
(A. Gray) A. Gray

Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 7: 356. 1868.

Etymology: Greek hesperos, western, and genus name Evax, alluding to first discoveries from western limits of Evax distribution
Basionym: Evax sect. Hesperevax A. Gray in War Department [U.S.], Pacif. Railr. Rep. 4(5): 101. 1857
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 19. Treatment on page 467. Mentioned on page 26, 385, 388, 465, 470.
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FNA19 P52 Micropsis dasycarpa.jpegMicropsis dasycarpa
Ancistrocarphus filagineus
Ancistrocarphus keilii
Hesperevax sparsiflora var. sparsiflora
Hesperevax caulescens
Linny Heagy
Linny Heagy
Linny Heagy

Annuals, 0.5–10 (–20) cm. Stems 0, or 1, ± erect, or 2–10, ascending-erect to prostrate. Leaves basal or cauline; alternate (leaf or petiole bases yellowish, enlarged); blades oblanceolate to ± round. Heads usually in loose to dense glomerules of 2–40+ in cymiform or spiciform arrays, sometimes borne singly. Involucres 0. Phyllaries 0 or vestigial. Receptacles proximally conic, distally cylindric or slightly expanded (heights 0.8–1.3 or 4–6 times diams.), bristly (bristle lengths ± 1/2 palea lengths). Pistillate paleae persistent, erect to ascending or spreading; bodies with 5+ nerves (nerves ± parallel, obscure), obovate to oblanceolate, not gibbous, flat to concave or loosely folded most of lengths (almost closed near bases, not enclosing florets); wings 0. Staminate paleae persistent, usually 5, erect or distally spreading (and enlarged, thickened) in fruit, shorter than or surpassing pistillate paleae; bodies obovate (apices entire, blunt, adaxially green and lanuginose). Pistillate florets 3–25. Functionally staminate florets 2–6 (–12); corolla (zygomorphic, ± gibbous) lobes (3–) 4 (–5), unequal. Bisexual florets 0. Cypselae brown, proximally black-banded, monomorphic: obcompressed, obovoid (somewhat angular), slightly incurved, not gibbous, faces glabrous, smooth, dull to ± shiny; corolla scars apical; pappi 0.


sw United States


Species 3 (3 in the flora).

See discussion of Filagininae following tribal description (p. 385).

Hesperevax is known from sites in Mediterranean climates of western California and southwestern Oregon. Most of its taxa grow in distinctive habitats, where they tolerate or exploit moderate levels of disturbance.

Hesperevax is monophyletic and probably sister to Ancistrocarphus; Gifolaria (Cosson & Kralik) Pomel may also be related (J. D. Morefield 1992). Hesperevax is sharply distinct from Evax and relatives by receptacles bristly (unique in Filagininae), staminate paleae enlarged, thickened, apices erect or spreading, blunt, adaxially green and lanuginose, and staminate corollas zygomorphic (Morefield 1992c). The species are relatively easy to distinguish by the sizes, shapes, and arrangements of leaves, glomerules, and heads.


1 Terminal heads in loose glomerules of 3–5, cylindric, heights 1.8–2.5 times diams.; capitular leaves 1–4 per glomerule or head; staminate paleae: apices ± erect Hesperevax sparsiflora
1 Terminal heads borne singly or in dense glomerules of (2–)10–40+, campanulate or ± obpyramidal, heights 1–1.5 times diams.; capitular leaves 6–20 per glomerule or head; staminate paleae: apices spreading > 2
2 Largest leaves 4–22(–32) × 0.5–4(–5) mm; petiole lengths 0–1.5 times blade lengths, bases scarcely thickened, pliant to ± cartilaginous; heads borne singly or, rarely, in glomerules (3–7 mm diam.) of 2–8 mixed with leaves Hesperevax acaulis
2 Largest leaves (25–)33–90 × 7–20 mm; petiole lengths 2–3 times blade lengths, bases thickened, indurate; heads in glomerules (10–25 mm diam.) of 10–40+ not mixed with leaves Hesperevax caulescens
... more about "Hesperevax"
truncate-penicillate;truncate +
scarious +
mostly ovate +  and lanceovate or linear +
spiciform +  and cymiform +
indeterminate +  and determinate +
James D. Morefield +
(A. Gray) A. Gray +
decurrent +
Evax sect. Hesperevax +
compound +  and simple +
oblanceolate;more or less round +
5-ribbed +, 3-ribbed +  and 2-ribbed +
muriculate +, papillate +  and smooth +
obovate;obovate;oblanceolate not gibbous flat +
actinomorphic +
red-tipped +, purplish +, yellow +  and whitish +
black-banded +  and brown +
not gibbous +, obovoid +  and obcompressed +
sw United States +
Greek hesperos, western, and genus name Evax, alluding to first discoveries from western limits of Evax distribution +
dull +  and more or less shiny +
staminate +  and pistillate +
winged +  and beaked +
dispersed +
indeterminate +
homogamous +  and heterogamous +
each +  and sessile +
sessile +  and petiolate +
cauline +  and basal +
rarely lanceovate +  and lanceolate +
2-carpellate +
pistillate +  and staminate +
persistent +
spreading +, erect +  and ascending or spreading +
persistent +
subequal +  and unequal +
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts +
paleate +  and epaleate +
cylindric;conic +
morefield1992c +
exalbuminous +
ascending-erect +  and prostrate +
2 +  and 10 +
appendaged +  and truncate +
papillate +
Compositae +
Hesperevax +
Asteraceae tribe Gnaphalieae +
10 cm100 mm <br />0.1 m <br /> (20 cm200 mm <br />0.2 m <br />) +
0.5 cm5 mm <br />0.005 m <br /> (10 cm100 mm <br />0.1 m <br />) +
shrub +  and subshrub +