Nemastylis tenuis subsp. pringlei
Brittonia 27: 379. 1975.
Basionym: Nemastylis pringlei S. Watson Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 24: 85. 1888
Synonyms: Nemastylis tenuis var. pringlei (S. Watson) R. C. Foster
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 26. Treatment on page 400.
Plants slender, 10–30 cm. Bulbs 15–20 mm diam. Stems usually simple. Leaves 3–4, cauline leaves smaller than basal; blade linear, to 25 cm. Rhipidia 1-flowered; outer spathe 20–25 mm, inner 18–40 mm, apex often dry. Tepals pale blue, lanceolate, 20–30 × 6–9 mm; filaments connate ca. 2/3 length, 2.5–3.5 mm; anthers ca. 6 mm; ovary ovoid, 4–6 mm; style branching distal to filament column; branches 3.5–5 mm. Capsules oblong, truncate to turbinate, 15–20 mm. Seeds angular, ca. 2 mm. 2n = 14.
Phenology: Flowering Jul–Aug.
Habitat: Rocky, open ground in mountains
![V26 822-distribution-map.jpg](/w/images/7/77/V26_822-distribution-map.jpg)
Ariz., Tex., Mexico, Central America
In the flora area, subsp. pringlei is restricted to the mountains of western Texas and southeastern Arizona.
Selected References
Lower Taxa
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collapsing +
extrorse +
erect +
6 cm60 mm <br />0.06 m <br /> (?) +
brown +
stigmatic +
parallel-veined +
2-armed +
divided +
expanded +
thickened +
stigmatic +
tunicate +
15mm;20mm +
cartilaginous +
smaller +
monochasial +
small +
hard +
weak +
connate +
actinomorphic +
monochasial +
short-lived +
aerial +
capsular +
woody;firm;cartilaginous +
distichous +
unifacial +
oriented +
axile +
inferior +
ovoid +
anatropous +
2;few +
not reaching +
membranous +
Brittonia +
1975 +
1-flowered +
large +
brown +
winged +
discoid +
angular +
many +
compressed;prismatic;compressed;prismatic +
2 cm20 mm <br />0.02 m <br /> (?) +
open +
closed +
green +
outer shorter +
outer +
unequal +
monochasial +
simple +
abaxial +
branching +
distal +
single +
Nemastylis tenuis subsp. pringlei +
Nemastylis tenuis +
subspecies +
pale blue +
distinct +
20mm;30mm +
spreading +
showy +
lanceolate +
large +
arranged +
arcuate +
equal +
6mm;9mm +
brown +
brittle +
papery +
perennial +
slender +
unequal +
equal +