Xanthisma sect. Xanthisma
Annuals, rarely biennials, 20–70 cm; taprooted. Leaf-blades pinnatifid to 2-pinnatifid proximally, mid serrate, distal ± entire, teeth or lobes usually with apiculate callosities or cilia, not bristle-tipped. Heads radiate. Involucres turbinate to hemispheric or campanulate. Phyllaries in 3–4 series, appressed, bodies ovate to orbiculate or depressed elliptic, unequal, proximal portions (at least inner) stramineous, stalklike, stiff, distal 1/3–2/3 with a green patch, abruptly enlarged, 2–5 mm wide, apices acuminate to obtuse or broadly rounded, cuspidate or not, not bristle-tipped, faces glabrous. Receptacles: pit borders laciniate, teeth or setae mostly distinct, 0.2–2 mm. Ray corollas yellow. Cypselae dimorphic, narrowly obovoid to oblong, of ray 3-sided, of disc compressed laterally, generally 4-sided, 1.5–2.2 mm, walls thick, ribs 10–24, often obscure, faces sparsely tawny-silky; pappi of tawny, linear, basally flattened bristles 3–7 mm in 2 series. x = (4) 5.
sc United States
Species 1.
Selected References
Lower Taxa
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