Haplocladium angustifolium

(Hampe & Müller Hal.) Brotherus in H. G. A. Engler and K. Prantl

in H. G. A. Engler and K. Prantl, Nat. Pflanze n fam. 229[I,3]: 1008. 1907.

Basionym: Hypnum angustifolium Hampe & Müller Hal. Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 13: 788. 1855
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 346. Mentioned on page 345.
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Plants small. Stems irregularly pinnate; paraphyllia few, subfoliose, frequently branched. Stem-leaves erect, dense, imbricate, broadly ovate, not plicate, 0.6–0.8 mm; margins plane, serrulate; costa percurrent, filling acumen. Branch leaves crowded, oval to ovate, 0.2–0.5 mm; apex acuminate; alar cells not differentiated; medial laminal cells quadrate, 1-papillose over lumen, shifted distally, walls little thickened. Capsule erect. Spores 10–14 µm, weakly granulate.

Phenology: Capsules mature late summer.
Habitat: Wood, humus, rock
Elevation: moderate to high elevations (800-2000 m)


V28 538-distribution-map.gif

Ariz., N.Mex., Mexico, West Indies, c Europe, Asia, Africa


Haplocladium angustifolium occurs in many of the same areas as H. microphyllum but is easily distinguished by the abundant, scattered, subfoliose paraphyllia and stronger branch leaf papillae. The species is more likely to be confused with H. virginianum but the two are distinct in their branching patterns, different branch leaf apices, and laminal cell papillae. These two species are not currently known from the same region in the flora area.

Selected References


Lower Taxa


"broad" is not a number.

acuminate +
Robert E. Magill +
(Hampe & Müller Hal.) Brotherus in H. G. A. Engler and K. Prantl +
adherent +  and free +
Hypnum angustifolium +
monopodial +  and branching +
oval +  and ovate +
0.02 cm0.2 mm <br />2.0e-4 m <br /> (0.05 cm0.5 mm <br />5.0e-4 m <br />) +
spreading;erect +
flagelliform +
cucullate +
long-exserted +
papillose +
quadrate +
not differentiated +
rudimentary +
flexuose +
specialized +
subpercurrent +
autoicous +, dioicous +  and sexual +
sinuate +  and 2-fid +
Ariz. +, N.Mex. +, Mexico +, West Indies +, c Europe +, Asia +  and Africa +
moderate to high elevations (800-2000 m) +
cross striate-papillose +
Wood, humus, rock +
autoicous +, sexual +  and asexual +
0.06 cm0.6 mm <br />6.0e-4 m <br /> (0.08 cm0.8 mm <br />8.0e-4 m <br />) +
short-rostrate +  and conic +
Capsules mature late summer. +
stoloniferous +
peglike +  and linear +
in H. G. A. Engler and K. Prantl, Nat. Pflanze n fam. +
keeled;linear +
curved +  and straight +
elongate +
1.5 cm15 mm <br />0.015 m <br /> (3 cm30 mm <br />0.03 m <br />) +
Illustrated +
granulate +
asymmetric +  and symmetric +
erect-spreading;erect +
triangular +  and ovate to sometimes +
pinnate +  and subpinnate +
slender +
differentiated +
Haplocladium angustifolium +
Haplocladium +
species +
incrassate +
brownish +, yellow-green +  and olive green +