Revision as of 17:12, 29 July 2020 by imported>Volume Importer
This template is used to set the semantic properties for treatments of the Euphorbiaceae family
It defines the following properties:
- Property:2n chromosome quantity
- Property:abaxial face relief
- Property:abaxial face shape
- Property:abaxial keel architecture or relief
- Property:abaxial keel development
- Property:abaxial keel length
- Property:abaxial keel relief
- Property:abaxial keel width
- Property:abaxial line texture
- Property:abaxial surface architecture
- Property:abaxial surface architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:abaxial surface architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:abaxial surface architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:abaxial surface architecture or shape
- Property:abaxial surface arrangement or shape
- Property:abaxial surface coloration
- Property:abaxial surface fixation or orientation
- Property:abaxial surface length or size
- Property:abaxial surface orientation
- Property:abaxial surface pubescence
- Property:achene architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:achene arrangement
- Property:achene length
- Property:achene pubescence
- Property:achene quantity
- Property:achene reproduction
- Property:achene width
- Property:adaxial face architecture
- Property:adaxial face architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:adaxial face length
- Property:adaxial face relief
- Property:adaxial face shape
- Property:adaxial face width
- Property:adaxial gland prominence
- Property:adaxial ridge arrangement
- Property:adaxial surface architecture
- Property:adaxial surface architecture or course
- Property:adaxial surface architecture or shape
- Property:adaxial surface coloration
- Property:adaxial surface fixation or orientation
- Property:adaxial surface height or length or size
- Property:adaxial surface prominence
- Property:adaxial surface pubescence
- Property:adaxial surface structure in adjective form
- Property:age coloration
- Property:all fusion
- Property:all length
- Property:all position
- Property:all quantity
- Property:all size
- Property:all some measurement
- Property:angle shape
- Property:anther architecture
- Property:anther dehiscence
- Property:anther length
- Property:anther locule shape
- Property:anther quantity
- Property:anther some measurement
- Property:apex architecture
- Property:apex architecture or shape
- Property:apex atypical length
- Property:apex atypical width
- Property:apex course
- Property:apex length
- Property:apex orientation
- Property:apex position
- Property:apex prominence
- Property:apex pubescence
- Property:apex pubescence or texture
- Property:apex quantity
- Property:apex shape
- Property:apex shape or vernation
- Property:apex some measurement
- Property:apex texture
- Property:apex width
- Property:apical disc diameter
- Property:apical disc width
- Property:apical gland architecture
- Property:apical gland arrangement or shape
- Property:apical gland diameter
- Property:apical gland relief
- Property:appendage architecture
- Property:appendage architecture or course
- Property:appendage architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:appendage architecture or relief
- Property:appendage architecture or shape
- Property:appendage arrangement or shape
- Property:appendage atypical length
- Property:appendage atypical width
- Property:appendage coloration
- Property:appendage condition
- Property:appendage fusion
- Property:appendage height or length or size
- Property:appendage length
- Property:appendage orientation
- Property:appendage presence
- Property:appendage prominence
- Property:appendage pubescence
- Property:appendage quantity
- Property:appendage shape
- Property:appendage size
- Property:appendage some measurement
- Property:appendage variability
- Property:appendage width
- Property:arizona geographical terms
- Property:auricle shape
- Property:auricle size
- Property:author
- Property:authority
- Property:axillary branch architecture
- Property:axillary branch architecture or arrangement
- Property:axillary branch arrangement
- Property:axillary branch atypical quantity
- Property:axillary branch height or length or size
- Property:axillary branch presence
- Property:axillary branch quantity
- Property:axillary branch size
- Property:axillary cyme architecture or arrangement
- Property:axillary shoot height or length or size
- Property:axillary shoot reproduction
- Property:band quantity
- Property:band size or width
- Property:bark architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:bark coloration
- Property:bark pubescence or relief
- Property:bark reflectance
- Property:bark relief
- Property:basal part duration
- Property:basal part height or length or size
- Property:base architecture
- Property:base architecture or dehiscence
- Property:base architecture or fixation
- Property:base architecture or shape
- Property:base arrangement
- Property:base arrangement or course or shape
- Property:base atypical length
- Property:base atypical width
- Property:base character
- Property:base coloration
- Property:base duration
- Property:base fusion
- Property:base height or length or size
- Property:base length
- Property:base length or size
- Property:base orientation or shape
- Property:base prominence
- Property:base pubescence
- Property:base pubescence or texture
- Property:base shape
- Property:base shape or architecture
- Property:base shape or vernation
- Property:base size or width
- Property:base some measurement
- Property:base texture
- Property:base width
- Property:basionyms
- Property:between glands margin pubescence
- Property:between glands margin shape
- Property:blade architecture
- Property:blade architecture or shape
- Property:blade arrangement or course or shape
- Property:blade arrangement or shape
- Property:blade atypical l/w
- Property:blade atypical length
- Property:blade atypical width
- Property:blade coloration
- Property:blade diameter
- Property:blade fixation
- Property:blade growth form
- Property:blade growth form or texture
- Property:blade l w ratio
- Property:blade l/w
- Property:blade length
- Property:blade life cycle
- Property:blade orientation
- Property:blade position
- Property:blade position or shape
- Property:blade pubescence
- Property:blade pubescence or texture
- Property:blade quantity
- Property:blade reflectance
- Property:blade shape
- Property:blade size
- Property:blade texture
- Property:blade width
- Property:blade-leaf distance
- Property:blotch coloration
- Property:border shape
- Property:border size or width
- Property:bract architecture
- Property:bract architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:bract arrangement
- Property:bract arrangement or course or shape
- Property:bract arrangement or shape
- Property:bract atypical length
- Property:bract atypical quantity
- Property:bract atypical some measurement
- Property:bract coloration
- Property:bract diameter
- Property:bract duration
- Property:bract fusion
- Property:bract height or length or size
- Property:bract length
- Property:bract length or size
- Property:bract life cycle
- Property:bract orientation or shape
- Property:bract position or shape
- Property:bract presence
- Property:bract quantity
- Property:bract shape
- Property:bract size
- Property:bract some measurement
- Property:bract texture
- Property:bract width
- Property:bracteole quantity
- Property:bracteole shape
- Property:branch architecture
- Property:branch arrangement
- Property:branch atypical quantity
- Property:branch course
- Property:branch course or shape
- Property:branch life cycle
- Property:branch orientation
- Property:branch position
- Property:branch presence
- Property:branch pubescence
- Property:branch quantity
- Property:branch shape
- Property:branch size
- Property:branch some measurement
- Property:branch tip architecture
- Property:branch tip arrangement
- Property:branch tip size
- Property:branchlet architecture
- Property:branchlet fragility
- Property:branchlet quantity
- Property:branchlet reproduction
- Property:bud pubescence
- Property:calyx atypical some measurement
- Property:calyx lobe shape
- Property:calyx lobe some measurement
- Property:calyx shape
- Property:calyx some measurement
- Property:capsule architecture
- Property:capsule architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:capsule architecture or shape
- Property:capsule atypical length
- Property:capsule atypical some measurement
- Property:capsule atypical width
- Property:capsule coloration
- Property:capsule dehiscence
- Property:capsule diameter
- Property:capsule duration
- Property:capsule height or length or size
- Property:capsule length
- Property:capsule length or size
- Property:capsule life cycle
- Property:capsule position
- Property:capsule pubescence
- Property:capsule quantity
- Property:capsule relief
- Property:capsule shape
- Property:capsule some measurement
- Property:capsule texture
- Property:capsule width
- Property:capsules base duration
- Property:capsules base pubescence
- Property:carpel atypical quantity
- Property:carpel life cycle
- Property:carpel quantity
- Property:caruncle architecture
- Property:caruncle architecture or shape
- Property:caruncle arrangement or shape
- Property:caruncle coloration
- Property:caruncle diameter
- Property:caruncle duration
- Property:caruncle length
- Property:caruncle position
- Property:caruncle presence
- Property:caruncle prominence
- Property:caruncle prominence or shape
- Property:caruncle shape
- Property:caruncle size
- Property:caruncle some measurement
- Property:caruncle width
- Property:caudex diameter
- Property:caudex location
- Property:caudex some measurement
- Property:caudex texture
- Property:center coloration
- Property:central lobe length
- Property:central lobe shape
- Property:central lobe size
- Property:central lobe width
- Property:clump size
- Property:coat architecture
- Property:coat arrangement or shape
- Property:coat coating
- Property:coat coloration
- Property:coat length
- Property:coat relief
- Property:coat shape
- Property:coat texture
- Property:coat width
- Property:cocci architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:cocci coloration or relief
- Property:cocci length
- Property:cocci pubescence
- Property:cocci relief
- Property:cocci shape
- Property:cocci texture
- Property:columella architecture
- Property:columella atypical some measurement
- Property:columella course
- Property:columella duration
- Property:columella fixation
- Property:columella presence
- Property:columella shape
- Property:columella some measurement
- Property:column architecture
- Property:column quantity
- Property:column size
- Property:column width
- Property:common name
- Property:continuum pubescence
- Property:corolla coloration
- Property:corolla depth
- Property:corolla shape
- Property:cross-ridge depth
- Property:cross-ridge prominence
- Property:cross-ridge shape
- Property:cross-section shape
- Property:cross-section width
- Property:crown architecture
- Property:crown orientation
- Property:crown texture
- Property:cyathium architecture or arrangement
- Property:cyathium architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:cyathium arrangement
- Property:cyathium arrangement or growth form
- Property:cyathium duration
- Property:cyathium position or structure subtype
- Property:cyathium pubescence
- Property:cyme architecture
- Property:cyme architecture or arrangement
- Property:cyme architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:cyme arrangement
- Property:cyme coloration
- Property:cyme prominence
- Property:cymule architecture
- Property:cymule arrangement
- Property:cymule axis some measurement
- Property:cymule quantity
- Property:depression architecture
- Property:depression architecture or course
- Property:depression arrangement
- Property:depression depth
- Property:depression prominence
- Property:depression quantity
- Property:depression relief
- Property:depression shape
- Property:depression size
- Property:dichasium architecture
- Property:dichasium coloration
- Property:disc shape
- Property:distal bract architecture
- Property:distal bract coloration
- Property:distal gland architecture or shape
- Property:distal gland length
- Property:distal gland shape
- Property:distal gland width
- Property:distal leaf arrangement
- Property:distal leaf character
- Property:distal leaf size
- Property:distal leaf width
- Property:distal leaf-blade arrangement or shape or course
- Property:distal leaf-blade l w ratio
- Property:distal leaf-blade length
- Property:distal leaf-blade width
- Property:distal margin architecture
- Property:distal margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:distal margin architecture or relief
- Property:distal margin architecture or shape
- Property:distal margin character
- Property:distal margin coloration
- Property:distal margin length
- Property:distal margin presence
- Property:distal margin prominence
- Property:distal margin shape
- Property:distal margin variability
- Property:distal margin width
- Property:distal node architecture
- Property:distal node architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:distal node arrangement or growth form
- Property:distal node length
- Property:distal part shape
- Property:distal stem-leaf arrangement
- Property:distal stem-leaf coloration
- Property:distribution
- Property:division quantity
- Property:division shape
- Property:dorsal face relief
- Property:dorsal face shape
- Property:drupe diameter
- Property:drupe shape
- Property:dye coloration
- Property:edge length
- Property:edge width
- Property:elevation
- Property:end architecture or shape
- Property:exudate coating
- Property:exudate coloration
- Property:face architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:face atypical length
- Property:face length
- Property:face relief
- Property:face shape
- Property:face size
- Property:face width
- Property:flange architecture or course
- Property:flange architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:flange length
- Property:flange pubescence
- Property:flange width
- Property:flower architecture
- Property:flower architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:flower arrangement
- Property:flower arrangement or growth form
- Property:flower atypical quantity
- Property:flower coloration
- Property:flower diameter
- Property:flower fusion
- Property:flower length
- Property:flower position
- Property:flower position or structure subtype
- Property:flower presence
- Property:flower pubescence
- Property:flower quantity
- Property:flower reproduction
- Property:flower shape
- Property:flower size
- Property:flower some measurement
- Property:flower variability
- Property:flower width
- Property:fruit architecture or shape
- Property:fruit atypical quantity
- Property:fruit dehiscence
- Property:fruit length
- Property:fruit pubescence
- Property:fruit quantity
- Property:fruit relief
- Property:fruit reproduction
- Property:fruit shape
- Property:fruit width
- Property:fruits capsule dehiscence
- Property:fruits capsule pubescence
- Property:fruits capsule quantity
- Property:fruits capsule relief
- Property:fruits capsule texture
- Property:furrow architecture
- Property:furrow height or length or size
- Property:gland appendage architecture or shape
- Property:gland appendage atypical length
- Property:gland appendage character or shape
- Property:gland appendage coloration
- Property:gland appendage derivation
- Property:gland appendage length
- Property:gland appendage orientation or shape
- Property:gland appendage presence
- Property:gland appendage prominence
- Property:gland appendage shape
- Property:gland appendage size
- Property:gland appendage width
- Property:gland architecture
- Property:gland architecture or shape
- Property:gland arrangement
- Property:gland arrangement or shape
- Property:gland atypical length
- Property:gland atypical quantity
- Property:gland atypical width
- Property:gland character
- Property:gland coloration
- Property:gland depth
- Property:gland diameter
- Property:gland duration
- Property:gland fixation
- Property:gland length
- Property:gland position
- Property:gland presence
- Property:gland prominence
- Property:gland prominence or shape
- Property:gland pubescence
- Property:gland quantity
- Property:gland relief
- Property:gland shape
- Property:gland size
- Property:gland size or width
- Property:gland some measurement
- Property:gland texture
- Property:gland width
- Property:glandular tooth quantity
- Property:glandular-hair architecture
- Property:glandular-hair orientation
- Property:glandular-hair reflectance
- Property:glandular-hair relief
- Property:glomerule architecture
- Property:glomerule architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:glomerule architecture or shape
- Property:glomerule arrangement
- Property:groove architecture or course
- Property:groove shape
- Property:gynobase shape
- Property:gynophore life cycle
- Property:gynophore position
- Property:gynophore some measurement
- Property:habitat
- Property:hair architecture
- Property:hair architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:hair arrangement
- Property:hair arrangement or density
- Property:hair arrangement or shape
- Property:hair character
- Property:hair coloration
- Property:hair course
- Property:hair fixation
- Property:hair fixation or orientation
- Property:hair fragility
- Property:hair height or length or size
- Property:hair length
- Property:hair length or size
- Property:hair orientation
- Property:hair position
- Property:hair presence
- Property:hair prominence
- Property:hair pubescence
- Property:hair quantity
- Property:hair reflectance
- Property:hair shape
- Property:hair size
- Property:hair some measurement
- Property:hair toxicity
- Property:hair variability
- Property:hair width
- Property:horn arrangement
- Property:horn course
- Property:horn length or size
- Property:horn presence
- Property:horn some measurement
- Property:horn variability
- Property:horn width
- Property:hypanthium presence
- Property:illustration copyright
- Property:illustrator
- Property:individual architecture
- Property:indumentum arrangement
- Property:inflorescence architecture
- Property:inflorescence arrangement
- Property:inflorescence atypical some measurement
- Property:inflorescence length
- Property:inflorescence position
- Property:inflorescence position or structure subtype
- Property:inflorescence presence
- Property:inflorescence quantity
- Property:inflorescence reproduction
- Property:inflorescence some measurement
- Property:inflorescence width
- Property:inner coat architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:inner coat coloration
- Property:inner coat texture
- Property:inner sepal some measurement
- Property:inner series some measurement
- Property:inner whorl fusion
- Property:inner whorl length
- Property:inner whorl length or size
- Property:inner whorl some measurement
- Property:internode some measurement
- Property:introduced
- Property:involucral-bract coloration
- Property:involucral-bract length
- Property:involucral-bract shape
- Property:involucral-bract width
- Property:involucre architecture
- Property:involucre architecture or shape
- Property:involucre atypical length
- Property:involucre atypical width
- Property:involucre coloration
- Property:involucre length
- Property:involucre pubescence
- Property:involucre quantity
- Property:involucre relief
- Property:involucre shape
- Property:involucre some measurement
- Property:involucre width
- Property:keel position
- Property:laminar gland architecture
- Property:laminar gland architecture or shape
- Property:laminar gland arrangement
- Property:laminar gland arrangement or shape
- Property:laminar gland atypical quantity
- Property:laminar gland length
- Property:laminar gland position
- Property:laminar gland presence
- Property:laminar gland quantity
- Property:laminar gland shape
- Property:laminar gland width
- Property:larger side architecture
- Property:lateral shoot height or length or size
- Property:lateral-vein prominence
- Property:lateral-vein quantity
- Property:latex coloration
- Property:latex presence
- Property:latex pubescence or texture
- Property:latex quantity
- Property:latex texture
- Property:layer fragility
- Property:layer relief
- Property:leaf architecture
- Property:leaf architecture or arrangement
- Property:leaf architecture or shape
- Property:leaf arrangement
- Property:leaf arrangement or course or shape
- Property:leaf arrangement or growth form
- Property:leaf atypical length
- Property:leaf atypical width
- Property:leaf coloration
- Property:leaf duration
- Property:leaf fixation or orientation
- Property:leaf height or length or size
- Property:leaf l w ratio
- Property:leaf length
- Property:leaf life cycle
- Property:leaf orientation
- Property:leaf prominence
- Property:leaf quantity
- Property:leaf shape
- Property:leaf size
- Property:leaf size or width
- Property:leaf width
- Property:leaf-blade arrangement or course or shape
- Property:leaf-blade atypical length
- Property:leaf-blade atypical width
- Property:leaf-blade l w ratio
- Property:leaf-blade length
- Property:leaf-blade shape
- Property:leaf-blade width
- Property:line architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:line coloration
- Property:line dehiscence or orientation
- Property:line fusion
- Property:line position
- Property:lobe apex architecture or shape
- Property:lobe apex shape
- Property:lobe architecture
- Property:lobe architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:lobe architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:lobe architecture or shape
- Property:lobe arrangement
- Property:lobe arrangement or course or shape
- Property:lobe atypical quantity
- Property:lobe character
- Property:lobe depth
- Property:lobe derivation
- Property:lobe height or length or size
- Property:lobe orientation
- Property:lobe position
- Property:lobe prominence
- Property:lobe pubescence
- Property:lobe quantity
- Property:lobe relief
- Property:lobe shape
- Property:lobe some measurement
- Property:lobe width
- Property:locule atypical length
- Property:locule atypical width
- Property:locule length
- Property:locule pubescence
- Property:locule reproduction
- Property:locule width
- Property:longer hair architecture
- Property:longer hair course
- Property:longer side architecture or shape
- Property:lower surface pubescence
- Property:margin architecture
- Property:margin architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:margin architecture or relief
- Property:margin architecture or shape
- Property:margin coloration
- Property:margin dehiscence
- Property:margin density
- Property:margin length
- Property:margin position or shape
- Property:margin prominence
- Property:margin prominence or shape
- Property:margin pubescence
- Property:margin shape
- Property:margin shape or architecture
- Property:margin shape or vernation
- Property:margin size or width
- Property:margin some measurement
- Property:margin texture
- Property:margin width
- Property:marginal hair quantity
- Property:marginal tooth shape
- Property:marking coloration
- Property:mat architecture or fragility
- Property:mat arrangement or shape
- Property:mat growth form or orientation
- Property:median lobe arrangement
- Property:median lobe some measurement
- Property:mesocarp dehiscence
- Property:mesocarp texture
- Property:midrib prominence
- Property:midsection size
- Property:midsection some measurement
- Property:midstem leaf size
- Property:midvein architecture
- Property:midvein architecture or shape
- Property:midvein prominence
- Property:midvein pubescence
- Property:midvein quantity
- Property:midvein shape
- Property:mound density
- Property:mound growth form
- Property:mound pubescence
- Property:mound some measurement
- Property:nectary atypical quantity
- Property:nectary fusion
- Property:nectary gland arrangement or course or shape
- Property:nectary gland arrangement or shape
- Property:nectary gland fusion
- Property:nectary gland length
- Property:nectary gland pubescence
- Property:nectary gland shape
- Property:nectary gland width
- Property:nectary position
- Property:nectary presence
- Property:nectary quantity
- Property:nectary shape
- Property:node architecture or arrangement
- Property:node development
- Property:node quantity
- Property:node shape
- Property:outer lobe arrangement
- Property:outer lobe presence
- Property:outer lobe size
- Property:outer seed-coat coloration
- Property:outer seed-coat condition or texture
- Property:outer seed-coat texture
- Property:outer sepal quantity
- Property:outer sepal some measurement
- Property:outer whorl fusion
- Property:outer whorl position
- Property:outer whorl some measurement
- Property:outgrowth architecture
- Property:outgrowth shape
- Property:ovary architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:ovary architecture or structure in adjective form
- Property:ovary coloration
- Property:ovary diameter
- Property:ovary placentation
- Property:ovary position
- Property:ovary pubescence
- Property:ovary quantity
- Property:ovary reproduction
- Property:ovule orientation
- Property:ovule quantity
- Property:pad shape
- Property:pair position
- Property:pair quantity
- Property:panicle architecture
- Property:panicle some measurement
- Property:papilla pubescence
- Property:papilla some measurement
- Property:part quantity
- Property:part reproduction
- Property:part some measurement
- Property:patch relief
- Property:pedicel architecture
- Property:pedicel atypical some measurement
- Property:pedicel course
- Property:pedicel length
- Property:pedicel orientation
- Property:pedicel presence
- Property:pedicel prominence
- Property:pedicel quantity
- Property:pedicel some measurement
- Property:peduncle architecture
- Property:peduncle atypical some measurement
- Property:peduncle duration
- Property:peduncle fragility or size
- Property:peduncle presence
- Property:peduncle prominence
- Property:peduncle pubescence
- Property:peduncle quantity
- Property:peduncle shape
- Property:peduncle some measurement
- Property:perianth position
- Property:petal architecture
- Property:petal arrangement or course or shape
- Property:petal arrangement or shape
- Property:petal atypical length
- Property:petal atypical quantity
- Property:petal atypical some measurement
- Property:petal atypical width
- Property:petal coloration
- Property:petal fusion
- Property:petal length
- Property:petal presence
- Property:petal prominence
- Property:petal pubescence
- Property:petal quantity
- Property:petal shape
- Property:petal size
- Property:petal some measurement
- Property:petal variability
- Property:petal width
- Property:petiole atypical some measurement
- Property:petiole height or length or size
- Property:petiole length
- Property:petiole presence
- Property:petiole prominence
- Property:petiole pubescence
- Property:petiole quantity
- Property:petiole size
- Property:petiole some measurement
- Property:phenology
- Property:pistil architecture
- Property:pistil quantity
- Property:pistillode presence
- Property:pistillode shape
- Property:pit architecture or course
- Property:pit arrangement
- Property:pit depth
- Property:pit quantity
- Property:pit shape
- Property:pit size
- Property:pit width
- Property:place in publication
- Property:plant quantity
- Property:pleiochasium architecture
- Property:pleiochasium arrangement
- Property:pleiochasium coloration
- Property:pleiochasium fusion
- Property:point position
- Property:point prominence
- Property:point shape
- Property:portion architecture
- Property:portion arrangement
- Property:portion atypical length
- Property:portion atypical some measurement
- Property:portion atypical width
- Property:portion flower architecture
- Property:portion flower presence
- Property:portion flower reproduction
- Property:portion fusion
- Property:portion length
- Property:portion quantity
- Property:portion reproduction
- Property:portion some measurement
- Property:portion width
- Property:primary branch atypical quantity
- Property:primary branch quantity
- Property:process architecture or shape
- Property:process arrangement
- Property:process some measurement
- Property:projection quantity
- Property:projection shape
- Property:proximal adaxial surface quantity
- Property:proximal and mid cyathium life cycle
- Property:proximal and mid cyathium pubescence
- Property:proximal and mid peduncle life cycle
- Property:proximal and mid peduncle pubescence
- Property:proximal character
- Property:proximal gland atypical width
- Property:proximal gland length
- Property:proximal gland orientation or shape
- Property:proximal gland shape
- Property:proximal gland width
- Property:proximal leaf coloration
- Property:proximal leaf length
- Property:proximal leaf shape
- Property:proximal leaf width
- Property:proximal leaf-blade shape
- Property:proximal part shape
- Property:proximal variability
- Property:proximalmost leaf length
- Property:proximalmost leaf shape
- Property:proximalmost leaf width
- Property:proximalmost node architecture
- Property:publication title
- Property:publication year
- Property:raceme architecture
- Property:raceme architecture or arrangement
- Property:raceme architecture or shape
- Property:raceme arrangement
- Property:raceme some measurement
- Property:radius quantity
- Property:raphe length or size
- Property:ray coloration
- Property:receptacle length
- Property:reference
- Property:rhizome texture
- Property:ridge architecture
- Property:ridge architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:ridge architecture or course
- Property:ridge architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:ridge arrangement
- Property:ridge atypical quantity
- Property:ridge coloration
- Property:ridge dehiscence or orientation
- Property:ridge depth
- Property:ridge fixation or orientation
- Property:ridge height or length or size
- Property:ridge position
- Property:ridge position relational
- Property:ridge prominence
- Property:ridge quantity
- Property:ridge shape
- Property:ridge size or width
- Property:ridge width
- Property:rim shape
- Property:rim size or width
- Property:rim width
- Property:root scar diam
- Property:root scar shape
- Property:root size or width
- Property:rootstock architecture
- Property:rootstock depth
- Property:rootstock fragility
- Property:rootstock fragility or size
- Property:rootstock orientation
- Property:rootstock shape
- Property:rootstock size
- Property:rootstock size or width
- Property:rootstock texture
- Property:rootstock width
- Property:row architecture
- Property:row arrangement
- Property:row dehiscence or orientation
- Property:row orientation
- Property:row prominence
- Property:row quantity
- Property:scale architecture
- Property:scale architecture or relief
- Property:scale coloration
- Property:scale coloration or reflectance
- Property:scale presence
- Property:scale prominence
- Property:scale pubescence
- Property:scale shape
- Property:scale size
- Property:scale size or width
- Property:scale some measurement
- Property:scale width
- Property:scar prominence
- Property:schizocarp reproduction
- Property:secondary lobe position
- Property:secondary lobe prominence
- Property:secondary lobe shape
- Property:secondary-vein arrangement
- Property:secondary-vein course
- Property:secondary-vein course or shape
- Property:secondary-vein prominence
- Property:secondary-vein quantity
- Property:seed architecture
- Property:seed architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:seed architecture or fragility
- Property:seed architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:seed architecture or relief
- Property:seed architecture or shape
- Property:seed arrangement or density
- Property:seed arrangement or shape
- Property:seed atypical length
- Property:seed atypical some measurement
- Property:seed atypical width
- Property:seed coloration
- Property:seed coloration or pubescence or relief
- Property:seed diameter
- Property:seed fixation or orientation
- Property:seed height or length or size
- Property:seed length
- Property:seed position
- Property:seed position relational
- Property:seed prominence
- Property:seed prominence or shape
- Property:seed pubescence
- Property:seed quantity
- Property:seed reflectance
- Property:seed relief
- Property:seed shape
- Property:seed size
- Property:seed some measurement
- Property:seed thickness
- Property:seed width
- Property:seed-coat architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:seed-coat coloration
- Property:seed-coat fusion
- Property:seed-coat pubescence or relief
- Property:segment architecture or shape
- Property:segment arrangement or course or shape
- Property:segment atypical quantity
- Property:segment fusion
- Property:segment pubescence
- Property:segment quantity
- Property:segment shape
- Property:segment size
- Property:segment size or width
- Property:segment some measurement
- Property:segment width
- Property:segregation geographical terms
- Property:segregation quantity
- Property:sepal architecture
- Property:sepal arrangement
- Property:sepal arrangement or course or shape
- Property:sepal arrangement or dehiscence
- Property:sepal arrangement or shape
- Property:sepal atypical length
- Property:sepal atypical quantity
- Property:sepal atypical some measurement
- Property:sepal coloration
- Property:sepal development
- Property:sepal duration
- Property:sepal fusion
- Property:sepal length
- Property:sepal orientation
- Property:sepal presence
- Property:sepal pubescence
- Property:sepal quantity
- Property:sepal shape
- Property:sepal size
- Property:sepal some measurement
- Property:sepal variability
- Property:sepal width
- Property:series fixation or orientation
- Property:series height or length or size
- Property:series position relational
- Property:series prominence
- Property:seta width
- Property:shoot behavior
- Property:shoot life cycle
- Property:short-shoot architecture
- Property:short-shoot architecture or arrangement
- Property:short-shoot architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:short-shoot arrangement
- Property:short-shoot length or size
- Property:short-shoot presence
- Property:short-shoot prominence
- Property:short-shoot quantity
- Property:short-shoot shape
- Property:shorter hair shape
- Property:shorter side shape
- Property:side architecture or shape
- Property:side arrangement
- Property:side length
- Property:side pubescence
- Property:side shape
- Property:side size
- Property:side width
- Property:sinus prominence
- Property:sinus shape
- Property:slender hair count or density
- Property:slender hair length or size
- Property:slender taproot architecture
- Property:slit dehiscence or orientation
- Property:source xml
- Property:special status
- Property:species shape
- Property:spike some measurement
- Property:stamen all fusion
- Property:stamen all length
- Property:stamen arrangement
- Property:stamen atypical quantity
- Property:stamen coloration
- Property:stamen course
- Property:stamen diameter
- Property:stamen fusion
- Property:stamen height or length or size
- Property:stamen length
- Property:stamen orientation
- Property:stamen quantity
- Property:stamen shape
- Property:stamen size
- Property:stamen some measurement
- Property:staminal column some measurement
- Property:staminode presence
- Property:staminode prominence
- Property:staminode pubescence
- Property:staminode quantity
- Property:staminode shape
- Property:staminode size
- Property:state fusion
- Property:stem architecture
- Property:stem architecture or arrangement
- Property:stem architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:stem architecture or fixation
- Property:stem architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:stem architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:stem architecture or shape
- Property:stem arrangement
- Property:stem arrangement or growth form
- Property:stem atypical some measurement
- Property:stem coating
- Property:stem coloration
- Property:stem coloration or pubescence or relief
- Property:stem coloration or taste
- Property:stem condition
- Property:stem course
- Property:stem diam
- Property:stem diameter
- Property:stem duration
- Property:stem fixation or orientation
- Property:stem fragility or size
- Property:stem growth form
- Property:stem growth form or orientation
- Property:stem growth form or texture
- Property:stem growth order
- Property:stem length or size
- Property:stem life cycle
- Property:stem orientation
- Property:stem orientation or growth form
- Property:stem orientation or shape
- Property:stem position
- Property:stem pubescence
- Property:stem quantity
- Property:stem relief
- Property:stem shape
- Property:stem size
- Property:stem some measurement
- Property:stem texture
- Property:stigma architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:stigma diameter
- Property:stigma orientation
- Property:stigma quantity
- Property:stigma relief
- Property:stigma shape
- Property:stigmatic shape
- Property:stipel presence
- Property:stipitate-gland architecture
- Property:stipitate-gland diameter
- Property:stipitate-gland length
- Property:stipitate-gland quantity
- Property:stipitate-gland width
- Property:stipule architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:stipule architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:stipule architecture or relief
- Property:stipule architecture or shape
- Property:stipule arrangement or course or shape
- Property:stipule arrangement or shape
- Property:stipule atypical some measurement
- Property:stipule coloration
- Property:stipule development
- Property:stipule duration
- Property:stipule fusion
- Property:stipule length
- Property:stipule position
- Property:stipule presence
- Property:stipule prominence
- Property:stipule pubescence
- Property:stipule quantity
- Property:stipule relief
- Property:stipule shape
- Property:stipule size
- Property:stipule size or width
- Property:stipule some measurement
- Property:stipule texture
- Property:stipule width
- Property:stipule-scar prominence
- Property:streak coloration
- Property:striation coloration
- Property:stripe coloration
- Property:structure architecture or shape
- Property:structure arrangement or course or shape
- Property:structure length
- Property:structure shape
- Property:structure width
- Property:style architecture
- Property:style architecture or shape
- Property:style arrangement
- Property:style atypical quantity
- Property:style atypical some measurement
- Property:style coloration
- Property:style duration
- Property:style fusion
- Property:style growth form
- Property:style length
- Property:style lengths
- Property:style orientation
- Property:style position
- Property:style pubescence
- Property:style quantity
- Property:style relief
- Property:style shape
- Property:style size
- Property:style size or quantity
- Property:style some measurement
- Property:style width
- Property:subtending cyathium arrangement
- Property:subtending flower architecture
- Property:subtending flower size
- Property:sulcus arrangement
- Property:sulcus dehiscence or orientation
- Property:sulcus quantity
- Property:surface architecture
- Property:surface architecture or shape
- Property:surface coating
- Property:surface coloration
- Property:surface hair arrangement
- Property:surface hair fixation or orientation
- Property:surface hair prominence
- Property:surface hair quantity
- Property:surface height or length or size
- Property:surface length
- Property:surface prominence
- Property:surface pubescence
- Property:surface pubescence or relief
- Property:surface quantity
- Property:surface relief
- Property:surface shape
- Property:surface shape or vernation
- Property:surface texture
- Property:surface width
- Property:synonyms
- Property:taproot architecture
- Property:taproot orientation
- Property:taproot size
- Property:taproot size or width
- Property:taproot texture
- Property:taproot width
- Property:teeth apex orientation
- Property:terminal branch architecture
- Property:terminal branch atypical quantity
- Property:terminal branch quantity
- Property:terminal branch size
- Property:terminal branch size or quantity
- Property:terminal branch some measurement
- Property:terminal cyathium architecture or shape
- Property:terminal cyathium density
- Property:terminal dichasium position
- Property:terminal dichasium prominence
- Property:terminal glomerule architecture or shape
- Property:terminal glomerule density
- Property:terminal glomerule position
- Property:terminal lobe length
- Property:terminal lobe presence
- Property:terminal lobe quantity
- Property:terminal pleiochasium architecture
- Property:terminal segment quantity
- Property:terminal whole-organism arrangement
- Property:testa coloration
- Property:thorn shape
- Property:thyrse architecture
- Property:thyrse arrangement
- Property:thyrse position
- Property:thyrse position or structure subtype
- Property:thyrse reproduction
- Property:thyrse shape
- Property:thyrse some measurement
- Property:tip arrangement or course or shape
- Property:tip coloration
- Property:tip orientation
- Property:tip prominence
- Property:tip quantity
- Property:tip shape
- Property:tip some measurement
- Property:tooth architecture
- Property:tooth architecture or shape
- Property:tooth arrangement
- Property:tooth character
- Property:tooth coloration
- Property:tooth orientation
- Property:tooth prominence
- Property:tooth quantity
- Property:tooth shape
- Property:tooth some measurement
- Property:tooth variability
- Property:tooth width
- Property:trichome architecture
- Property:trichome shape
- Property:tube course
- Property:tube shape
- Property:tube size
- Property:tube some measurement
- Property:tuber length
- Property:tuber shape
- Property:tuber width
- Property:tubercle arrangement
- Property:tubercle position
- Property:tubercle shape
- Property:tubercle width
- Property:umbo shape
- Property:upper surface pubescence
- Property:variety quantity
- Property:vein coloration
- Property:vein position relational
- Property:vein prominence
- Property:vein quantity
- Property:vein size
- Property:ventral face shape
- Property:verruca pubescence
- Property:verruca some measurement
- Property:wax fragility
- Property:wax relief
- Property:whole-organism architecture
- Property:whole-organism architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:whole-organism architecture or shape
- Property:whole-organism arrangement
- Property:whole-organism atypical quantity
- Property:whole-organism atypical some measurement
- Property:whole-organism character
- Property:whole-organism density
- Property:whole-organism fusion
- Property:whole-organism geographical terms
- Property:whole-organism position
- Property:whole-organism presence
- Property:whole-organism quantity
- Property:whole-organism some measurement
- Property:whole-organism structure in adjective form
- Property:whole-organism variability
- Property:whole_organism architecture
- Property:whole_organism atypical some measurement
- Property:whole_organism diameter
- Property:whole_organism duration
- Property:whole_organism fragility
- Property:whole_organism growth form
- Property:whole_organism habitat
- Property:whole_organism pubescence
- Property:whole_organism pubescence or texture
- Property:whole_organism reproduction
- Property:whole_organism shape
- Property:whole_organism size
- Property:whole_organism some measurement
- Property:whole_organism texture
- Property:whole_organism thickness
- Property:whorl architecture
- Property:whorl arrangement or density
- Property:whorl atypical quantity
- Property:whorl quantity
- Property:whorl series some measurement
- Property:wider leaf architecture
- Property:wider leaf length
- Property:wider leaf shape
- Property:wider leaf width
- Property:wing dehiscence or orientation
- Property:wing position
- Property:wing quantity
- Property:x chromosome quantity