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  • ovules 2–90. Fruits berries, red, purple, purple-black, yellow, or reddish, globose, ellipsoid, or subglobose, usually excavated apically; calyx lobes persistent
    7 KB (402 words) - 21:04, 7 June 2022
  • appears in FNA Volume 23. Plants usually densely cespitose, short to long rhizomatous. Culms solitary or not, brown or purple at base. Leaves: basal sheaths
    12 KB (663 words) - 02:07, 30 July 2020
  • Stems: compound thorns on trunks present; twigs: new growth reddish-brown, 1-year old dull purple-brown, 2-years old dull gray, older paler; thorns on twigs
    11 KB (1,085 words) - 14:43, 30 July 2020
  • decussately branched. Bark tight or exfoliating in grayish, brown, or reddish-brown sheets. Branches erect, ascending, or spreading, often arching; twigs
    21 KB (1,536 words) - 18:15, 29 July 2020
  • spiny-toothed, teeth 1–1.5 cm apart. Inflorescences terminal, usually unbranched, racemose, 10–15 dm, usually covered with scalelike bracts; racemes cylindrical,
    7 KB (453 words) - 06:10, 30 July 2020
  • setaceous. Flowers urceolate to campanulate, 6–12 mm; tepals erect, dark reddish purple to pale lavender, or white, lanceolate to ovate, ± equal, becoming ±
    8 KB (543 words) - 05:51, 30 July 2020
  • green, brownish green, light green, or yellow-green, often tinged reddish-brown or purple. Stems (0.2–) 1–3 (–4) cm, often branched; rhizoids at base, papillose
    10 KB (644 words) - 06:59, 30 July 2020
  • stipitate-glandular; bracts 1–7+, usually linear-oblanceolate, rarely leaflike and linear-oblanceolate, usually greatly reduced, margins usually flat, rarely remotely
    18 KB (1,184 words) - 21:57, 29 July 2020
  • glabrous or ± tomentose or villous, often unevenly glabrescent). Stems usually 1, usually erect. Leaves basal and cauline; alternate; petiolate or sessile;
    9 KB (611 words) - 21:21, 29 July 2020
  • petiole usually slender; blade oblanceolate to spatulate, base usually not decurrent onto stem, narrowing abruptly to petiole, margins usually entire,
    8 KB (535 words) - 13:06, 30 July 2020
  • 5–4 cm; bracts proximally greenish to deep purple, distally white, or pink to pink-purple or reddish purple on apices, if white sometimes aging pink, lanceolate
    11 KB (769 words) - 18:52, 29 July 2020
  • corolla urceolate; stamens 10, included; filaments dilated, (usually hairy at base); anthers (reddish), with 2 (recurved), dorsal awns, dehiscent by 2 terminal
    7 KB (550 words) - 13:11, 30 July 2020
  • puberulent, or glabrous; corolla white to lilac, lavender, blue, violet, purple, red, pink, or magenta, bilaterally symmetric, rarely nearly radially symmetric
    21 KB (880 words) - 19:09, 29 July 2020
  • Plants densely or loosely cespitose, short-rhizomatous. Culms brown or purple at base. Leaves: basal sheaths not fibrous; sheath fronts membranous; blades
    9 KB (460 words) - 02:08, 30 July 2020
  • 5–400 cm; taproots. Stems usually 1, thinly to densely gray or white-tomentose, sometimes ± glabrate; branches few–many, usually from above mid or near base
    10 KB (732 words) - 19:56, 29 July 2020
  • Stems 1–15 (usually from basal rosettes), usually erect, sometimes ± prostrate, usually branched (scapiform in M. californica), usually glabrous (sometimes
    16 KB (748 words) - 20:19, 29 July 2020
  • hairy or glabrous; flesh usually with sclereids; hypanthium persistent; sepals usually persistent, rarely deciduous, usually incurved, fleshy; carpels
    21 KB (1,208 words) - 14:28, 30 July 2020
  • FNA Volume 23. Plants colonial, rarely cespitose, usually long-rhizomatous. Culms usually red-purple at base, sometimes only red tinged. Leaves: basal
    13 KB (709 words) - 02:14, 30 July 2020
  • erect, glabrous or glandular-pubescent in inflorescence. Leaves cauline, usually whorled proximally, alternate distally; petiole absent; blade sometimes
    12 KB (693 words) - 18:50, 29 July 2020
  • Spines 6–32 per areole, yellow, brown, or reddish to salmon with color hidden by very thin, light gray layer, usually large and coarse, annulate-ridged (smooth
    14 KB (948 words) - 09:26, 30 July 2020

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