

Not. Sällsk. Fauna Fl. Fenn. Förh. 9: 80. 1868.

Etymology: Greek trachys, rough, and cystis, bladder or bag, alluding to mammillose laminal cells
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 242. Mentioned on page 215, 216, 243, 659.
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MniaTrachycystisFlagellaris.jpegTrachycystis flagellarisPatricia M. Eckel

Plants (0.7–) 1–2.5 cm, in loose tufts or mats. Stems brown or reddish-brown, erect, branches few, short, not dendroid; rhizoids reddish-brown, macronemata and micronemata present proximally on stem. Leaves green, incurved upwards, crisped or contorted when dry, erect-spreading, flat, or weakly keeled when moist, ovate-elliptic or sometimes elliptic, (1.5–) 2.2–2.6 mm; base decurrent; margins plane, green, pale-brown, or sometimes reddish, 2-stratose, toothed to below mid leaf, sometimes to base, teeth usually paired and sharp, sometimes single; apex acute or acuminate, usually cuspidate, cusp often lightly toothed; costa percurrent, distal abaxial surface toothed; medial laminal cells short-elongate or ± isodiametric, (9–) 12–18 µm, often in longitudinal rows, mammillose on both surfaces, strongly collenchymatous, walls not pitted; marginal cells differentiated, linear, in 1–2 (–3) rows. Specialized asexual reproduction as flagelliform branches, often copious, 2–4 mm, from distal leaf-axils, with small, appressed leaves. Sexual condition dioicous. [Seta single, red, 2–3 cm, flexuose. Capsule horizontal to pendent, yellowish-brown, cylindric, 2–3 mm; operculum conic or short-rostrate; exostome yellow to yellowish green; endostome reddish-brown. Spores 20 µm].


Alaska, Europe, Asia, circumtemperate


Species 3 (1 in the flora).

Trachycystis is distinguished from other genera in Mniaceae by mammillose laminal cells and asexual reproduction by flagelliform branches. Characteristics of the sporophyte, as presented here, are taken from Li X. J. et al. (2007) and from examination of Asian material.

Selected References


... more about "Trachycystis"
blackish +, orange-yellow +, reddish-brown +, yellowish-brown +, yellowish green +, red +, brown +  and yellow +
acuminate +  and acute +
Jillian D. Bainard +  and Terry T. McIntosh +
Lindberg +
decurrent +
copious +  and few +
flagelliform +
0.2 cm2 mm <br />0.002 m <br /> (0.4 cm4 mm <br />0.004 m <br />) +
cucullate +
yellowish green +, yellowish-brown +, brown +  and yellow +
horizontal;pendent +
cylindric +, oblong +, subglobose +, ovate +  and elliptic +
undifferentiated +
2 +  and 1 +
nodulose +
subpercurrent +
toothed +
Alaska +, Europe +, Asia +  and circumtemperate +
Greek trachys, rough, and cystis, bladder or bag, alluding to mammillose laminal cells +
lanceolate-acuminate +
crowded +  and distant +
0.15 cm1.5 mm <br />0.0015 m <br /> (0.22 cm2.2 mm <br />0.0022 m <br />) +
erect-spreading +  and incurved +
ovate-elliptic +, keeled +, flat +, contorted +  and crisped +
0.22 cm2.2 mm <br />0.0022 m <br /> (0.26 cm2.6 mm <br />0.0026 m <br />) +
reddish +, pale-brown +  and green +
toothed +  and plane +
dioicous +  and sexual +
rectangular +, rhomboidal +  and linear +
isodiametric +  and short-elongate +
rostrate +, mammillate +, apiculate +, hemispheric +  and conic +
Not. Sällsk. Fauna Fl. Fenn. Förh. +
reddish-brown +
smaller +  and larger +
flexuose +  and straight +
sometimes +  and single +
elongate +
spheric +
dendroid +, branched +  and simple +
reddish-brown +  and brown +
Trachycystis +
Mniaceae +
0.7 cm7 mm <br />0.007 m <br /> (1 cm10 mm <br />0.01 m <br />) +