
- Apex quantity
- Apex reflectance
- Apex relief
- Apex relief or texture
- Apex reproduction
- Apex shape
- Apex shape or architecture
- Apex shape or vernation
- Apex size
- Apex size or width
- Apex some measurement
- Apex structure in adjective form
- Apex texture
- Apex variability
- Apex width
- Apical apex architecture or dehiscence
- Apical apex architecture or pubescence or relief
- Apical apex architecture or shape
- Apical apex arrangement
- Apical apex pubescence or relief
- Apical apex quantity
- Apical apex shape
- Apical appendage architecture
- Apical appendage architecture or shape
- Apical appendage arrangement or course or shape
- Apical appendage course
- Apical appendage development
- Apical appendage growth form or texture
- Apical appendage height or length or size
- Apical appendage length or size
- Apical appendage orientation
- Apical appendage presence
- Apical appendage prominence
- Apical appendage quantity
- Apical appendage shape
- Apical appendage size
- Apical appendage texture
- Apiculu; apiculu apex shape
- Appendage
- Appendage architecture
- Appendage architecture or course
- Appendage architecture or pubescence or shape
- Appendage architecture or relief
A cont.
- Appendage architecture or shape
- Appendage arrangement
- Appendage arrangement or course or shape
- Appendage arrangement or shape
- Appendage atypical length
- Appendage atypical quantity
- Appendage atypical some measurement
- Appendage atypical width
- Appendage coloration
- Appendage condition
- Appendage course
- Appendage derivation
- Appendage development
- Appendage duration
- Appendage fixation or orientation
- Appendage fusion
- Appendage growth form or texture
- Appendage height or length or size
- Appendage length
- Appendage length or size
- Appendage life cycle
- Appendage orientation
- Appendage position
- Appendage presence
- Appendage prominence
- Appendage prominence or shape
- Appendage pubescence
- Appendage pubescence or relief
- Appendage pubescence or texture
- Appendage quantity
- Appendage relief
- Appendage reproduction
- Appendage shape
- Appendage shape or vernation
- Appendage size
- Appendage size or width
- Appendage some measurement
- Appendage texture
- Appendage variability
- Appendage width
- Basal appendage architecture or shape
- Basal appendage length
- Basal appendage shape
- Basal appendage width
- Base apex architecture or relief
- Base apex architecture or shape
- Base apex course
- Base apex orientation
- Base apex prominence or shape
- Base apex shape
- Base apex size
- Base apex size or width
- Base apex texture
- Beak apex atypical length
- Beak apex condition or size
- Beak apex length
- Beak apex shape
- Beak apex width
- Blade apex architecture
- Blade apex architecture or relief
- Blade apex architecture or shape
- Blade apex length
- Blade apex position
- Blade apex shape
- Blade apex width
- Body apex architecture
- Body apex architecture or relief
- Body apex architecture or shape
- Body apex coloration
- Body apex course
- Body apex height or length or size
- Body apex length or size
- Body apex orientation
- Body apex prominence or shape
- Body apex pubescence or relief
- Body apex shape
- Body apex size
- Body apex size or width
- Body apex texture
- Bract apex architecture or pubescence or shape
- Bract apex architecture or relief
- Bract apex architecture or shape
- Bract apex fusion
- Bract apex length
- Bract apex position or shape
- Bract apex shape
- Branch apex architecture
- Branch apex coloration
- Branch apex fragility
- Branch apex height or length or size
- Branch apex quantity
- Branch apex shape
- Branch apex some measurement
- Branch apex texture
- Branch appendage architecture
- Branch appendage architecture or shape
- Branch appendage character
- Branch appendage presence
- Bud apex course
- Bud apex orientation
- Bud apex shape
- Cone apex shape
- Connective apex architecture or pubescence or relief
- Connective apex coloration
- Connective apex length
- Connective apex prominence
- Connective apex pubescence
- Connective apex shape
- Connective apex size
- Connective apex some measurement
- Connective appendage atypical some measurement
- Connective appendage character
- Connective appendage orientation
- Connective appendage presence
- Connective appendage size
- Connective appendage some measurement
- Coronal appendage presence
- Coronal appendage quantity
- Coronal appendage shape
- Coronal appendage some measurement
- Costal apex coloration
- Distal apex architecture or shape
- Distal apex coloration
- Distal apex height or length or size
- Distal apex orientation
- Distal apex pubescence
- Distal apex shape
- Distal apex some measurement
- Distal apex width
- Distal appendage pubescence or texture
- Distal appendage shape
- Distal laminal apex architecture
- End lateral apex shape
- End lateral apex size or width
- Erect; erect apex course
- Extreme apex architecture
- Extreme apex prominence or shape
- Extreme apex shape
- Face apex architecture
- Face apex pubescence
- Filament appendage architecture or shape
- Filament appendage orientation
- Filament appendage shape
- Flattened; flattened apex architecture or shape
- Flattened; flattened apex pubescence or relief
- Flattened; flattened apex shape
- Flexuou; flexuou apex architecture
- Flexuou; flexuou apex architecture or relief
- Flexuou; flexuou apex architecture or shape
- Flexuou; flexuou apex orientation
- Flexuou; flexuou apex prominence or shape
- Flexuou; flexuou apex pubescence
- Flexuou; flexuou apex pubescence or relief
- Flexuou; flexuou apex shape
- Flexuou; flexuou apex size
- Flexuou; flexuou apex size or width
- Flexuou; flexuou apex texture
- Front apex architecture or shape
- Front apex atypical some measurement
- Front apex length
- Front apex shape
- Front apex some measurement
- Fruit apex fixation or orientation
- Fruit apex shape
G cont.
- Gland appendage coloration
- Gland appendage derivation
- Gland appendage length
- Gland appendage orientation or shape
- Gland appendage presence
- Gland appendage prominence
- Gland appendage shape
- Gland appendage size
- Gland appendage width
- Glume apex architecture
- Glume apex shape
- Included apex architecture or pubescence or relief
- Included apex architecture or shape
- Included apex atypical length
- Included apex atypical width
- Included apex coloration
- Included apex length
- Included apex position
- Included apex quantity
- Included apex reflectance
- Included apex relief or texture
- Included apex shape
- Included apex width
- Inner apex architecture
- Inner apex architecture or shape
- Inner apex coloration
- Inner apex orientation
- Inner apex shape
- Inner apex texture
- Inner apex width
- Inner; inner apex architecture
- Inner; inner apex coloration
- Inner; inner apex course
- Inner; inner apex orientation
- Inner; inner apex shape
- Inner; inner apex size
- Inner; inner apex texture
- Internode apex shape
- Lateral appendage prominence
- Lateral appendage quantity
- Lateral appendage shape
- Leaf apex architecture
- Leaf apex architecture or pubescence or relief
- Leaf apex architecture or shape
- Leaf apex arrangement
- Leaf apex atypical quantity
- Leaf apex coloration
- Leaf apex condition or size
- Leaf apex condition or texture
- Leaf apex course
- Leaf apex duration
- Leaf apex fragility
- Leaf apex height or length or size
- Leaf apex length
- Leaf apex orientation
- Leaf apex position or shape
- Leaf apex presence
- Leaf apex quantity
- Leaf apex reproduction
- Leaf apex shape
- Leaf apex size or width
- Leaf apex some measurement
- Leaf apex width
- Leaf-blade apex shape
- Leaflet apex shape
- Lemma apex architecture or shape
- Lemma apex arrangement
- Lemma apex course
- Lemma apex life cycle
- Lemma apex orientation
- Lemma apex position relational
- Lemma apex pubescence
- Lemma apex shape
- Lemma apex some measurement
- Lemmas apex shape
- Limb apex course
- Limb apex pubescence
- Limb apex shape
- Lobe apex architecture
- Lobe apex architecture or relief
- Lobe apex architecture or shape
- Lobe apex arrangement
- Lobe apex arrangement or shape
- Lobe apex coloration
- Lobe apex condition
- Lobe apex height or length or size
- Lobe apex length
- Lobe apex length or size
- Lobe apex length/width
- Lobe apex life cycle
- Lobe apex orientation
- Lobe apex position
- Lobe apex position or shape
- Lobe apex position or structure subtype
- Lobe apex prominence
- Lobe apex quantity
- Lobe apex shape
- Lobe apex size
- Lobe apex some measurement
- Lobe distal apex architecture or shape
- Mid apex architecture
- Mid apex course
- Mid apex length
- Mid apex orientation
- Mid apex position
- Mid apex shape
- Mid apex some measurement
- Mid apex width
- Middle apex architecture or shape
- Middle apex position relational
- Middle apex prominence
- Middle apex relief
- Middle apex shape
- Middle apex texture
- Middle lateral apex pubescence
- Middle lateral apex shape
- Narrow; narrow apex architecture
- Narrow; narrow apex course
- Narrow; narrow apex prominence or shape
- Nutritive appendage coloration
- Nutritive appendage prominence
- Outer and mid apex area
- Outer and mid apex course
- Outer and mid apex orientation
- Outer and mid apex size
- Outer apex architecture
- Outer apex architecture or shape
- Outer apex arrangement or course or shape
- Outer apex growth form or texture
- Outer apex length or size
- Outer apex orientation
- Outer apex position
- Outer apex shape
- Outer apex texture
- Ovary apex pubescence
- Ovary apex shape
- Pedicel apex shape
- Pedicel apex width
- Perianth apex orientation
- Perianth appendage architecture or shape
- Perianth appendage coloration
- Perianth appendage dehiscence or orientation
- Perianth appendage fusion
- Perianth appendage orientation
- Perianth appendage position relational
- Perianth appendage presence
- Perianth appendage quantity
- Perianth appendage shape
- Perianth appendage some measurement
- Petal apex architecture or shape
- Petal apex orientation
- Petal apex shape
- Petiole apex quantity
- Phyllary apex architecture
- Phyllary apex architecture or relief
- Phyllary apex architecture or shape
- Phyllary apex arrangement or course or shape
- Phyllary apex arrangement or vernation
- Phyllary apex coloration
- Phyllary apex course
- Phyllary apex development
- Phyllary apex length
- Phyllary apex orientation
- Phyllary apex prominence or shape
- Phyllary apex relief
- Phyllary apex shape
- ... further results
Showing 25 related entities (more are available).
- 3-locular apex coloration +
- 3-locular apex dehiscence +
- 3-locular apex position +
- 3-locular apex shape +
- 3-locular apex some measurement +
- Abaxial apex architecture or pubescence or relief +
- Abaxial apex character +
- Abaxial apex condition or texture +
- Abaxial apex fragility +
- Abaxial apex pubescence or relief +
- Abaxial apex shape +
- Abaxial appendage coloration +
- Abaxial appendage presence +
- Abaxial appendage prominence +
- Abaxial appendage quantity +
- Abaxial appendage shape +
- Abaxial appendage some measurement +
- Abaxial appendage width +
- Achene apex some measurement +
- Adaxial apex architecture or shape +
- Adaxial apex fragility +
- Adaxial apex length +
- Adaxial apex prominence +
- Adaxial apex pubescence +
- Adaxial apex shape +
- ...