Carphephorus odoratissimus var. odoratissimus
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 21. Treatment on page 537.
Revision as of 21:56, 29 July 2020 by imported>Volume Importer
Plants with strong odor of coumarin or vanilla. Basal leaves usually more than 15 × 5 cm; midstem leaves broadly elliptic, apices flared away from stems, margins often shallowly dentate. Primary head-bearing branches diverging from main axes at 10–20°. Florets mostly 7–10.
Phenology: Flowering (Aug–)Sep–Oct(–Nov).
Habitat: Pine-oak borders, longleaf pine savannas, flatwoods, fields, roadsides, fencerows, stream bottoms, seepage and boggy areas, sandy sites, limestone ridges or clay hills
Elevation: 0–80 m
Ala., Fla., Ga., La., Miss., N.C., S.C.
Selected References
Lower Taxa
"fine" is not a number.
... more about "Carphephorus odoratissimus var. odoratissimus"
introrse +
connate +
flared +
scarious +
absent +
hirsute +
papillate +
corymbiform +
flat-topped +
continuous +
oblanceolate;obovate +
5 cm50 mm <br />0.05 m <br /> (?) +
glabrous +
decurrent +
1-nerved +
linear;oblanceolate or spatulate +
(4-)5-angled;10-ribbed +
linear-clavate +
stigmatic +
barbellulate +
coarse +
absent +
not 2-lipped +
monomorphic +
10-ribbed +
hispid-strigose +
scabrellous +
prismatic +
straight +
distinct +
proximal +
7;10 +
bisexual +
dispersed +
singly +
Pine-oak borders, longleaf pine savannas, flatwoods, fields, roadsides, fencerows, stream bottoms, seepage and boggy areas, sandy sites, limestone ridges or clay hills +
discoid +
indeterminate +
homogamous +
surrounding +
campanulate;hemispheric +
clasping +
alternate +
developed +
? (?) +
10-20° +
dentate +
elliptic +
2-carpellate +
inferior +
attached +
anatropous +
persistent +
glabrous +
tough +
thick +
connate +
nerved +
persistent +
distinct +
unequal +
equal +
head-bearing +
diverging +
Rhodora +
1968 +
absent +
convex +
fibrous +
exalbuminous +
modifed +
1;1;2 +
Endemic +
alternate +
not branched +
erect +
glabrous +
2-branched +
hirsutulous +
papillate +
Carphephorus odoratissimus var. odoratissimus +
Carphephorus odoratissimus +
variety +
perennial +
strong +