Pleurocoronis pluriseta
Phytologia 12: 469. 1966.
Common names: Bush arrowleaf
Basionym: Hofmeisteria pluriseta A. Gray in War Department [U.S.], Pacif. Railr. Rep. 4(5): 96, plate 9. 1857
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 21. Treatment on page 511.
Revision as of 21:52, 29 July 2020 by imported>Volume Importer
Plants rounded, densely branched from bases. Stems glandular. Petioles filiform, 2–6 cm, lengths 3–10 times blades. Leaf-blades 3–10+ mm, sharply toothed, often subhastate. Corollas 4–5 mm. Cypselae 3–4 mm; pappi: scales 1–2+ mm, bristles 2–5 mm. 2n = 18.
Phenology: Flowering (Oct–)Mar–May(–Jun).
Habitat: Rocky slopes and washes, limestone outcrops, crevices of canyon walls, creosote bush scrub, acacia-mesquite
Elevation: 0–200 m
Ariz., Calif., Nev., Utah, Mexico (Baja California), Mexico (Baja California Sur), Mexico (Sonora)
Selected References
Lower Taxa
"fine" is not a number."-10timesblades" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property.
... more about "Pleurocoronis pluriseta"
introrse +
connate +
scarious +
absent +
hirsute +
papillate +
corymbiform +
continuous +
glabrous +
decurrent +
rhombic;lanceolate +
(4-)5-angled;10-ribbed +
clavate +
stigmatic +
barbellate +
coarse +
absent +
Bush arrowleaf +
not 2-lipped +
white +
monomorphic +
4-5-ribbed +
scabrellous +
prismatic +
3mm;4mm +
straight +
stipitate-glandular +
distinct +
proximal +
25;30 +
bisexual +
dispersed +
singly +
Rocky slopes and washes, limestone outcrops, crevices of canyon walls, creosote bush scrub, acacia-mesquite +
discoid +
indeterminate +
homogamous +
Present +
surrounding +
obconic +
petiolate +
opposite +
cauline +
2-carpellate +
inferior +
attached +
anatropous +
persistent +
coarse +
tough +
thick +
connate +
filiform +
persistent +
distinct +
unequal +
equal +
Phytologia +
1966 +
absent +
epaleate +
convex;flat +
fibrous +
subulate-aristate +
exalbuminous +
modifed +
1;3;4 +
Illustrated +
alternate +
branched +
erect +
2-branched +
hirsutulous +
papillate +
Pleurocoronis pluriseta +
Pleurocoronis +
species +
cylindric +
branched +
rounded +