Diplacus rupicola
Phytoneuron 2012-39: 27. 2012.
Herbs, perennial, with woody caudex. Stems erect to ascending, sometimes pendent, 10–170 mm, densely and finely glandular-puberulent. Leaves usually basal rosettes and proximal cauline, relatively even-sized; petiole absent, base gradually narrowed to broad, petiolelike extension; blade oblanceolate, (10–) 18–60 (–80) × (1.5–) 3–15 (–26) mm, margins entire, plane, not ciliate, apex acute, surfaces glandular-puberulent. Pedicels 1–3 mm in fruit. Flowers 1 or 2 per node, chasmogamous. Calyces asymmetrically attached to pedicel, not inflated in fruit, 8–18 mm, densely glandular-puberulent, lobes unequal, apex acuminate, ribs green, intercostal areas pale green. Corollas: limb pinkish white to nearly white with a large magenta-purple round or 2-lobed blotch at base of each lobe, throat and palate ridges golden yellow with magenta speckling, palate ridges short-pilose, throat glabrous, tube-throat 17–35 mm, limb 8–21 mm diam., not bilabiate. Anthers included, glabrous or slightly puberulent at base. Styles glandular-puberulent. Stigmas included, lobes equal. Capsules 3–8 mm, indehiscent until senescence of pedicel, then opening along both sutures only after wetting. 2n = 16.
Phenology: Flowering Feb–Jun.
Habitat: Crevices in limestone cliffs and walls, limestone ridge tops and slopes, wash edges, gravelly slopes, canyon sides.
Elevation: 300–1800 m.
Diplacus rupicola is known from Inyo County.
Selected References