Doellingeria umbellata var. umbellata

Synonyms: Aster amygdalinus Lamarck Chrysopsis amygdalina (Lamarck) Nuttall ex Elliott Diplopappus amygdalinus (Lamarck) Hooker Diplostephium amygdalinum (Lamarck) Cassini Diplostephium amygdalinum var. humilius House Doellingeria amygdalina (Lamarck) Nuttall Doellingeria umbellata var. oneidica Inula amygdalina
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 20. Treatment on page 44.
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Plants 50–200 cm. Leaves abaxially glabrous or sparsely short-piloso-villous (fewer than 10 hairs/mm2), especially on larger veins. Phyllaries sparsely pilose, especially apically. 2n = 18.

Phenology: Flowering late summer–fall.
Habitat: Moist soils, clearings, thickets, wood margins
Elevation: 0–1800 m


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St. Pierre and Miquelon, Nfld. and Labr. (Nfld.), N.B., N.S., Ont., P.E.I., Que., Ala., Conn., Del., Ga., Ill., Ind., Iowa, Ky., Maine, Md., Mass., Mich., Minn., N.H., N.J., N.Y., N.C., Ohio, Pa., R.I., S.C., Tenn., Vt., Va., W.Va., Wis.


Variety umbellata is common in the central and northern part of its range, becoming less so in the southern Appalachian Mountains and the foothills of northern Georgia and Alabama. More densely pubescent forms occur in the northeastern portion of the range. Minor forms have been described: Aster umbellatus forma convexus Allabach, A. umbellatus forma flexicaulis (House) Fernald, A. umbellatus forma discoideus Victorin (rays present, immature), A. umbellatus forma intercedens Fernald (more pubescent plants), Doellingeria umbellata forma flexicaulis House, and D. umbellata forma intercedens (Fernald) Moldenke.

Selected References


Lower Taxa


"[" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property."]" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property.

not tailed +, rounded +  and obtuse +
distinct +
subulate;acuminate +
subequal +
scarious +
usually triangular +  and linear +
usually deltate +  and lanceolate +
indeterminate +  and determinate +
flat-topped +
John C. Semple +  and Jerry G. Chmielewski +
- Miller Nees +
oblanceolate +
attenuate +
Aster umbellatus +
compound +  and simple +
11 cm110 mm <br />0.11 m <br /> - 15 cm150 mm <br />0.15 m <br /> +
2.5 cm25 mm <br />0.025 m <br /> - 3.5 cm35 mm <br />0.035 m <br /> +
6 cm60 mm <br />0.06 m <br /> - 11 cm110 mm <br />0.11 m <br /> +
reduced +
1.3 cm13 mm <br />0.013 m <br /> - 2.5 cm25 mm <br />0.025 m <br /> +
rugulose +  and muricate +
linear-lanceolate +  and elliptic +
white +  and tan +
not 2-lipped +  and actinomorphic +
pale-yellow +  and white +
ampliate +
0.35 cm3.5 mm <br />0.0035 m <br /> - 0.6 cm6 mm <br />0.006 m <br /> +
compressed +, terete +  and narrowly obconic +
fertile +  and bisexual +
fertile +  and bisexual +
St. Pierre and Miquelon +, Nfld. and Labr. - Nfld. +, N.B. +, N.S. +, Ont. +, P.E.I. +, Que. +, Ala. +, Conn. +, Del. +, Ga. +, Ill. +, Ind. +, Iowa +, Ky. +, Maine +, Md. +, Mass. +, Mich. +, Minn. +, N.H. +, N.J. +, N.Y. +, N.C. +, Ohio +, Pa. +, R.I. +, S.C. +, Tenn. +, Vt. +, Va. +, W.Va. +  and Wis. +
0–1800 m +
hairy +  and glabrous +
pistillate +, staminate +  and neuter +
winged +  and beaked +
dispersed +
Moist soils, clearings, thickets, wood margins +
indeterminate +
heterogamous +  and homogamous +
each +  and sessile +
cylindro-campanulate +
0.3 cm3 mm <br />0.003 m <br /> - 0.5 cm5 mm <br />0.005 m <br /> +
1 cm10 mm <br />0.01 m <br /> - 1.23 cm12.3 mm <br />0.0123 m <br /> +
0.18 cm1.8 mm <br />0.0018 m <br /> - 0.27 cm2.7 mm <br />0.0027 m <br /> +
1.2mm;1.8mm +
cauline +  and basal +
short-piloso-villous +  and glabrous +
spreading;reflexed +
deltate +
not swollen +
2-carpellate +
persistent +
inner +  and outer +
0.35 cm3.5 mm <br />0.0035 m <br /> - 0.62 cm6.2 mm <br />0.0062 m <br /> +
0.1 cm1 mm <br />0.001 m <br /> - 1 cm10 mm <br />0.01 m <br /> +
Flowering late summer–fall. +
triangular-lanceolate +
Gen. Sp. Aster., +
bearing subulate enations +, hairy +  and bristly +
linear +  and subulate +
exalbuminous +
Illustrated +  and Endemic +
eglandular +  and simple +
ascending +  and erect +
hairy +, glabrous +  and striate +
1 +  and 10 +
appendaged +  and truncate +
papillate +  and smooth +
Aster amygdalinus +, Chrysopsis amygdalina +, Diplopappus amygdalinus +, Diplostephium amygdalinum +, Diplostephium amygdalinum var. humilius +, Doellingeria amygdalina +, Doellingeria umbellata var. oneidica +  and Inula amygdalina +
Doellingeria umbellata var. umbellata +
Doellingeria umbellata +
variety +
40 cm400 mm <br />0.4 m <br /> - 200 cm2,000 mm <br />2 m <br /> +
dark green +