Phytologia 45: 65. 1980.
Taxon | Illustrator ⠉ | |
![]() | Bryocrumia vivicolor | Patricia M. Eckel |
Plants small, in thin, soft mats, yellow-green to green, somewhat shiny. Stems creeping, freely and irregularly branched; hyalodermis absent, central strand absent; pseudoparaphyllia broadly foliose. Stem and branch leaves similar, erect to widespreading, elliptic to oblong-ovate, not plicate; base not or scarcely decurrent; margins broadly incurved on one side at base, plane distally, serrulate to subentire proximally, serrate distally; apex bluntly obtuse to broadly acute; costa double and short or ecostate; alar cells differentiated, short-rectangular; laminal cells appearing smooth, actually low-prorulose at distal ends abaxially (best viewed in profile); basal-cells smooth. Specialized asexual reproduction absent. Sporophytes unknown.
se United States, Asia, Africa
Species 1.
Bryocrumia is defined as small, prostrate, soft plants with obtuse, oblong-ovate leaves with laminal cells that are prorulose at one or both ends. The laminal cells are relatively short, and alar cells are few in the extreme angles. Although reported as smooth by Anderson, the laminal cells of the synonym Glossadelphus andersonii were originally described as prorulose and, indeed, on close examination one can see projecting cell ends when leaves are viewed in profile.
Selected References