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Pages in category "Phenology"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 793 total.
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- Property:Abaxial and adaxial costal epidermis development
- Property:Abaxial blade development
- Property:Abaxial epidermis development
- Property:Abaxial gland season
- Property:Abaxial hastulum development
- Property:Abaxial hyalocyst development
- Property:Abaxial keel development
- Property:Abaxial lamella development
- Property:Abaxial ridge development
- Property:Abaxial side development
- Property:Abaxial stereid development
- Property:Abaxial surface duration
- Property:Abaxial vein duration
- Property:Achene development
- Property:Achene duration
- Property:Acorn duration
- Property:Acorn maturation
- Property:Acumen development
- Property:Adaxial band development
- Property:Adaxial cell development
- Property:Adaxial costa development
- Property:Adaxial epidermis development
- Property:Adaxial groove development
- Property:Adaxial hastulum development
- Property:Adaxial hyalocyst development
- Property:Adaxial scale duration
- Property:Adaxial surface development
- Property:Adaxial surface duration
- Property:Adaxial tuft development
- Property:Adventitiou-root development
- Property:Aerenchymum development
- Property:Angle development
- Property:Annulus development
- Property:Annulus duration
- Property:Anther development
- Property:Anther duration
- Property:Apex appendage development
- Property:Apex development
- Property:Apex duration
- Property:Apical appendage development
- Property:Apical cell development
- Property:Apical lobe development
- Property:Apical mucro duration
- Property:Apical subulum duration
- Property:Appendage development
- Property:Appendage duration
- Property:Areola season
- Property:Areolar gland duration
- Property:Areole development
- Property:Areole duration
- Property:Aril duration
- Property:Arista development
- Property:Arm cell development
- Property:Array development
- Property:Auricle development
- Property:Auricle duration
- Property:Awn development
- Property:Awn duration
- Property:Awn pappus duration
- Property:Axillary branchlet duration
- Property:Axillary bud duration
- Property:Axillary hair development
- Property:Axillary leaf development
- Property:Axillary pulvinus development
- Property:Axillary shoot development
- Property:Axillary tuft development
- Property:Axillary tuft duration
- Property:Axis duration
- Property:Ball duration
- Property:Band development
- Property:Bark development
- Property:Bark duration
- Property:Basal and proximal cauline leaf duration
- Property:Basal blade development
- Property:Basal blade duration
- Property:Basal development
- Property:Basal dilation development
- Property:Basal duration
- Property:Basal face duration
- Property:Basal internode duration
- Property:Basal leaf development
- Property:Basal leaf duration
- Property:Basal marginal bud development
- Property:Basal membrane development
- Property:Basal nectary development
- Property:Basal part duration
- Property:Basal pistil duration
- Property:Basal rosette development
- Property:Basal rosette duration
- Property:Basal rosette season
- Property:Basal row development
- Property:Basal segment development
- Property:Basal sheath duration
- Property:Basal spikelet duration
- Property:Basal stem development
- Property:Basal stem duration
- Property:Basal-bud development
- Property:Basal-cell development
- Property:Base development
- Property:Base duration
- Property:Base maturation
- Property:Beak duration
- Property:Berry duration
- Property:Between leaflets awn duration
- Property:Blade development
- Property:Blade duration
- Property:Blade-leaf development
- Property:Body sepal duration
- Property:Border development
- Property:Bract development
- Property:Bract duration
- Property:Bracteole development
- Property:Bracteole duration
- Property:Bractlet development
- Property:Bractlet duration
- Property:Branch development
- Property:Branch duration
- Property:Branch leaf development
- Property:Branch leaf duration
- Property:Branch tip duration
- Property:Branchlet development
- Property:Branchlet duration
- Property:Bristle development
- Property:Bristle duration
- Property:Bristle pappus duration
- Property:Brood duration
- Property:Bud constriction duration
- Property:Bud development
- Property:Bud duration
- Property:Bud season
- Property:Bud-scale duration
- Property:Bud-scale season
- Property:Bulb development
- Property:Bulb duration
- Property:Bulblet development
- Property:Bulge development
- Property:Callus development
- Property:Calyculus duration
- Property:Calyptra development
- Property:Calyptra duration
- Property:Calyptra remnant duration
- Property:Calyx duration
- Property:Calyx lobe development
- Property:Calyx lobe duration
- Property:Calyx-tube duration
- Property:Capitulum development
- Property:Capsule development
- Property:Capsule duration
- Property:Capsule valve duration
- Property:Capsules base duration
- Property:Carpel development
- Property:Caruncle duration
- Property:Caryopse development
- Property:Caryopse duration
- Property:Caryopsis development
- Property:Catkin development
- Property:Caudex development
- Property:Caudex duration
- Property:Cauline blade season
- Property:Cauline leaf development
- Property:Cauline leaf duration
- Property:Cauline leaf-blade development
- Property:Cell annulus development
- Property:Cell development
- Property:Cell duration
- Property:Cell segment development
- Property:Cell-wall development
- Property:Central column duration
- Property:Central flap duration
- Property:Central internodal tissue duration
- Property:Central strand development
- Property:Chloroplast development
- Property:Cilium development
- Property:Claw development
- Property:Cleistogene development
- Property:Clone duration
- Property:Collar development
- Property:Columella development
- Property:Columella duration
- Property:Column duration
- Property:Coma duration
- Property:Compressedtrigonou duration
- Property:Cone axis duration
- Property:Cone-seed duration
- Property:Cone-seed maturation
- Property:Constriction duration
- Property:Corolla duration
- Property:Cortex development
- Property:Cortex duration
- Property:Costa development
- Property:Costal adaxial cell development
- Property:Costal cell development
- Property:Covering duration
- Property:Crest development
- Property:Crown development
- Property:Culm base duration
- Property:Culm development
- Property:Culm duration
- Property:Culm leaf duration
- Property:Culm node development