Distribution Abbreviations

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United States (except Hawaii1) and abbreviations  
Alabama Ala. Montana Mont.
Alaska Alaska Nebraska Nebr.
Arizona Ariz. Nevada Nev.
Arkansas Ark. New Hampshire N.H.
California Calif. New Jersey N.J.
Colorado Colo. New Mexico N.Mex.
Connecticut Conn. New York N.Y.
Delaware Del. North Carolina N.C.
District of Columbia D.C. North Dakota N.Dak.
Florida Fla. Ohio Ohio
Georgia Ga. Oklahoma Okla.
Idaho Idaho Oregon Oreg.
Illinois Ill. Pennsylvania Pa.
Indiana Ind. Rhode Island R.I.
Iowa Iowa South Carolina S.C.
Kansas Kans. South Dakota S.Dak.
Kentucky Ky. Tennessee Tenn.
Louisiana La. Texas Tex.
Maine Maine Utah Utah
Maryland Md. Vermont Vt.
Massachusetts Mass. Virginia Va.
Michigan Mich. Washington Wash.
Minnesota Minn. West Virginia W.Va.
Mississippi Miss. Wisconsin Wis.
Missouri Mo. Wyoming Wyo.

1Hawaii is treated as a region of the Pacific Islands, e.g., Pacific Islands (Hawaii). 

Canadian provinces and abbreviations 
Alberta  Alta. 
British Columbia  B.C. 
Manitoba  Man. 
New Brunswick  N.B. 
Newfoundland and Labrador  Nfld. and Labr.2 
Northwest Territories  N.W.T. 
Nova Scotia  N.S. 
Nunavut  Nunavut 
Ontario  Ont. 
Prince Edward Island  P.E.I. 
Quebec  Que. 
Saskatchewan  Sask. 
Yukon  Yukon 

2If found in both Newfoundland and Labrador; if found in Newfoundland only: Nfld. and Labr. (Nfld.); if found in Labrador only: Nfld. and Labr. (Labr.).

Geographic abbreviations
n north
s south
e east
w west
c central
ne northeast
nw northwest
se southeast
sw southwest
sc south-central
nc north-central