Revision as of 19:59, 7 June 2022 by imported>Volume Importer
- A Text property defining a single value.
- Structure: root
- A Top Level Property
Types of root
- Prop-root
- Prop-root derivation
- Prop-root development
- Prop-root location
- Prop-root orientation
- Prop-root prominence
- Prop-root quantity
- Prop-root some measurement
- Prop-root texture
- Root taproot duration
- Root taproot fragility or size
- Root-tuber
- Root-tuber distance
- Root-tuber presence
- Root-tuber shape
- Rootlet
- Rootlet texture
- Roots
- Roots taproot architecture
- Roots taproot architecture or shape
- Roots taproot fragility
- Roots taproot fragility or size
- Roots taproot shape
- Roots taproot size
- Roots taproot texture
- Roots taproot width
- Rootstock
- Rootstock architecture
- Rootstock architecture or arrangement
- Rootstock architecture or shape
- Rootstock atypical length
- Rootstock coloration
- Rootstock depth
- Rootstock diameter
R cont.
- Rootstock fragility
- Rootstock fragility or size
- Rootstock growth form
- Rootstock growth form or orientation
- Rootstock height or length or size
- Rootstock length
- Rootstock location
- Rootstock orientation
- Rootstock orientation or shape
- Rootstock position or shape
- Rootstock prominence
- Rootstock pubescence or texture
- Rootstock quantity
- Rootstock relief
- Rootstock reproduction
- Rootstock shape
- Rootstock size
- Rootstock size or width
- Rootstock some measurement
- Rootstock texture
- Rootstock width
- Secondary-root
- Secondary-root architecture
- Secondary-root density
- Secondary-root presence
- Secondary-root size
- Slender and or taproot size
- Slender and or taproot texture
- Slender taproot architecture
- Slender taproot height or length or size
- Stems rootstock architecture
- Stems rootstock growth form or orientation
- Stems rootstock orientation
- Stock
- Stock texture
T cont.
- Taproot architecture
- Taproot architecture or arrangement
- Taproot architecture or pubescence
- Taproot architecture or shape
- Taproot arrangement
- Taproot atypical some measurement
- Taproot density
- Taproot depth
- Taproot derivation
- Taproot development
- Taproot diameter
- Taproot duration
- Taproot fragility
- Taproot fragility or size
- Taproot height or length or size
- Taproot length
- Taproot length or size
- Taproot location
- Taproot orientation
- Taproot presence
- Taproot prominence
- Taproot pubescence or texture
- Taproot quantity
- Taproot shape
- Taproot size
- Taproot size or width
- Taproot some measurement
- Taproot texture
- Taproot thickness
- Taproot width
- Tuberoid
- Tuberoid architecture
- Tuberoid architecture or arrangement
- Tuberoid shape
- Tuberoid texture
Parts of root
- Apical collar coloration
- Apical collar quantity
- Apical collar reflectance
- Apical collar size or width
- Apical collar some measurement
- Apical collar variability
- Bark
- Bark architecture
- Bark architecture or coloration or relief
- Bark architecture or dehiscence
- Bark architecture or function or pubescence
- Bark architecture or pubescence
- Bark architecture or pubescence or relief
- Bark arrangement
- Bark arrangement or density
- Bark coating
- Bark coloration
- Bark coloration or density
- Bark coloration or pubescence or relief
- Bark condition
- Bark condition or fragility
- Bark count or density
- Bark depth
- Bark development
- Bark duration
- Bark fragility
- Bark fusion
- Bark growth form
- Bark height or length or size
- Bark length
- Bark life cycle
- Bark odor
- Bark presence
- Bark prominence
- Bark prominence or shape
- Bark pubescence
- Bark pubescence or architecture
- Bark pubescence or relief
- Bark pubescence or texture
- Bark reflectance
- Bark relief
- Bark relief or texture
- Bark shape
- Bark shape or vernation
B cont.
- Bark size
- Bark size or width
- Bark some measurement
- Bark texture
- Bark thickness
- Bark width
- Between hilum and micropyle collar architecture
- Between hilum and micropyle collar condition or texture
- Between hilum and micropyle collar height or length or size
- Cane bark coloration
- Chalazal collar coloration
- Chalazal collar height or length or size
- Chalazal collar length
- Chalazal collar position
- Chalazal collar presence
- Chalazal collar prominence
- Chalazal collar some measurement
- Chalazal collar width
- Circumstomal collar fragility
- Collar
- Collar architecture or fragility
- Collar architecture or pubescence or relief
- Collar architecture or pubescence or shape
- Collar arrangement or shape
- Collar coloration
- Collar development
- Collar fusion
- Collar orientation
- Collar position
- Collar presence
- Collar prominence
- Collar pubescence
- Collar pubescence or relief
- Collar pubescence or texture
- Collar relief
- Collar shape
- Collar size
- Collar size or width
- Collar some measurement
- Collar variability
- Collar width
I cont.
- Seed collar architecture or dehiscence
- Seed collar arrangement
- Seed collar shape
- Seed collar size
- Seed collar width
- Stem bark architecture or pubescence or relief
- Stem bark coloration
- Stem bark duration
- Trunk bark architecture
- Trunk bark architecture or pubescence
- Trunk bark architecture or pubescence or relief
- Trunk bark coloration
- Trunk bark condition or fragility
- Trunk bark fragility or size
- Trunk bark life cycle
- Trunk bark prominence
- Trunk bark pubescence
- Trunk bark pubescence or relief
- Trunk bark relief
- Trunk bark shape
- Trunk bark texture
- Trunk bark width
- Tubercule
- Tubercule architecture or shape
- Tubercule coloration
- Tubercule fusion
- Tubercule position
- Tubercule prominence
- Tubercule pubescence
- Tubercule quantity
- Tubercule shape
- Tubercule some measurement
Showing 25 related entities (more are available).
- Adventitious-root +
- Adventitious-root density +
- Apical collar coloration +
- Apical collar quantity +
- Apical collar reflectance +
- Apical collar size or width +
- Apical collar some measurement +
- Apical collar variability +
- Bark +
- Bark architecture +
- Bark architecture or coloration or relief +
- Bark architecture or dehiscence +
- Bark architecture or function or pubescence +
- Bark architecture or pubescence +
- Bark architecture or pubescence or relief +
- Bark arrangement +
- Bark arrangement or density +
- Bark coating +
- Bark coloration +
- Bark coloration or density +
- Bark coloration or pubescence or relief +
- Bark condition +
- Bark condition or fragility +
- Bark count or density +
- Bark depth +
- ...