Revision as of 08:59, 30 July 2020 by imported>Volume Importer
- A Text property defining a single value.
- Structure: peduncle
- A subproperty of inflorescence
- A Part of inflorescence
Types of peduncle
Parts of peduncle
- Apical bract prominence or shape
- Apical bract quantity
- Apical bract shape
- Apical bract size
- Apical bract width
- Axis bract arrangement
- Axis bract arrangement or density
- Axis bract atypical quantity
- Axis bract atypical some measurement
- Axis bract coloration
- Axis bract position relational
- Axis bract quantity
- Axis bract shape
- Axis bract size
- Axis bract some measurement
- Basal and apical bract reproduction
- Bract
- Bract architecture
- Bract architecture or arrangement
- Bract architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Bract architecture or coloration or relief
- Bract architecture or fixation
- Bract architecture or fragility
- Bract architecture or function or pubescence
- Bract architecture or orientation or position
- Bract architecture or position
- Bract architecture or pubescence
- Bract architecture or pubescence or relief
- Bract architecture or pubescence or shape
- Bract architecture or relief
- Bract architecture or shape
- Bract arrangement
- Bract arrangement or course or shape
- Bract arrangement or density
- Bract arrangement or growth form
- Bract arrangement or shape
- Bract arrangement or vernation
- Bract atypical length
- Bract atypical quantity
- Bract atypical some measurement
- Bract atypical width
- Bract character
- Bract coating
- Bract coloration
- Bract coloration or density
- Bract coloration or odor
- Bract coloration or pubescence or relief
- Bract coloration or reflectance
- Bract coloration or relief
- Bract condition
- Bract condition or texture
- Bract count or density
- Bract course
- Bract density
- Bract depth
- Bract development
- Bract diameter
- Bract duration
- Bract fixation
- Bract fixation or orientation
- Bract fragility
- Bract fusion
- Bract growth form
- Bract growth form or location
- Bract growth form or texture
- Bract height or length or size
- Bract l w ratio
- Bract length
- Bract length or size
- Bract lengths
- Bract life cycle
- Bract location
- Bract orientation
- Bract orientation or shape
- Bract position
- Bract position or shape
- Bract position relational
- Bract presence
- Bract prominence
- Bract prominence or shape
- Bract pubescence
- Bract pubescence or relief
- Bract pubescence or texture
- Bract quantity
- Bract reflectance
- Bract relief
- Bract reproduction
- Bract shape
- Bract shape or vernation
- Bract size
- Bract size or length
- Bract size or width
- Bract some measurement
- Bract texture
- Bract variability
- Bract width
- Cauline and distal floral bract architecture
- Cauline and distal floral bract size
- Cauline bract architecture or shape
- Cauline bract quantity
- Cauline bract shape
- Cauline bract size
- Cauline distal and floral bract architecture
- Cauline distal and floral bract architecture or fixation
- Cauline distal and floral bract size
- Central bract shape
- Central bract size
- Central bract some measurement
- Cincinnal bract architecture or shape
- Cincinnal bract arrangement
- Cincinnal bract coloration
- Cincinnal bract quantity
- Culm bract architecture or shape
- Culm bract atypical some measurement
- Culm bract height or length or size
- Culm bract length or size
- Culm bract orientation
- Culm bract pubescence
- Culm bract quantity
- Culm bract shape
- Culm bract some measurement
- Distal bract architecture
- Distal bract architecture or pubescence or shape
- Distal bract architecture or shape
- Distal bract arrangement
- Distal bract arrangement or course or shape
- Distal bract atypical some measurement
- Distal bract coloration
- Distal bract diameter
- Distal bract growth form or texture
- Distal bract height or length or size
- Distal bract l w ratio
- Distal bract length
- Distal bract length or size
- Distal bract life cycle
- Distal bract orientation
- Distal bract position
- Distal bract position or structure subtype
- Distal bract position relational
- Distal bract presence
- Distal bract pubescence
- Distal bract quantity
- Distal bract shape
- Distal bract size
- Distal bract some measurement
- Distal bract texture
- Distal bract thickness
- Distal bract variability
- Distal bract width
- Distal cauline bract arrangement
- Distal cauline bract quantity
- Distal distal and floral bract architecture or fixation
- Distal distal and floral bract size
- Distalmost bract architecture
- Distalmost bract architecture or shape
- Distalmost bract arrangement or course or shape
- Distalmost bract average some measurement
- Distalmost bract height or length or size
- Distalmost bract length
- Distalmost bract prominence
- Distalmost bract shape
- Distalmost bract some measurement
- Distalmost bract variability
D cont.
- Floral bract architecture
- Floral bract architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Floral bract architecture or shape
- Floral bract arrangement
- Floral bract arrangement or shape
- Floral bract atypical quantity
- Floral bract atypical some measurement
- Floral bract coloration
- Floral bract coloration or reflectance
- Floral bract development
- Floral bract duration
- Floral bract fusion
- Floral bract height or length or size
- Floral bract length
- Floral bract length or size
- Floral bract orientation
- Floral bract position
- Floral bract presence
- Floral bract prominence
- Floral bract pubescence
- Floral bract quantity
- Floral bract reflectance
- Floral bract shape
- Floral bract size
- Floral bract some measurement
- Floral bract texture
- Floral bract width
- Flower bract architecture
- Flower bract arrangement
- Flower bract height or length or size
- Flower bract length or size
- Flower bract shape
- Flower bract some measurement
- Flower bract variability
- Foliaceous bract arrangement
- Foliaceous bract arrangement or density
- Foliaceous bract size
- Inflorescence bract architecture
- Inflorescence bract architecture or shape
- Inflorescence bract arrangement
- Inflorescence bract atypical length
- Inflorescence bract atypical some measurement
- Inflorescence bract coloration
- Inflorescence bract duration
- Inflorescence bract fragility
- Inflorescence bract fusion
- Inflorescence bract growth form or texture
- Inflorescence bract height or length or size
- Inflorescence bract length
- Inflorescence bract length or size
- Inflorescence bract position
- Inflorescence bract presence
- Inflorescence bract prominence
- Inflorescence bract pubescence or texture
- Inflorescence bract quantity
- Inflorescence bract shape
- Inflorescence bract some measurement
- Inflorescence bract texture
- Inflorescence bract variability
- Inflorescence bract width
- Inner bract architecture or function or pubescence
- Inner bract architecture or shape
- Inner bract atypical some measurement
- Inner bract coloration
- Inner bract duration
- Inner bract fusion
- Inner bract growth form or texture
- Inner bract pubescence
- Inner bract shape
- Inner bract size
- Inner bract some measurement
- Inner bract texture
- Inner bract width
- Inner perigonial bract architecture or shape
- Inner perigonial bract length or size
- Inner perigonial bract shape
- Inner perigonial bract size
- Inner perigonial bract some measurement
- Innermost bract shape
- Innermost bract size
- Larger bract architecture or shape
- Larger bract position
- Larger bract presence
- Larger bract quantity
- Lateral bract shape
- Leaf bract architecture
- Leaf bract architecture or shape
- Leaf bract arrangement
- Leaf bract arrangement or growth form
- Leaf bract fusion
- Leaf bract prominence
- Leaf bract pubescence
- Leaf bract quantity
- Leaf bract shape
- Lobe bract coloration
- Lobe bract shape
- Longer bract architecture
- Longer bract arrangement
- Longer bract atypical length
- Longer bract height or length or size
- Longer bract length
- Longer bract orientation
- Longer bract position relational
- Longer bract quantity
- Longer bract shape
- Longer bract some measurement
- Longer bract width
- Longest bract atypical some measurement
- Longest bract length
- Longest bract orientation
- Longest bract some measurement
- Longest bract width
- Longest proximal bract atypical some measurement
- Longest proximal bract some measurement
- Lower bract coloration
- Lower bract growth form or texture
- Lower bract shape
- Lower bract some measurement
- Node bract architecture or function or pubescence
- Node bract architecture or shape
- Node bract arrangement
- Node bract atypical quantity
- Node bract fusion
- Node bract length
- Node bract pubescence
- Node bract quantity
- Node bract shape
- Node bract width
- Opposed bract quantity
- Outer bract coloration
- Outer bract pubescence
- Outer bract shape
- Outer bract size
- Pedicel bract shape
- Pedicel bract some measurement
- Peduncle bract architecture
- Peduncle bract architecture or function or pubescence
- Peduncle bract architecture or shape
- Peduncle bract position
- Peduncle bract presence
- Peduncle bract pubescence
- Peduncle bract quantity
- Peduncle bract shape
- Peduncle bract size
- Peduncular bract architecture
- Peduncular bract architecture or dehiscence
- Peduncular bract architecture or fixation
- Peduncular bract architecture or function or pubescence
- Peduncular bract architecture or shape
- Peduncular bract arrangement or course or shape
- Peduncular bract arrangement or density
- Peduncular bract arrangement or shape
- Peduncular bract atypical length
- Peduncular bract atypical quantity
- Peduncular bract atypical some measurement
- Peduncular bract atypical width
- Peduncular bract course
- Peduncular bract duration
P cont.
- Peduncular bract length
- Peduncular bract length or size
- Peduncular bract orientation
- Peduncular bract position or shape
- Peduncular bract position relational
- Peduncular bract presence
- Peduncular bract prominence
- Peduncular bract pubescence
- Peduncular bract quantity
- Peduncular bract reproduction
- Peduncular bract shape
- Peduncular bract size
- Peduncular bract some measurement
- Peduncular bract texture
- Peduncular bract width
- Perichaetial bract size
- Perigonial bract architecture
- Perigonial bract architecture or pubescence or relief
- Perigonial bract architecture or shape
- Perigonial bract arrangement
- Perigonial bract atypical some measurement
- Perigonial bract height or length or size
- Perigonial bract shape
- Perigonial bract size
- Perigonial bract some measurement
- Perigonial bract width
- Primary bract architecture
- Primary bract architecture or shape
- Primary bract arrangement
- Primary bract arrangement or course or shape
- Primary bract coloration
- Primary bract fragility
- Primary bract height or length or size
- Primary bract length or size
- Primary bract orientation
- Primary bract position relational
- Primary bract quantity
- Primary bract shape
- Primary bract size or length
- Primary bract some measurement
- Primary bract variability
- Proximal bract architecture
- Proximal bract architecture or function or pubescence
- Proximal bract architecture or shape
- Proximal bract arrangement
- Proximal bract arrangement or course or shape
- Proximal bract arrangement or shape
- Proximal bract atypical length
- Proximal bract atypical quantity
- Proximal bract atypical some measurement
- Proximal bract atypical width
- Proximal bract coating
- Proximal bract coloration
- Proximal bract development
- Proximal bract growth form or texture
- Proximal bract height or length or size
- Proximal bract length
- Proximal bract length or size
- Proximal bract orientation
- Proximal bract position
- Proximal bract position or structure subtype
- Proximal bract position relational
- Proximal bract presence
- Proximal bract prominence
- Proximal bract pubescence
- Proximal bract pubescence or relief
- Proximal bract quantity
- Proximal bract reflectance
- Proximal bract relief
- Proximal bract reproduction
- Proximal bract shape
- Proximal bract size
- Proximal bract size or length
- Proximal bract some measurement
- Proximal bract thickness
- Proximal bract variability
- Proximal bract width
- Proximal cauline bract architecture or shape
- Proximal cauline bract coloration
- Proximal cauline bract height or length or size
- Proximal cauline bract shape
- Proximal distal bract architecture
- Proximal distal bract arrangement
- Proximal distal bract quantity
- Proximal distal bract texture
- Proximal nonbasal bract architecture
- Proximal nonbasal bract architecture or shape
- Proximal nonbasal bract coloration
- Proximal nonbasal bract height or length or size
- Proximal nonbasal bract length or size
- Proximal nonbasal bract shape
- Proximal nonbasal bract some measurement
- Proximal nonbasal bract variability
- Proximal primary bract height or length or size
- Proximal primary bract prominence
- Proximalmost bract architecture or shape
- Proximalmost bract arrangement
- Proximalmost bract height or length or size
- Proximalmost bract length
- Proximalmost bract length or size
- Proximalmost bract position
- Proximalmost bract quantity
- Proximalmost bract shape
- Proximalmost bract some measurement
- Proximalmost bract variability
- Proximalmost bract width
- Rachis bract height or length or size
- Rachis bract length or size
- Rachis bract prominence
- Rachis bract shape
- Rachis bract texture
- Scape bract architecture
- Scape bract atypical length
- Scape bract height or length or size
- Scape bract length
- Scape bract quantity
- Scape bract shape
- Scape bract some measurement
- Scape bract width
- Secondary bract presence
- Secondary bract some measurement
- Secondary peduncular bract architecture
- Secondary peduncular bract presence
- Shorter bract orientation
- Spathe bract architecture
- Spathe bract architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Spathe bract atypical quantity
- Spathe bract coloration
- Spathe bract duration
- Spathe bract fusion
- Spathe bract height or length or size
- Spathe bract quantity
- Spathe bract shape
- Spathe bract size
- Spathe bract some measurement
- Spathe bract variability
- Spike bract arrangement
- Spike bract position
- Spike bract reproduction
- Spiny bract arrangement
- Spiny bract shape
- Stem bract arrangement
- Stem bract atypical quantity
- Stem bract prominence
- Stem bract quantity
- Stem bract some measurement
- Subtending bract architecture
- Subtending bract quantity
- Subtending bract shape
- Subtending floral bract length
- Subtending floral bract quantity
- Subtending floral bract width
- Terminal bract architecture or shape
- Terminal bract arrangement
- Terminal bract length
- Terminal bract quantity
- Terminal bract shape
- Terminal bract size
- Terminal bract width
Showing 25 related entities (more are available).
- Apical bract prominence or shape +
- Apical bract quantity +
- Apical bract shape +
- Apical bract size +
- Apical bract width +
- Axillary peduncle atypical some measurement +
- Axillary peduncle fragility or size +
- Axillary peduncle height or length or size +
- Axillary peduncle length or size +
- Axillary peduncle some measurement +
- Axillary peduncle width +
- Axis bract arrangement +
- Axis bract arrangement or density +
- Axis bract atypical quantity +
- Axis bract atypical some measurement +
- Axis bract coloration +
- Axis bract position relational +
- Axis bract quantity +
- Axis bract shape +
- Axis bract size +
- Axis bract some measurement +