Revision as of 09:03, 30 July 2020 by imported>Volume Importer
This template is used to set the semantic properties for treatments of the Caryophyllaceae family
It defines the following properties:
- Property:2n chromosome atypical quantity
- Property:2n chromosome quantity
- Property:abaxial groove depth
- Property:abaxial groove fusion
- Property:abaxial groove presence
- Property:abaxial groove relief
- Property:abaxial groove some measurement
- Property:abaxial midrib pubescence or relief
- Property:abaxial surface relief
- Property:adaxial hood prominence
- Property:adaxial surface pubescence
- Property:and architecture
- Property:and length or size
- Property:androecium position
- Property:angle architecture
- Property:angle coloration
- Property:angle prominence
- Property:angle pubescence or relief
- Property:angle quantity
- Property:anther coloration
- Property:anther coloration or density
- Property:anther quantity
- Property:anther some measurement
- Property:apex architecture
- Property:apex architecture or arrangement
- Property:apex architecture or dehiscence
- Property:apex architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:apex architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:apex architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:apex architecture or relief
- Property:apex architecture or shape
- Property:apex arrangement
- Property:apex atypical length
- Property:apex coating
- Property:apex coloration
- Property:apex coloration or density
- Property:apex course
- Property:apex dehiscence
- Property:apex development
- Property:apex fragility
- Property:apex fragility or size
- Property:apex height or length or size
- Property:apex length
- Property:apex notch depth
- Property:apex notch some measurement
- Property:apex orientation
- Property:apex position
- Property:apex presence
- Property:apex prominence
- Property:apex prominence or shape
- Property:apex pubescence
- Property:apex pubescence or relief
- Property:apex reflectance
- Property:apex relief
- Property:apex shape
- Property:apex size or width
- Property:apex some measurement
- Property:apex texture
- Property:apex width
- Property:appearance shape
- Property:appendage architecture
- Property:appendage architecture or shape
- Property:appendage arrangement or course or shape
- Property:appendage arrangement or shape
- Property:appendage atypical quantity
- Property:appendage atypical some measurement
- Property:appendage coloration
- Property:appendage development
- Property:appendage height or length or size
- Property:appendage presence
- Property:appendage prominence
- Property:appendage quantity
- Property:appendage shape
- Property:appendage size
- Property:appendage size or width
- Property:appendage some measurement
- Property:appendage texture
- Property:appendage width
- Property:area coloration
- Property:arista pubescence
- Property:arista variability
- Property:arista width
- Property:auricle fusion
- Property:auricle presence
- Property:auricle quantity
- Property:auricle shape
- Property:auricle size
- Property:author
- Property:authority
- Property:awn architecture or shape
- Property:awn arrangement
- Property:awn atypical some measurement
- Property:awn coloration
- Property:awn course
- Property:awn development
- Property:awn fragility or size
- Property:awn orientation
- Property:awn presence
- Property:awn prominence
- Property:awn pubescence
- Property:awn pubescence or relief
- Property:awn shape
- Property:awn size
- Property:awn some measurement
- Property:awn texture
- Property:axil position or shape
- Property:axil quantity
- Property:axillary branch presence
- Property:axillary branch quantity
- Property:axillary cluster quantity
- Property:axillary cyme life cycle
- Property:axillary cyme size
- Property:axillary flower architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:axillary leaf architecture
- Property:axillary leaf arrangement
- Property:axillary leaf development
- Property:axillary leaf fusion
- Property:axillary leaf presence
- Property:axillary leaf quantity
- Property:axillary or terminal flower architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:axillary shoot architecture
- Property:axillary shoot height or length or size
- Property:axillary tuft development
- Property:axillary tuft height or length or size
- Property:axillary tuft prominence
- Property:axillary tuft size
- Property:band coloration
- Property:basal and secondary rosette architecture
- Property:basal and secondary rosette fusion
- Property:basal and secondary rosette presence
- Property:basal blade architecture or shape
- Property:basal blade arrangement
- Property:basal blade arrangement or course or shape
- Property:basal blade atypical length
- Property:basal blade atypical width
- Property:basal blade coloration
- Property:basal blade course
- Property:basal blade fragility
- Property:basal blade growth form or texture
- Property:basal blade length
- Property:basal blade orientation
- Property:basal blade shape
- Property:basal blade some measurement
- Property:basal blade texture
- Property:basal blade width
- Property:basal blade-leaf course
- Property:basal blade-leaf distance
- Property:basal blade-leaf fragility
- Property:basal blade-leaf orientation
- Property:basal blade-leaf texture
- Property:basal branch quantity
- Property:basal leaf architecture
- Property:basal leaf arrangement
- Property:basal leaf arrangement or course or shape
- Property:basal leaf arrangement or pubescence
- Property:basal leaf condition
- Property:basal leaf duration
- Property:basal leaf growth form
- Property:basal leaf length
- Property:basal leaf life cycle
- Property:basal leaf orientation
- Property:basal leaf presence
- Property:basal leaf quantity
- Property:basal leaf shape
- Property:basal leaf texture
- Property:basal leaf width
- Property:basal leaf-blade pubescence
- Property:basal leaf-blade shape
- Property:basal offshoot presence
- Property:basal rosette development
- Property:basal rosette duration
- Property:basal rosette life cycle
- Property:basal rosette position
- Property:basal rosette position or shape
- Property:basal rosette presence
- Property:basal shoot growth form or orientation
- Property:basal tuft density
- Property:basal tuft quantity
- Property:base architecture
- Property:base architecture or fixation
- Property:base architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:base architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:base arrangement
- Property:base atypical length
- Property:base atypical width
- Property:base diam
- Property:base fusion
- Property:base growth form or orientation
- Property:base length
- Property:base length or size
- Property:base location
- Property:base orientation
- Property:base position
- Property:base presence
- Property:base pubescence
- Property:base quantity
- Property:base shape
- Property:base size
- Property:base texture
- Property:base width
- Property:basionyms
- Property:beak height or length or size
- Property:beak length
- Property:beak shape
- Property:beak size
- Property:between sepals commissure architecture
- Property:between sepals commissure growth form or texture
- Property:between sepals commissure presence
- Property:between sepals commissure texture
- Property:between sepals commissure width
- Property:between vein sinuse coloration
- Property:blade apex architecture
- Property:blade apex architecture or relief
- Property:blade apex architecture or shape
- Property:blade apex length
- Property:blade apex position
- Property:blade apex shape
- Property:blade architecture
- Property:blade architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:blade architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:blade architecture or shape
- Property:blade arrangement
- Property:blade arrangement or course or shape
- Property:blade arrangement or shape
- Property:blade atypical length
- Property:blade atypical pubescence
- Property:blade atypical some measurement
- Property:blade atypical width
- Property:blade coating
- Property:blade coloration
- Property:blade coloration or density
- Property:blade condition
- Property:blade course
- Property:blade course or shape
- Property:blade development
- Property:blade fragility
- Property:blade growth form or texture
- Property:blade height or length or size
- Property:blade length
- Property:blade orientation
- Property:blade position
- Property:blade prominence or shape
- Property:blade pubescence
- Property:blade pubescence or texture
- Property:blade quantity
- Property:blade reflectance
- Property:blade shape
- Property:blade size
- Property:blade size or width
- Property:blade some measurement
- Property:blade texture
- Property:blade variability
- Property:blade width
- Property:blade-leaf atypical distance
- Property:blade-leaf distance
- Property:blade-leaf length or size
- Property:blade-leaf position
- Property:blade-leaf prominence or shape
- Property:blade-leaf shape
- Property:blade-leaf width
- Property:bloom coloration
- Property:body coloration or density
- Property:border shape
- Property:border texture
- Property:both character
- Property:both orientation
- Property:both pubescence or relief
- Property:both relief
- Property:bract architecture
- Property:bract architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:bract architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:bract architecture or shape
- Property:bract arrangement
- Property:bract arrangement or course or shape
- Property:bract arrangement or growth form
- Property:bract atypical some measurement
- Property:bract coloration or density
- Property:bract fusion
- Property:bract growth form
- Property:bract growth form or texture
- Property:bract height or length or size
- Property:bract length
- Property:bract length or size
- Property:bract presence
- Property:bract pubescence
- Property:bract pubescence or texture
- Property:bract quantity
- Property:bract shape
- Property:bract size
- Property:bract some measurement
- Property:bract texture
- Property:bract variability
- Property:bract width
- Property:bracteole architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:bracteole architecture or shape
- Property:bracteole coloration
- Property:bracteole growth form or texture
- Property:bracteole length
- Property:bracteole presence
- Property:bracteole quantity
- Property:bracteole shape
- Property:bracteole size
- Property:bracteole some measurement
- Property:bracteole texture
- Property:branch architecture
- Property:branch arrangement
- Property:branch development
- Property:branch height or length or size
- Property:branch length
- Property:branch location
- Property:branch orientation
- Property:branch prominence
- Property:branch pubescence
- Property:branch quantity
- Property:branch shape
- Property:branch size
- Property:branch some measurement
- Property:bud duration
- Property:bud variability
- Property:bulge prominence
- Property:bump coloration
- Property:bump quantity
- Property:bump shape
- Property:bump size
- Property:callosity coloration
- Property:calyx architecture
- Property:calyx architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:calyx architecture or dehiscence
- Property:calyx architecture or fragility
- Property:calyx architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:calyx architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:calyx architecture or shape
- Property:calyx arrangement or shape
- Property:calyx atypical length
- Property:calyx atypical some measurement
- Property:calyx atypical width
- Property:calyx base pubescence
- Property:calyx coating
- Property:calyx coloration
- Property:calyx coloration or density
- Property:calyx condition or size
- Property:calyx course
- Property:calyx dehiscence
- Property:calyx diameter
- Property:calyx growth form or texture
- Property:calyx height or length or size
- Property:calyx length
- Property:calyx length or size
- Property:calyx length or size or width
- Property:calyx length or width
- Property:calyx life cycle
- Property:calyx lobe variability
- Property:calyx position
- Property:calyx position relational
- Property:calyx prominence
- Property:calyx pubescence
- Property:calyx pubescence or relief
- Property:calyx pubescence or texture
- Property:calyx quantity
- Property:calyx shape
- Property:calyx size
- Property:calyx size or width
- Property:calyx some measurement
- Property:calyx texture
- Property:calyx variability
- Property:calyx width
- Property:calyx-tube length
- Property:calyx-tube variability
- Property:calyx-tube width
- Property:canescence height or length or size
- Property:capitulum density
- Property:capsule architecture
- Property:capsule architecture or dehiscence
- Property:capsule architecture or structure in adjective form
- Property:capsule atypical length
- Property:capsule atypical some measurement
- Property:capsule atypical width
- Property:capsule coloration
- Property:capsule coloration or reflectance
- Property:capsule condition or size
- Property:capsule course
- Property:capsule dehiscence
- Property:capsule diameter
- Property:capsule fixation or orientation
- Property:capsule fragility or size
- Property:capsule height or length or size
- Property:capsule length
- Property:capsule length or size
- Property:capsule length or width
- Property:capsule null
- Property:capsule orientation
- Property:capsule position
- Property:capsule pubescence
- Property:capsule pubescence or texture
- Property:capsule quantity
- Property:capsule shape
- Property:capsule size
- Property:capsule size or quantity
- Property:capsule some measurement
- Property:capsule texture
- Property:capsule valve some measurement
- Property:capsule variability
- Property:capsule width
- Property:caropohore presence
- Property:carpophore atypical length
- Property:carpophore atypical some measurement
- Property:carpophore coating
- Property:carpophore fragility or size
- Property:carpophore height or length or size
- Property:carpophore length
- Property:carpophore position relational
- Property:carpophore presence
- Property:carpophore pubescence
- Property:carpophore some measurement
- Property:carpophore texture
- Property:carpophore width
- Property:caudex architecture
- Property:caudex architecture or arrangement
- Property:caudex atypical some measurement
- Property:caudex crown architecture
- Property:caudex fragility or size
- Property:caudex growth form
- Property:caudex orientation
- Property:caudex presence
- Property:caudex pubescence
- Property:caudex some measurement
- Property:caudex texture
- Property:caudex width
- Property:cauline blade architecture
- Property:cauline blade fusion
- Property:cauline blade height or length or size
- Property:cauline blade length
- Property:cauline blade orientation
- Property:cauline blade pubescence
- Property:cauline blade quantity
- Property:cauline blade shape
- Property:cauline blade width
- Property:cauline blade-leaf atypical distance
- Property:cauline blade-leaf distance
- Property:cauline blade-leaf position
- Property:cauline leaf architecture
- Property:cauline leaf architecture or arrangement
- Property:cauline leaf arrangement
- Property:cauline leaf atypical size
- Property:cauline leaf fusion
- Property:cauline leaf length
- Property:cauline leaf position
- Property:cauline leaf quantity
- Property:cauline leaf shape
- Property:cauline leaf size
- Property:cauline leaf width
- Property:center coloration
- Property:center growth form or texture
- Property:center shape
- Property:center vein coloration
- Property:central portion coloration
- Property:central portion growth form or texture
- Property:central portion shape
- Property:central portion size
- Property:central portion texture
- Property:cilium architecture or shape
- Property:cilium arrangement
- Property:cilium quantity
- Property:claw architecture
- Property:claw architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:claw coloration
- Property:claw condition or size
- Property:claw height or length or size
- Property:claw length
- Property:claw length or size
- Property:claw presence
- Property:claw prominence
- Property:claw pubescence
- Property:claw shape
- Property:claw size
- Property:claw size or width
- Property:claw some measurement
- Property:claw variability
- Property:claw width
- Property:clump architecture or arrangement
- Property:clump architecture or fragility
- Property:clump growth form or orientation
- Property:clump location
- Property:clump size
- Property:commissural vein fusion
- Property:commissural vein length
- Property:commissural vein shape
- Property:commissural vein size
- Property:commissural vein width
- Property:commissure coloration
- Property:commissure presence
- Property:commissure prominence
- Property:commissure width
- Property:common name
- Property:corolla architecture
- Property:corolla claw height or length or size
- Property:corolla claw variability
- Property:corolla coloration
- Property:corolla depth
- Property:corolla length
- Property:corolla length or size
- Property:corolla lobe variability
- Property:corolla prominence
- Property:corolla quantity
- Property:corolla reflectance
- Property:corolla relief
- Property:corolla shape
- Property:corolla size
- Property:corolla size or quantity
- Property:corolla variability
- Property:corona shape
- Property:coronal appendage presence
- Property:coronal appendage quantity
- Property:coronal appendage shape
- Property:coronal appendage some measurement
- Property:coronal scale quantity
- Property:crown architecture
- Property:crown quantity
- Property:crown size or width
- Property:crown texture
- Property:crown width
- Property:cup architecture
- Property:cup coloration
- Property:cup dehiscence or orientation
- Property:cup depth
- Property:cup prominence
- Property:cup shape
- Property:cup texture
- Property:cushion architecture or arrangement
- Property:cushion density
- Property:cushion position
- Property:cushion size
- Property:cusp coloration
- Property:cusp course
- Property:cusp pubescence or relief
- Property:cusp shape
- Property:cusp size
- Property:cusp some measurement
- Property:cyme architecture
- Property:cyme architecture or arrangement
- Property:cyme architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:cyme architecture or fragility
- Property:cyme architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:cyme architecture or shape
- Property:cyme arrangement
- Property:cyme arrangement or growth form
- Property:cyme coating
- Property:cyme density
- Property:cyme development
- Property:cyme height or length or size
- Property:cyme length or size
- Property:cyme life cycle
- Property:cyme orientation
- Property:cyme position
- Property:cyme position or structure subtype
- Property:cyme presence
- Property:cyme prominence
- Property:cyme pubescence
- Property:cyme quantity
- Property:cyme shape
- Property:cyme size
- Property:cyme size or width
- Property:cyme width
- Property:cymule architecture
- Property:deeper tubercle size
- Property:dichasium architecture
- Property:dichotomy architecture
- Property:dichotomy quantity
- Property:disc orientation
- Property:disc prominence
- Property:disc quantity
- Property:disc shape
- Property:disc size
- Property:disc size or width
- Property:distal blade architecture
- Property:distal blade atypical some measurement
- Property:distal blade height or length or size
- Property:distal blade shape
- Property:distal blade size
- Property:distal blade some measurement
- Property:distal bract architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:distal bract architecture or shape
- Property:distal bract growth form or texture
- Property:distal bract pubescence
- Property:distal bract shape
- Property:distal bract size
- Property:distal bract some measurement
- Property:distal bract texture
- Property:distal end orientation
- Property:distal end shape
- Property:distal internode coating
- Property:distal leaf architecture
- Property:distal leaf atypical some measurement
- Property:distal leaf life cycle
- Property:distal leaf pubescence
- Property:distal leaf size
- Property:distal leaf some measurement
- Property:distal leaf texture
- Property:distal node arrangement
- Property:distal node size
- Property:distal node some measurement
- Property:distal portion architecture
- Property:distal portion fragility or size
- Property:distal portion growth form
- Property:distal portion position
- Property:distal portion pubescence
- Property:distal portion quantity
- Property:distal portion shape
- Property:distal some measurement or shape
- Property:distalmost leaf architecture
- Property:distalmost leaf arrangement
- Property:distalmost leaf fusion
- Property:distribution
- Property:edge architecture
- Property:edge course
- Property:elevation
- Property:embryo course
- Property:embryo position
- Property:embryo quantity
- Property:embryo shape
- Property:end pubescence
- Property:end quantity
- Property:end size
- Property:end width
- Property:endosperm presence
- Property:epidermal coloration or density
- Property:epidermal inclusion shape
- Property:extension orientation
- Property:extension prominence
- Property:extension shape
- Property:extension texture
- Property:face relief
- Property:face shape
- Property:filament architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:filament arrangement
- Property:filament base position
- Property:filament coloration
- Property:filament fusion
- Property:filament pubescence
- Property:filament size
- Property:filament some measurement
- Property:flange size
- Property:flower architecture
- Property:flower architecture or arrangement
- Property:flower architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:flower architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:flower architecture or shape
- Property:flower arrangement
- Property:flower arrangement or growth form
- Property:flower atypical quantity
- Property:flower atypical some measurement
- Property:flower bract architecture
- Property:flower bract arrangement
- Property:flower character
- Property:flower coating
- Property:flower diameter
- Property:flower duration
- Property:flower fixation
- Property:flower height or length or size
- Property:flower length
- Property:flower length or size
- Property:flower life cycle
- Property:flower odor
- Property:flower orientation
- Property:flower position
- Property:flower position or structure subtype
- Property:flower presence
- Property:flower prominence
- Property:flower pubescence
- Property:flower quantity
- Property:flower reproduction
- Property:flower shape
- Property:flower size
- Property:flower some measurement
- Property:flower variability
- Property:flower width
- Property:flowering-stem architecture
- Property:flowering-stem architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:flowering-stem arrangement or density
- Property:flowering-stem atypical some measurement
- Property:flowering-stem coating
- Property:flowering-stem coloration
- Property:flowering-stem fragility
- Property:flowering-stem growth form or orientation
- Property:flowering-stem orientation
- Property:flowering-stem position
- Property:flowering-stem pubescence
- Property:flowering-stem quantity
- Property:flowering-stem shape
- Property:flowering-stem size
- Property:flowering-stem some measurement
- Property:form arrangement
- Property:free-central arrangement
- Property:free-central placentation
- Property:fruit architecture or dehiscence
- Property:fruit coloration
- Property:fruit condition or size
- Property:fruit dehiscence
- Property:fruit development
- Property:fruit growth form or texture
- Property:fruit length
- Property:fruit length or size
- Property:fruit length or width
- Property:fruit quantity
- Property:fruit shape
- Property:fruit size
- Property:fruit some measurement
- Property:fruit texture
- Property:fruit variability
- Property:fruit width
- Property:fruits capsule quantity
- Property:fruits utricle dehiscence
- Property:gemma texture
- Property:gland architecture
- Property:gland arrangement
- Property:gland coloration or density
- Property:gland prominence
- Property:gland quantity
- Property:glandular cilium size
- Property:glandular hair architecture
- Property:glandular hair density
- Property:glandular hair height or length or size
- Property:glandular hair length or size
- Property:glandular hair orientation
- Property:glandular-hair architecture
- Property:glandular-hair coating
- Property:glandular-hair length or size
- Property:glomerule prominence
- Property:glomerule shape
- Property:glomerule size
- Property:groove dehiscence or orientation
- Property:groove shape
- Property:habitat
- Property:habitat habitat
- Property:hair architecture
- Property:hair architecture or arrangement
- Property:hair architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:hair architecture or shape
- Property:hair arrangement
- Property:hair arrangement or density
- Property:hair character
- Property:hair coating
- Property:hair coloration
- Property:hair coloration or density
- Property:hair coloration or reflectance
- Property:hair course
- Property:hair density
- Property:hair fragility
- Property:hair height or length or size
- Property:hair length or size
- Property:hair length or width
- Property:hair orientation
- Property:hair presence
- Property:hair pubescence
- Property:hair pubescence or relief
- Property:hair pubescence or texture
- Property:hair quantity
- Property:hair relief
- Property:hair shape
- Property:hair size
- Property:hair some measurement
- Property:hair variability
- Property:hair width
- Property:head architecture
- Property:hood arrangement
- Property:hood development
- Property:hood orientation
- Property:hood orientation or shape
- Property:hood presence
- Property:hood prominence
- Property:hood pubescence
- Property:hood shape
- Property:hypanthial prominence
- Property:hypanthium architecture
- Property:hypanthium architecture or shape
- Property:hypanthium area pubescence
- Property:hypanthium atypical some measurement
- Property:hypanthium coloration
- Property:hypanthium cup shape
- Property:hypanthium disc duration or size
- Property:hypanthium disc shape
- Property:hypanthium duration
- Property:hypanthium presence
- Property:hypanthium pubescence
- Property:hypanthium quantity
- Property:hypanthium shape
- Property:hypanthium size
- Property:hypanthium some measurement
- Property:hypanthium texture
- Property:hypanthium width
- Property:illustration copyright
- Property:illustrator
- Property:inclusion coloration or density
- Property:individual life cycle
- Property:inflorescence architecture
- Property:inflorescence architecture or arrangement
- Property:inflorescence architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:inflorescence architecture or fragility
- Property:inflorescence architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:inflorescence architecture or shape
- Property:inflorescence arrangement
- Property:inflorescence atypical length
- Property:inflorescence atypical quantity
- Property:inflorescence atypical some measurement
- Property:inflorescence bract coloration
- Property:inflorescence bract fusion
- Property:inflorescence bract presence
- Property:inflorescence bract shape
- Property:inflorescence bract some measurement
- Property:inflorescence bract texture
- Property:inflorescence coating
- Property:inflorescence coloration
- Property:inflorescence density
- Property:inflorescence development
- Property:inflorescence fragility
- Property:inflorescence involucel shape
- Property:inflorescence involucel texture
- Property:inflorescence length
- Property:inflorescence length or size
- Property:inflorescence life cycle
- Property:inflorescence orientation
- Property:inflorescence position
- Property:inflorescence position or structure subtype
- Property:inflorescence prominence
- Property:inflorescence pubescence
- Property:inflorescence quantity
- Property:inflorescence shape
- Property:inflorescence size
- Property:inflorescence size or width
- Property:inflorescence some measurement
- Property:inflorescence width
- Property:inflorescences flower architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:inflorescences flower position or structure subtype
- Property:inner lobe height or length or size
- Property:inner lobe presence
- Property:inner lobe size
- Property:inner sepal shape
- Property:inner sepal some measurement
- Property:internodal line width
- Property:internode architecture
- Property:internode arrangement
- Property:internode arrangement or shape
- Property:internode atypical some measurement
- Property:internode height or length or size
- Property:internode length
- Property:internode length or size
- Property:internode pubescence
- Property:internode pubescence or relief
- Property:internode quantity
- Property:internode reflectance
- Property:internode shape
- Property:internode size
- Property:internode some measurement
- Property:internode variability
- Property:introduced
- Property:involucel bracteole presence
- Property:involucel bracteole quantity
- Property:involucel bracteole shape
- Property:involucel bracteole texture
- Property:larger blade length
- Property:larger blade width
- Property:larger leaf atypical width
- Property:larger leaf length
- Property:larger leaf pubescence
- Property:larger leaf width
- Property:lateral branch height or length or size
- Property:lateral branch quantity
- Property:lateral cyme size
- Property:lateral expansion prominence
- Property:lateral spur fragility
- Property:lateral spur quantity
- Property:lateral spur texture
- Property:lateral thickening presence
- Property:lateral thickening some measurement
- Property:lateral tooth presence
- Property:lateral tooth prominence
- Property:lateral tooth quantity
- Property:lateral tooth size
- Property:lateral tooth some measurement
- Property:lateral-vein atypical length
- Property:lateral-vein atypical some measurement
- Property:lateral-vein atypical width
- Property:lateral-vein course
- Property:lateral-vein development
- Property:lateral-vein fragility
- Property:lateral-vein fusion
- Property:lateral-vein growth form or texture
- Property:lateral-vein length
- Property:lateral-vein presence
- Property:lateral-vein prominence
- Property:lateral-vein prominence or shape
- Property:lateral-vein quantity
- Property:lateral-vein shape
- Property:lateral-vein size
- Property:lateral-vein some measurement
- Property:lateral-vein texture
- Property:lateral-vein width
- Property:leaf architecture
- Property:leaf architecture or arrangement
- Property:leaf architecture or fixation
- Property:leaf architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:leaf architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:leaf arrangement
- Property:leaf arrangement or course or shape
- Property:leaf arrangement or density
- Property:leaf arrangement or growth form
- Property:leaf arrangement or pubescence
- Property:leaf atypical length
- Property:leaf caudex architecture
- Property:leaf caudex growth form or orientation
- Property:leaf caudex orientation
- Property:leaf caudex texture
- Property:leaf caudex width
- Property:leaf coloration
- Property:leaf condition
- Property:leaf course
- Property:leaf course or shape
- Property:leaf density
- Property:leaf duration
- Property:leaf fixation or orientation
- Property:leaf fusion
- Property:leaf growth form
- Property:leaf length
- Property:leaf life cycle
- Property:leaf location
- Property:leaf orientation
- Property:leaf position
- Property:leaf position or shape
- Property:leaf presence
- Property:leaf prominence or shape
- Property:leaf pubescence
- Property:leaf quantity
- Property:leaf reflectance
- Property:leaf reproduction
- Property:leaf shape
- Property:leaf size
- Property:leaf size or width
- Property:leaf some measurement
- Property:leaf texture
- Property:leaf tuft size
- Property:leaf variability
- Property:leaf width
- Property:leaf-base condition
- Property:leaf-blade architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:leaf-blade arrangement or course or shape
- Property:leaf-blade atypical length
- Property:leaf-blade atypical width
- Property:leaf-blade height
- Property:leaf-blade l w ratio
- Property:leaf-blade length
- Property:leaf-blade pubescence
- Property:leaf-blade shape
- Property:leaf-blade size or width
- Property:leaf-blade texture
- Property:leaf-blade width
- Property:limb architecture or dehiscence
- Property:limb architecture or shape
- Property:limb coloration
- Property:limb coloration or density
- Property:limb height or length or size
- Property:limb length
- Property:limb length or size
- Property:limb orientation
- Property:limb position
- Property:limb prominence
- Property:limb pubescence
- Property:limb quantity
- Property:limb shape
- Property:limb size or quantity
- Property:limb some measurement
- Property:limb variability
- Property:limb width
- Property:line arrangement
- Property:line dehiscence or orientation
- Property:line pubescence
- Property:line quantity
- Property:line shape
- Property:line size or width
- Property:line texture
- Property:lobe architecture
- Property:lobe architecture or course
- Property:lobe architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:lobe architecture or shape
- Property:lobe arrangement
- Property:lobe arrangement or course or shape
- Property:lobe arrangement or shape
- Property:lobe atypical quantity
- Property:lobe atypical some measurement
- Property:lobe coating
- Property:lobe coloration
- Property:lobe coloration or density
- Property:lobe condition
- Property:lobe course
- Property:lobe growth form or texture
- Property:lobe height or length or size
- Property:lobe length
- Property:lobe length or size
- Property:lobe orientation
- Property:lobe position
- Property:lobe pubescence
- Property:lobe pubescence or relief
- Property:lobe quantity
- Property:lobe shape
- Property:lobe size
- Property:lobe size or width
- Property:lobe some measurement
- Property:lobe texture
- Property:lobe variability
- Property:lobe width
- Property:longer hair architecture
- Property:longer petal arrangement
- Property:longest pedicel character
- Property:longest pedicel variability
- Property:main-stem architecture
- Property:main-stem diameter
- Property:main-stem growth form or orientation
- Property:main-stem leaf arrangement
- Property:margin architecture
- Property:margin architecture or course
- Property:margin architecture or dehiscence
- Property:margin architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:margin architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:margin architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:margin architecture or relief
- Property:margin architecture or shape
- Property:margin arrangement or shape
- Property:margin atypical length
- Property:margin coating
- Property:margin coloration
- Property:margin coloration or density
- Property:margin coloration or reflectance
- Property:margin course
- Property:margin growth form or texture
- Property:margin length
- Property:margin orientation
- Property:margin presence
- Property:margin prominence
- Property:margin prominence or shape
- Property:margin pubescence
- Property:margin pubescence or relief
- Property:margin pubescence or relief or texture
- Property:margin pubescence or texture
- Property:margin reflectance
- Property:margin relief
- Property:margin shape
- Property:margin shape or vernation
- Property:margin size
- Property:margin size or width
- Property:margin some measurement
- Property:margin texture
- Property:margin width
- Property:marginal papilla length or size
- Property:marginal vein fragility
- Property:marginal vein shape
- Property:marginal wing architecture or shape
- Property:marginal wing presence
- Property:mat architecture or fragility
- Property:mat arrangement
- Property:mat density
- Property:mat growth form
- Property:mat growth form or orientation
- Property:mat pubescence
- Property:mat size
- Property:mid and proximal stem fusion
- Property:mid-stem architecture
- Property:mid-stem pubescence
- Property:mid-stem size
- Property:middle vein condition or size
- Property:middle width
- Property:midrib arrangement or shape
- Property:midrib atypical length
- Property:midrib coloration
- Property:midrib fusion
- Property:midrib growth form or texture
- Property:midrib length
- Property:midrib position
- Property:midrib presence
- Property:midrib prominence
- Property:midrib pubescence
- Property:midrib shape
- Property:midrib size or width
- Property:midrib some measurement
- Property:midrib texture
- Property:midrib width
- Property:midstem blade length
- Property:midstem blade shape
- Property:midstem blade width
- Property:midstem leaf length
- Property:midstem leaf size
- Property:midstem leaf width
- Property:midstem pubescence
- Property:midstem pubescence or relief
- Property:midstem region size
- Property:midstem region variability
- Property:midvein arrangement or course or shape
- Property:midvein course
- Property:midvein length
- Property:midvein prominence
- Property:midvein shape
- Property:midvein size
- Property:midvein some measurement
- Property:midvein width
- Property:mound position
- Property:mound shape
- Property:mouth condition or size
- Property:mouth diameter
- Property:mouth length
- Property:mouth width
- Property:mucro orientation
- Property:mucro presence
- Property:mucro prominence
- Property:mucro pubescence
- Property:mucro pubescence or relief
- Property:mucro shape
- Property:mucro size
- Property:mucro some measurement
- Property:nectariferous disc position
- Property:nectary architecture or shape
- Property:nectary arrangement
- Property:nectary arrangement or shape
- Property:nectary coloration
- Property:nectary disc prominence
- Property:nectary fusion
- Property:nectary length
- Property:nectary prominence
- Property:nectary pubescence
- Property:nectary quantity
- Property:nectary shape
- Property:nectary size
- Property:nectary size or width
- Property:nectary some measurement
- Property:nectary width
- Property:nodal bud prominence
- Property:nodal fringe shape
- Property:node architecture
- Property:node arrangement
- Property:node atypical quantity
- Property:node coloration
- Property:node growth form or orientation
- Property:node life cycle
- Property:node position
- Property:node pubescence
- Property:node quantity
- Property:node shape
- Property:nonflowering basal shoot growth form or orientation
- Property:nonflowering shoot architecture
- Property:nonflowering shoot development
- Property:nonflowering shoot growth form
- Property:nonflowering shoot growth form or orientation
- Property:nonflowering shoot length
- Property:nonflowering shoot orientation
- Property:nonflowering shoot position
- Property:nonflowering shoot presence
- Property:nonflowering shoot pubescence
- Property:nonflowering shoot quantity
- Property:nonflowering shoot season
- Property:nonflowering shoot shape
- Property:nonflowering shoot some measurement
- Property:nonflowering stem architecture
- Property:nonflowering stem growth form or orientation
- Property:nonflowering stem pubescence
- Property:nonfunctional stamen development
- Property:notch length
- Property:notch relief
- Property:notch shape
- Property:notch some measurement
- Property:opening size or width
- Property:orifice size or width
- Property:other architecture
- Property:other diameter
- Property:other odor
- Property:other pubescence
- Property:outer edge relief
- Property:outer edge shape
- Property:outer edge width
- Property:outer flank length
- Property:outer lobe quantity
- Property:outer sepal architecture
- Property:outer sepal growth form or texture
- Property:outer sepal height or length or size
- Property:outer sepal quantity
- Property:outer sepal shape
- Property:outer sepal size
- Property:ovary architecture or structure in adjective form
- Property:ovary coloration
- Property:ovary filament fusion
- Property:ovary position
- Property:ovary pubescence
- Property:ovary quantity
- Property:ovary reproduction
- Property:ovary some measurement
- Property:ovule architecture
- Property:ovule orientation
- Property:pair atypical quantity
- Property:pair position
- Property:pair quantity
- Property:pair size
- Property:pair variability
- Property:pale-yellow position
- Property:pale-yellow quantity
- Property:papilla architecture
- Property:papilla architecture or shape
- Property:papilla coloration
- Property:papilla dehiscence or orientation
- Property:papilla density
- Property:papilla height
- Property:papilla length or size
- Property:papilla presence
- Property:papilla prominence
- Property:papilla quantity
- Property:papilla shape
- Property:papilla size
- Property:papilla some measurement
- Property:part coloration
- Property:part quantity
- Property:part shape
- Property:pattern architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:pattern shape
- Property:pedicel architecture
- Property:pedicel architecture or arrangement
- Property:pedicel architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:pedicel arrangement
- Property:pedicel atypical some measurement
- Property:pedicel character
- Property:pedicel coating
- Property:pedicel coloration
- Property:pedicel course
- Property:pedicel course or shape
- Property:pedicel density
- Property:pedicel development
- Property:pedicel fragility or size
- Property:pedicel height or length or size
- Property:pedicel length
- Property:pedicel length or size
- Property:pedicel orientation
- Property:pedicel position
- Property:pedicel presence
- Property:pedicel pubescence
- Property:pedicel quantity
- Property:pedicel shape
- Property:pedicel size
- Property:pedicel size or length
- Property:pedicel size or quantity
- Property:pedicel some measurement
- Property:pedicel variability
- Property:pedicle pubescence
- Property:pedicle some measurement
- Property:peduncle coating
- Property:peduncle height or length or size
- Property:peduncle orientation
- Property:peduncle pubescence
- Property:peduncle shape
- Property:peduncle size
- Property:peduncle some measurement
- Property:perianth position
- Property:perianth some measurement
- Property:perisperm course
- Property:perisperm position
- Property:perisperm position relational
- Property:perisperm shape
- Property:petal arrangement
- Property:petal arrangement or shape
- Property:petal atypical length
- Property:petal atypical quantity
- Property:petal atypical some measurement
- Property:petal claw variability
- Property:petal coating
- Property:petal coloration
- Property:petal coloration or density
- Property:petal condition
- Property:petal duration
- Property:petal height or length or size
- Property:petal length
- Property:petal length or size
- Property:petal limb width
- Property:petal orientation
- Property:petal position
- Property:petal presence
- Property:petal prominence
- Property:petal pubescence
- Property:petal quantity
- Property:petal reflectance
- Property:petal shape
- Property:petal size
- Property:petal size or quantity
- Property:petal some measurement
- Property:petal variability
- Property:petal width
- Property:petiole architecture
- Property:petiole architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:petiole atypical some measurement
- Property:petiole height or length or size
- Property:petiole length
- Property:petiole length or size
- Property:petiole presence
- Property:petiole prominence
- Property:petiole quantity
- Property:petiole size
- Property:petiole some measurement
- Property:petiole variability
- Property:petiole width
- Property:phenology
- Property:place in publication
- Property:plant condition
- Property:plant duration
- Property:plant growth form
- Property:plant growth form or orientation
- Property:plant habitat
- Property:plant height
- Property:plant life cycle
- Property:plant quantity
- Property:plant shape
- Property:point shape
- Property:portion architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:portion architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:portion atypical some measurement
- Property:portion coating
- Property:portion coloration
- Property:portion duration
- Property:portion growth form or texture
- Property:portion life cycle
- Property:portion quantity
- Property:portion shape
- Property:portion some measurement
- Property:portion texture
- Property:portion width
- Property:primary and secondary rosette diameter
- Property:primary branch arrangement
- Property:primary branch shape
- Property:primary-vein atypical quantity
- Property:primary-vein quantity
- Property:projection quantity
- Property:projection shape
- Property:projection some measurement
- Property:proximal blade architecture
- Property:proximal blade arrangement or course or shape
- Property:proximal blade atypical length
- Property:proximal blade atypical some measurement
- Property:proximal blade length
- Property:proximal blade pubescence
- Property:proximal blade shape
- Property:proximal blade some measurement
- Property:proximal blade texture
- Property:proximal blade width
- Property:proximal blade-leaf distance
- Property:proximal blade-leaf height or length or size
- Property:proximal bract architecture
- Property:proximal bract growth form or texture
- Property:proximal bract pubescence
- Property:proximal bract shape
- Property:proximal cauline leaf arrangement or course or shape
- Property:proximal cauline leaf coloration
- Property:proximal cauline leaf fusion
- Property:proximal cauline leaf some measurement
- Property:proximal cauline leaf texture
- Property:proximal internode architecture or arrangement
- Property:proximal internode architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:proximal internode pubescence
- Property:proximal internode structure subtype
- Property:proximal leaf architecture
- Property:proximal leaf condition
- Property:proximal leaf fusion
- Property:proximal leaf height or length or size
- Property:proximal leaf length
- Property:proximal leaf life cycle
- Property:proximal leaf pubescence
- Property:proximal leaf shape
- Property:proximal leaf size
- Property:proximal leaf width
- Property:proximal leaf-blade shape
- Property:proximal node arrangement
- Property:proximal node some measurement
- Property:proximal nonflowering shoot shape
- Property:proximal nonflowering shoot texture
- Property:proximal shade-form architecture
- Property:proximal stem shape
- Property:proximal stem texture
- Property:pseudopetiole height or length or size
- Property:pseudopetiole length or size
- Property:pseudopetiole size
- Property:pseudowhorl density
- Property:publication title
- Property:publication year
- Property:radicle length
- Property:radicle prominence
- Property:radicle relief
- Property:radicle shape
- Property:radicle size
- Property:radicle some measurement
- Property:reference
- Property:region life cycle
- Property:rhizome architecture
- Property:rhizome arrangement
- Property:rhizome diameter
- Property:rhizome fragility
- Property:rhizome fragility or size
- Property:rhizome growth form or orientation
- Property:rhizome height or length or size
- Property:rhizome length
- Property:rhizome orientation
- Property:rhizome presence
- Property:rhizome shape
- Property:rhizome size
- Property:rhizome some measurement
- Property:rhizome texture
- Property:rhizome width
- Property:rib presence
- Property:rib shape
- Property:rib some measurement
- Property:rib texture
- Property:ridge architecture
- Property:ridge architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:ridge arrangement
- Property:ridge dehiscence or orientation
- Property:ridge depth
- Property:ridge fragility
- Property:ridge prominence
- Property:ridge quantity
- Property:ridge shape
- Property:ridge size
- Property:ridge size or width
- Property:rim orientation
- Property:rim presence
- Property:rim quantity
- Property:rim shape
- Property:rim size or width
- Property:root length
- Property:root orientation
- Property:root texture
- Property:root width
- Property:rootstock architecture
- Property:rosette architecture or fragility
- Property:rosette presence
- Property:row quantity
- Property:secondary axis some measurement
- Property:secondary rosette presence
- Property:secondary tuft arrangement
- Property:seed architecture
- Property:seed architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:seed architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:seed arrangement or shape
- Property:seed atypical quantity
- Property:seed atypical some measurement
- Property:seed coloration
- Property:seed coloration or reflectance
- Property:seed coloration or relief
- Property:seed diameter
- Property:seed length
- Property:seed prominence or shape
- Property:seed pubescence
- Property:seed pubescence or relief or texture
- Property:seed quantity
- Property:seed reflectance
- Property:seed relief
- Property:seed relief or texture
- Property:seed shape
- Property:seed shape or vernation
- Property:seed size
- Property:seed some measurement
- Property:seed texture
- Property:seed width
- Property:seed-coat relief
- Property:segment arrangement or course or shape
- Property:segment quantity
- Property:segment shape
- Property:segment size or width
- Property:sepal architecture
- Property:sepal architecture or shape
- Property:sepal arrangement
- Property:sepal arrangement or shape
- Property:sepal atypical length
- Property:sepal atypical quantity
- Property:sepal atypical some measurement
- Property:sepal character
- Property:sepal coloration
- Property:sepal coloration or density
- Property:sepal cusp some measurement
- Property:sepal duration
- Property:sepal fusion
- Property:sepal growth form or texture
- Property:sepal height or length or size
- Property:sepal length
- Property:sepal length or size
- Property:sepal lengths
- Property:sepal life cycle
- Property:sepal lobe atypical some measurement
- Property:sepal lobe orientation
- Property:sepal lobe shape
- Property:sepal lobe size
- Property:sepal lobe some measurement
- Property:sepal margin growth form or texture
- Property:sepal margin size or width
- Property:sepal margin texture
- Property:sepal orientation
- Property:sepal position
- Property:sepal presence
- Property:sepal prominence
- Property:sepal prominence or shape
- Property:sepal pubescence
- Property:sepal quantity
- Property:sepal shape
- Property:sepal size
- Property:sepal some measurement
- Property:sepal texture
- Property:sepal variability
- Property:sepal width
- Property:septate-glandular hair length or size
- Property:septum coloration
- Property:septum coloration or density
- Property:sheath architecture or fragility
- Property:sheath arrangement or density
- Property:sheath atypical some measurement
- Property:sheath growth form or texture
- Property:sheath height or length or size
- Property:sheath l w ratio
- Property:sheath length or diameter
- Property:sheath size or width
- Property:sheath some measurement
- Property:sheath texture
- Property:shoot architecture
- Property:shoot architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:shoot atypical some measurement
- Property:shoot caudex architecture
- Property:shoot caudex texture
- Property:shoot condition
- Property:shoot development
- Property:shoot duration
- Property:shoot growth form
- Property:shoot growth form or orientation
- Property:shoot height or length or size
- Property:shoot leaf architecture
- Property:shoot leaf shape
- Property:shoot length
- Property:shoot length or size
- Property:shoot life cycle
- Property:shoot location
- Property:shoot orientation
- Property:shoot presence
- Property:shoot pubescence
- Property:shoot quantity
- Property:shoot reproduction
- Property:shoot some measurement
- Property:shoot texture
- Property:shoot width
- Property:short-shoot architecture
- Property:short-shoot growth form or orientation
- Property:short-shoot quantity
- Property:shorter hair architecture
- Property:side coloration or size
- Property:side prominence or shape
- Property:side quantity
- Property:side relief
- Property:side size
- Property:side some measurement
- Property:slender rhizome growth form or orientation
- Property:slender shoot architecture
- Property:slender shoot growth form or orientation
- Property:slender shoot location
- Property:slender shoot quantity
- Property:slender tube length or size
- Property:smaller branch architecture
- Property:smaller lateral tooth quantity
- Property:source xml
- Property:special status
- Property:species architecture
- Property:species dehiscence
- Property:species duration
- Property:specimen habitat
- Property:spine architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:spine coloration
- Property:spine fusion
- Property:spine presence
- Property:spine pubescence
- Property:spine pubescence or relief
- Property:spine shape
- Property:spine some measurement
- Property:split condition
- Property:split quantity
- Property:split some measurement
- Property:stamen atypical quantity
- Property:stamen development
- Property:stamen fusion
- Property:stamen growth form
- Property:stamen height or length or size
- Property:stamen length
- Property:stamen length or size
- Property:stamen orientation
- Property:stamen position
- Property:stamen presence
- Property:stamen quantity
- Property:stamen reproduction
- Property:stamen size
- Property:stamen some measurement
- Property:stamen variability
- Property:staminode architecture
- Property:staminode arrangement
- Property:staminode arrangement or course or shape
- Property:staminode atypical quantity
- Property:staminode coloration
- Property:staminode fusion
- Property:staminode length or size
- Property:staminode orientation
- Property:staminode presence
- Property:staminode prominence
- Property:staminode quantity
- Property:staminode shape
- Property:staminode some measurement
- Property:staminode width
- Property:stem architecture
- Property:stem architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:stem architecture or fixation
- Property:stem architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:stem architecture or pubescence
- Property:stem architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:stem arrangement
- Property:stem arrangement or pubescence
- Property:stem arrangement or shape
- Property:stem atypical length
- Property:stem atypical some measurement
- Property:stem coating
- Property:stem coloration
- Property:stem coloration or density
- Property:stem coloration or pubescence or relief
- Property:stem count or density
- Property:stem density
- Property:stem fragility
- Property:stem fragility or size
- Property:stem growth form
- Property:stem growth form or orientation
- Property:stem growth form or texture
- Property:stem height or length or size
- Property:stem internode length
- Property:stem internode presence
- Property:stem leaf architecture
- Property:stem leaf fusion
- Property:stem leaf height or length or size
- Property:stem leaf length
- Property:stem leaf shape
- Property:stem leaf size
- Property:stem leaf width
- Property:stem length
- Property:stem life cycle
- Property:stem location
- Property:stem orientation
- Property:stem orientation or growth form
- Property:stem position
- Property:stem position relational
- Property:stem presence
- Property:stem prominence
- Property:stem pubescence
- Property:stem pubescence or relief
- Property:stem quantity
- Property:stem reflectance
- Property:stem relief
- Property:stem reproduction
- Property:stem shape
- Property:stem size
- Property:stem some measurement
- Property:stem texture
- Property:stem variability
- Property:stem width
- Property:stigma architecture
- Property:stigma architecture or shape
- Property:stigma arrangement or course or shape
- Property:stigma atypical quantity
- Property:stigma height or length or size
- Property:stigma length
- Property:stigma length or size
- Property:stigma position
- Property:stigma position or structure subtype
- Property:stigma presence
- Property:stigma quantity
- Property:stigma relief
- Property:stigma shape
- Property:stigma size
- Property:stigma some measurement
- Property:stipe some measurement
- Property:stipitate-gland coloration
- Property:stipitate-gland coloration or density
- Property:stipitate-gland quantity
- Property:stipitate-gland size
- Property:stipitate-gland some measurement
- Property:stipule architecture
- Property:stipule architecture or shape
- Property:stipule arrangement
- Property:stipule coloration
- Property:stipule duration
- Property:stipule height or length or size
- Property:stipule length or size
- Property:stipule presence
- Property:stipule prominence
- Property:stipule quantity
- Property:stipule reflectance
- Property:stipule shape
- Property:stipule size
- Property:stipule some measurement
- Property:stipule texture
- Property:stolon arrangement
- Property:stolon some measurement
- Property:storage root texture
- Property:style architecture
- Property:style architecture or shape
- Property:style atypical quantity
- Property:style atypical some measurement
- Property:style coloration
- Property:style course
- Property:style duration
- Property:style fusion
- Property:style height or length or size
- Property:style length
- Property:style length or size
- Property:style orientation
- Property:style position
- Property:style presence
- Property:style pubescence
- Property:style quantity
- Property:style shape
- Property:style size
- Property:style size or quantity
- Property:style some measurement
- Property:style texture
- Property:style variability
- Property:submarginal groove architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:submarginal groove presence
- Property:submarginal groove quantity
- Property:submarginal groove reflectance
- Property:submarginal groove relief
- Property:submarginal groove shape
- Property:submarginal groove size
- Property:submarginal groove some measurement
- Property:surface character
- Property:surface orientation
- Property:surface prominence
- Property:surface pubescence
- Property:surface pubescence or relief
- Property:surface quantity
- Property:surface relief
- Property:surface shape
- Property:surface texture
- Property:surface width
- Property:suture quantity
- Property:synonyms
- Property:taproot architecture
- Property:taproot depth
- Property:taproot duration
- Property:taproot fragility or size
- Property:taproot length or size
- Property:taproot presence
- Property:taproot prominence
- Property:taproot shape
- Property:taproot size
- Property:taproot size or width
- Property:taproot texture
- Property:taproot width
- Property:terminal bud architecture or shape
- Property:terminal bud texture
- Property:terminal cyme architecture
- Property:terminal flower architecture
- Property:terminal flower architecture or arrangement or growth form
- Property:terminal flower quantity
- Property:terminal or axillary cyme architecture
- Property:testa architecture or fragility
- Property:testa shape
- Property:thickening architecture
- Property:thickening coloration
- Property:thickening shape
- Property:thickening some measurement
- Property:thyrse architecture
- Property:thyrse arrangement
- Property:thyrse density
- Property:time architecture
- Property:time life cycle
- Property:tip architecture
- Property:tip architecture or pubescence or shape
- Property:tip course
- Property:tip orientation
- Property:tip pubescence
- Property:tip shape
- Property:tip some measurement
- Property:tip texture
- Property:tip width
- Property:tomentum coloration
- Property:tomentum density
- Property:tomentum pubescence
- Property:tooth architecture
- Property:tooth architecture or course
- Property:tooth arrangement or course or shape
- Property:tooth atypical quantity
- Property:tooth coating
- Property:tooth coloration or density
- Property:tooth course
- Property:tooth dehiscence
- Property:tooth fragility
- Property:tooth height or length or size
- Property:tooth orientation
- Property:tooth presence
- Property:tooth pubescence
- Property:tooth quantity
- Property:tooth shape
- Property:tooth shape or vernation
- Property:tooth size
- Property:tooth some measurement
- Property:tooth variability
- Property:tooth width
- Property:trichome arrangement
- Property:trichome quantity
- Property:trunk architecture
- Property:trunk architecture or shape
- Property:trunk presence
- Property:trunk shape
- Property:trunk size
- Property:tube architecture
- Property:tube coloration
- Property:tube growth form or texture
- Property:tube pubescence
- Property:tube shape
- Property:tube size or width
- Property:tube some measurement
- Property:tube texture
- Property:tube variability
- Property:tubercle architecture
- Property:tubercle depth
- Property:tubercle height
- Property:tubercle position
- Property:tubercle prominence
- Property:tubercle quantity
- Property:tubercle relief
- Property:tubercle shape
- Property:tubercle size
- Property:tubercle width
- Property:tubercule prominence
- Property:tubercule shape
- Property:tuft arrangement or density
- Property:tuft density
- Property:tuft size
- Property:tuft texture
- Property:ultimate branch pubescence
- Property:ultimate branch shape
- Property:utricle architecture or pubescence or relief
- Property:utricle dehiscence
- Property:utricle development
- Property:utricle length or size
- Property:utricle life cycle
- Property:utricle pubescence
- Property:utricle pubescence or relief or texture
- Property:utricle quantity
- Property:utricle relief
- Property:utricle shape
- Property:utricle some measurement
- Property:utricle texture
- Property:valve architecture
- Property:valve architecture or shape
- Property:valve atypical quantity
- Property:valve course
- Property:valve margin course
- Property:valve margin dehiscence
- Property:valve margin quantity
- Property:valve margin shape
- Property:valve orientation
- Property:valve position
- Property:valve pubescence
- Property:valve quantity
- Property:valve shape
- Property:valve size
- Property:valves split architecture or shape
- Property:vein architecture
- Property:vein architecture or coloration or relief
- Property:vein arrangement
- Property:vein arrangement or course or shape
- Property:vein atypical length
- Property:vein character
- Property:vein coating
- Property:vein coloration
- Property:vein coloration or density
- Property:vein dehiscence or orientation
- Property:vein density
- Property:vein fragility
- Property:vein fusion
- Property:vein growth form or texture
- Property:vein height or length or size
- Property:vein length
- Property:vein orientation
- Property:vein presence
- Property:vein prominence
- Property:vein pubescence
- Property:vein quantity
- Property:vein shape
- Property:vein size
- Property:vein some measurement
- Property:vein texture
- Property:vein width
- Property:whitish position
- Property:whitish quantity
- Property:whole-organism duration
- Property:whole_organism architecture
- Property:whole_organism architecture or arrangement
- Property:whole_organism architecture or fragility
- Property:whole_organism architecture or function or pubescence
- Property:whole_organism architecture or growth form
- Property:whole_organism arrangement
- Property:whole_organism arrangement or pubescence
- Property:whole_organism atypical some measurement
- Property:whole_organism character
- Property:whole_organism coating
- Property:whole_organism coloration
- Property:whole_organism density
- Property:whole_organism duration
- Property:whole_organism fragility
- Property:whole_organism fragility or size
- Property:whole_organism growth form
- Property:whole_organism growth form or orientation
- Property:whole_organism growth form or texture
- Property:whole_organism habitat
- Property:whole_organism life cycle
- Property:whole_organism orientation
- Property:whole_organism pubescence
- Property:whole_organism relief
- Property:whole_organism reproduction
- Property:whole_organism shape
- Property:whole_organism size
- Property:whole_organism some measurement
- Property:whole_organism structure subtype
- Property:whole_organism texture
- Property:whole_organism variability
- Property:whorl architecture
- Property:whorl fusion
- Property:whorl orientation
- Property:whorl quantity
- Property:whorl shape
- Property:wing architecture
- Property:wing coloration
- Property:wing dehiscence or orientation
- Property:wing diam
- Property:wing orientation
- Property:wing presence
- Property:wing prominence or shape
- Property:wing quantity
- Property:wing relief
- Property:wing shape
- Property:wing size or width
- Property:wing some measurement
- Property:wing width
- Property:wrinkle arrangement
- Property:x chromosome atypical quantity
- Property:x chromosome quantity
- Property:yellow position
- Property:yellow quantity
- Property:yellowish position
- Property:yellowish quantity