Paronychia echinulata


Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 69: 52. 1964.

Common names: Eurasian nailwort
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 5. Treatment on page 36. Mentioned on page 32.
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V5 64-distribution-map.gif

Calif., Europe (Medi-terranean region), sw Asia, Africa (nw Mediterranean region)


Varieties 2 (1 in the flora).

Paronychia echinulata was for many years known as P. echinata Lamarck. The latter cannot be used since, as Chater noted, it is a superfluous name for Illecebrum cymosa Linnaeus [= P. cymosa (Linnaeus) de Candolle].

Selected References


"/10" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property. "/10" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property.

... more about "Paronychia echinulata"
awned +  and hooded +
ascending +  and slightly descending +
rounded;obtuse;rounded;triangular +
Ronald L. Hartman +, John W. Thieret +  and Richard K. Rabeler +
Chater +
prominent +
stipulate +  and petiolate +
not +  and connate +
often +  and needlelike +
spatulate +, oblanceolate +  and linear to elliptic +
succulent +
reduced +
Eurasian nailwort +
dish--shaped +
expanded +
Calif. +, Europe (Medi-terranean region) +, sw Asia +  and Africa (nw Mediterranean region) +
peripheral +
connate +  and distinct +
pistillate +  and staminate +
unisexual +  and bisexual +
sometimes +  and indehiscent +
stalked +  and simple +
straight +
tapering +  and cup-shaped +
sessile +  and petiolate +
adjacent +  and opposite +
connate +
all +  and distalmost +
translucent +  and white +
fimbriate +  and entire +
papery +  and scarious +
swollen +
3 +  and 5 +
crassinucellate +  and bitegmic +
campylotropous +
fugacious +
4 +  and 5 +
Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. +
compressed +, subglobose +  and ellipsoid +
yellowish +  and green or reddish or purplish brown +
persistent +
subulate;linear-oblong lanceolate spatulate or ovate +
0.04 cm0.4 mm <br />4.0e-4 m <br /> (0.45 cm4.5 mm <br />0.0045 m <br />) +
subulate +  and narrowly triangular filiform or oblong +
branched +  and simple +
erect;ascending;erect;ascending;prostrate +
terete;angular +
subterminal +
[50 +  and 2 +
papillate +
silvery +  and white +
subulate +  and lanceolate or ovate +
connate +  and distinct +
1 +  and 2 +
subcapitate +  and filiform +
0.007 cm0.07 mm <br />7.0e-5 m <br /> (0.32 cm3.2 mm <br />0.0032 m <br />) +
Anychia +, Anychiastrum +, Gastronychia +, Gibbesia +, Nyachia +, Odontonychia +  and Siphonychia +
Paronychia echinulata +
Paronychia +
species +
0.01 cm0.1 mm <br />1.0e-4 m <br /> (0.03 cm0.3 mm <br />3.0e-4 m <br />) +
divided +
ovoid +  and globose or rarely 4-angular +
membranous +
8 (?) +  and 10 (?) +
not rhizomatous +  and taprooted +
perennial +, biennial +  and annual +
plant +  and herb +
pubescence of simple hairs or stalked glands +  and glabrous +
9 +, 8 +  and 7 +