Property:Tip position Revision as of 05:41, 30 July 2020 by imported>Volume Importer(diff) ← Older revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff) A Text property defining a single value. Structure: tip Character: position A subproperty of phyllary A Part of phyllary Types of tip position None. Parts of tip position None. Usage37previous 5,0002050100250500next 5,000FilterShowing 22 pages using this property.CCastilleja nervata +exserted +Chylismia multijuga +apical +, subapical +OOenothera argillicola +subterminal +Oenothera biennis +subterminal +, terminal +Oenothera elata +subterminal +, terminal +Oenothera elata subsp. hirsutissima +subterminal +, terminal +Oenothera elata subsp. hookeri +subterminal +, terminal +Oenothera glazioviana +subterminal +, terminal +Oenothera grandiflora +subterminal +, terminal +Oenothera jamesii +subterminal +, terminal +Oenothera longissima +subterminal +, terminal +Oenothera nutans +subterminal +, terminal +Oenothera oakesiana +subterminal +Oenothera parviflora +subterminal +Oenothera subsect. Oenothera +subterminal +, terminal +Oenothera villosa +subterminal +, terminal +Oenothera villosa subsp. strigosa +subterminal +, terminal +Oenothera villosa subsp. villosa +subterminal +, terminal +Oenothera wolfii +subterminal +, terminal +PPleuridium subulatum +subpercurrent +RRhynchospora colorata +median +Rhynchospora indianolensis +exserted +