
D. Mohr

Observ. Bot., 27. 1803.

Etymology: Greek leptos, delicate, and odon, tooth, alluding to peristome
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 625. Mentioned on page 623, 624, 653.
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LeptLeptodonSmithii.jpegLeptodon smithiiPatricia M. Eckel

Secondary stems densely 2-pinnate to flagelliform or irregularly pinnate; paraphyllia present; pseudoparaphyllia subfoliose. Stem-leaves appressed or erect when dry, spreading when moist, oval to oblongelliptic; margins plane or recurved on one side proximally, entire; apex obtuse or occasionally broadly acute; costa single, 50–70% leaf length, or double, short; alar region weakly differentiated; medial laminal cells isodiametric. Branch leaves similar, often smaller. Sexual condition dioicous; perichaetial leaf apex squarrose. [Seta 1.5–2 mm. Capsule erect, emergent, ovoid to oblong-ellipsoid; stomata absent; operculum obliquely rostrate; exostome teeth connate at base, linear-lanceolate, spiculose; endostome rudimentary. Calyptra hairy. Spores 12–15 µm, brownish yellow].


Colo., South America, Eurasia, n, s, c Africa, Pacific Islands (New Zealand), e Australia, temperate regions


Species 4 (1 in the flora).

The paraphyses are 2-seriate in Leptodon, but 1-seriate in Forsstroemia.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

"elongating" is not a number.

... more about "Leptodon"
acute +  and obtuse +
Lloyd R. Stark +
D. Mohr +
simple;many-branched +
dioicous +  and sexual +
incurved +  and erect +
short;elongate +
cucullate +
quadrate;transversely elongate +
Colo. +, South America +, Eurasia +, n +, s +, c Africa +, Pacific Islands (New Zealand) +, e Australia +  and temperate regions +
Greek leptos, delicate, and odon, tooth, alluding to peristome +
spreading;erect-spreading;squarrose +
ovatelanceolate +
dioicous +, autoicous +, sexual +  and asexual +
conic-rostrate +
2 (?) +  and 1 (?) +
Observ. Bot., +
differentiated +
densely 2-pinnate;flagelliform or irregularly pinnate +
spheric +
spreading;erect;appressed +
oval +  and oblongelliptic +
Leptodon +
Leptodontaceae +
light-brown +
light green;yellow-green +