Penstemon longiflorus
Great Basin Naturalist 35: 434. 1976.
Stems ascending to erect, (11–) 20–60 cm, ± puberulent proximally, glabrous distally, not glaucous. Leaves basal and cauline, not leathery, proximals ± puberulent, distals glabrous, not glaucous; basal and proximal cauline (24–) 40–90 (–120) × 6–20 (–30) mm, blade obovate, base tapered, margins entire, apex obtuse to acute; cauline 3–5 pairs, sessile, (25–) 35–70 × 8–23 mm, blade ovate to lanceolate or elliptic, base tapered to clasping, apex acute, rarely obtuse. Thyrses interrupted, secund, 7–21 cm, axis glabrous, verticillasters 3–6, cymes 1-flowered or 2 (or 3) -flowered, 2 per node; proximal bracts ovate to lanceolate, 5–28 × 2.5–24 mm; peduncles and pedicels glabrous, peduncles to 26 mm, pedicels 1–8 (–12) mm. Flowers: calyx lobes ovate, 4.5–7 × 2.5–3 mm, apex acute to acuminate, glabrous; corolla blue to violet, without nectar guides, ventricose, (20–) 24–30 (–32) mm, glabrous externally, glabrous internally, tube 8–11 mm, throat gradually inflated, not constricted at orifice, 8–10 (–12) mm diam., 2-ridged abaxially; stamens: longer pair reaching orifice, pollen-sacs divergent, rarely nearly opposite, sigmoid, 1.8–2.4 (–2.8) mm, dehiscing incompletely, proximal 1/5 indehiscent, connective not splitting, sides sparsely hispid, hairs white, to 0.3 mm, sutures denticulate, teeth to 0.1 mm; staminode 14–16 mm, included, 0.6–1 mm diam., tip straight to recurved, distal 0.5–1 mm moderately pilose, hairs yellow, to 0.8 mm, remaining distal 3–4 mm with scattered yellow hairs; style 18–22 mm. Capsules 8–14 × 6–10 mm. 2n = 16.
Phenology: Flowering Jun–Jul.
Habitat: Sagebrush shrublands, Gambel oak and mountain mahogany woodlands.
Elevation: 1800–2700 m.
Penstemon longiflorus is known from Beaver, Juab, Millard, Piute, Sevier, and Tooele counties (E. C. Neese and N. D. Atwood 2003). The species is most often confused with the partially sympatric P. cyananthus.
Selected References
Lower Taxa
"/4+timescorollathroat" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property.