Sisyrinchium radicatum

E. P. Bicknell

Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 576. 1901.

Treatment appears in FNA Volume 26. Treatment on page 362. Mentioned on page 354, 355, 365.
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Herbs, perennial, cespitose, pale olive green when dry, to 3.4 dm, rarely glaucous. Stems branched, with 1–2 nodes, 1.7–3.2 mm wide, glabrous, margins white or translucent-cartilaginous; first internode 11–41 cm, longer than leaves; distalmost node with 2 branches. Leaf-blades glabrous, bases not persistent in fibrous tufts. Inflorescences borne singly; spathes green, obviously wider than supporting branch, glabrous, keels entire to denticulate; outer 14–18 mm, 3.8 mm shorter to 0.5 mm longer than inner, tapering evenly towards apex, basally connate 4–7 mm; inner with keel evenly curved to straight, hyaline margins 0.5–0.8 mm wide, apex abruptly broadened, ending 0.5–2.3 mm proximal to green apex. Flowers: tepals bluish violet, bases yellow; outer tepals elliptic to oblanceolate, 9–12 mm, apex rounded to slightly emarginate, aristate; filaments connate ± entirely, stipitate-glandular basally; ovary similar in color to foliage. Capsules beige to tan, globose, 4.3–6 mm; pedicel erect to ascending. Seeds globose to obconic, lacking obvious depression, 0.8–1.3 mm, rugulose. 2n = 32.

Phenology: Flowering late spring–mid summer.
Habitat: Moist, sometimes alkaline meadows, stream banks, borders of springs
Elevation: 600–1300 m


Of conservation concern.

Sisyrinchium radicatum has been confused with S. demissum: S. L. Welsh and G. Moore (1973) called all branched Sisyrinchium plants in Utah S. radicatum, while S. Goodrich and E. Neese (1986) called such plants S. demissum with S. radicatum a synonym. Sisyrinchium radicatum differs in having white or cartilaginous margins on the stem and a broad apex to the hyaline margin of the inner spathe; it is apparently restricted to the St. George–Las Vegas region, and is to be expected in the adjacent northwest corner of Arizona.

Selected References


Lower Taxa


"obviously wider" is not a number.

... more about "Sisyrinchium radicatum"
dehiscing +  and latrorse +
undifferentiated +
aristate +, rounded +  and slightly emarginate +
broadened +
Anita F. Cholewa +  and Douglass M. Henderson† +
E. P. Bicknell +
not persistent +
parallel-veined +
ensiform +  and plane +
entire +  and denticulate +
expanded +
0.43 cm4.3 mm <br />0.0043 m <br /> (0.6 cm6 mm <br />0.006 m <br />) +
monochasial +
0.08 cm0.8 mm <br />8.0e-4 m <br /> (0.13 cm1.3 mm <br />0.0013 m <br />) +
Nev. +  and Utah. +
600–1300 m +
stipitate-glandular +
actinomorphic +
not fragrant +
winged +, branched +  and simple +
angled +, compressed +  and terete +
indehiscent +  and loculicidal +
smooth;roughened +
globose +
woody;firm;cartilaginous +
Moist, sometimes alkaline meadows, stream banks, borders of springs +
1-11(-15)-flowered +  and rhipidiate +
11 cm110 mm <br />0.11 m <br /> (41 cm410 mm <br />0.41 m <br />) +
evenly curved;straight +
entire +  and denticulate +
equitant +  and alternate +
cauline +  and basal +
hyaline +  and white +
translucent-cartilaginous +
0.5mm;0.8mm +
0.4 cm4 mm <br />0.004 m <br /> (0.7 cm7 mm <br />0.007 m <br />) +
0.9 cm9 mm <br />0.009 m <br /> (1.2 cm12 mm <br />0.012 m <br />) +
erect;ascending +
petaloid +, zygomorphic +  and actinomorphic +
Flowering late spring–mid summer. +
Bull. Torrey Bot. Club +
granular +  and rugulose +
globose;obconic +
smooth to scabrous +
unequal +
monochasial +
compressed +
1.7mm;3.2mm +
filiform +
not broad +
Sisyrinchium radicatum +
Sisyrinchium +
species +
bluish violet +
distinct +
widely spreading +  and reflexed +
not clawed +
subequal +
not +  and rhizomatous +
herb +  and cespitose +
unequal +