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  • Selaginella rupestris and its allies. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 42: 1--99, plates 1--6. Tryon, R. M. 1971. The process of evolutionary migration in species
    17 KB (719 words) - 00:22, 30 July 2020
  • sometimes smooth; staminode included to exserted, flattened distally, 0.2–0.8 (–1.1) mm diam., tip straight to recurved, distal 5–60 (–90) % hairy, hairs
    36 KB (1,140 words) - 19:13, 29 July 2020
  • ovate, or lanceolate, 1-15 mm; petals 0-22 (-150), distinct, yellow, rarely white, red, or green, plane, linear to orbiculate, 1-26 mm; nectary present
    15 KB (560 words) - 08:33, 30 July 2020
  • Staminate flowers: abaxial nectary usually present; stamens 2–10; filaments distinct or connate less than 1/2 their lengths, hairy on proximal 1/2 or basally,
    14 KB (582 words) - 12:06, 30 July 2020
  • entire or serrate; veins 1–many. Inflorescences axillary, terminal, or scapose, 1-flowered or cymose, subtended by spathe; spathe a 2-fid bract or pair of
    11 KB (422 words) - 00:55, 30 July 2020
  • semiterete, or subterete, rarely laminar, 0.1–8 cm, usually ± succulent, base spurred or not, margins entire, (with 1 abaxial apical hydathode); veins not conspicuous
    21 KB (778 words) - 13:02, 30 July 2020
  • papillose. Inflorescences racemose, with 1–10 spikes; proximal bracts threadlike or, rarely, scalelike, sheathless, abaxial surface papillose; lateral spikes
    15 KB (557 words) - 02:02, 30 July 2020
  • Volume 2. Plants terrestrial. Stems decumbent to erect, stolons absent. Leaves monomorphic (dimorphic in P. acrostichoides), evergreen. Petiole 1/9–1 times
    13 KB (882 words) - 00:24, 30 July 2020
  • medially), usually (12–30+) in 3–10+ series, distinct, and unequal, sometimes in 12 series, distinct and subequal to equal, medially herbaceous to membranous
    25 KB (1,822 words) - 20:30, 29 July 2020
  • nectary absent; pistil (1–) 3-carpellate; styles (1–) 3, distinct or connate basally, usually multifid or laciniate, rarely 2-fid or unbranched, branches
    17 KB (923 words) - 18:23, 29 July 2020
  • winged; lodicules thick, sometimes connate, not winged; anthers (1) 2-3; ovaries glabrous; styles 2-branched, branches divergent to recurved, plumose distally
    20 KB (1,626 words) - 03:20, 30 July 2020
  • to hairy abaxially; petals (4–) 5 (–6), white or cream to yellowish or yellow, lobes longer than corolla-tube, each divided into 1 median and 2 lateral
    13 KB (783 words) - 13:04, 30 July 2020
  • D. revolutus and D. umbrosus, guide cells 2–6 in 1 (–2) layers, hydroid strand occasionally present, abaxial stereid band weak to strong, crescent-shaped
    28 KB (1,343 words) - 07:04, 30 July 2020
  • victoris, Ribes viscosissimum, Ribes watsonianum, Ribes wolfii Linnaeus Sp. Pl. 1: 200. 1753. , Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 94. 1754 ,. Nancy R. Morin Common names: Currant gooseberry
    23 KB (1,464 words) - 13:16, 30 July 2020
  • inconspicuous, 0.1–0.3 mm, with or without abaxial suture, margins entire or sparsely and minutely serrulate, apex entire or bidentate. Stigmas 2. Achenes biconvex
    11 KB (598 words) - 01:52, 30 July 2020
  • if present acute or spinose, never bristle-tipped. Staminate flowers: calyx 2-6-lobed; anthers usually somewhat apiculate, occasionally retuse. Pistillate
    27 KB (606 words) - 08:45, 30 July 2020
  • orange or yellow); ovary 1/2 inferior, carpels completely connate, 1-locular; placentation parietal; styles 2; stigmas 2 (–3). Capsules 2-beaked. Seeds dark-brown
    26 KB (1,593 words) - 12:56, 30 July 2020
  • "name":"Poaceae","properties":["abaxial ligule architecture or pubescence or shape","abaxial ligule quantity","abaxial ligule texture","aggregation architecture"
    12 KB (923 words) - 04:12, 30 July 2020
  • longer than achene, seldom smooth; stamens 2–3; styles undivided or shallowly 2-fid, or deeply cleft into 2 (–3) linear stigmatic branches; style base
    38 KB (1,253 words) - 01:40, 30 July 2020
  • paleas from 1/2 as long as to almost equaling the lemmas, keels usually ciliate; lodicules fused into a single, collarlike structure extending 1/2 - 2/3 around
    16 KB (1,258 words) - 02:39, 30 July 2020

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