Types of achene
Parts of achene
Showing 25 related entities (more are available).
- Achene +
- Achene apex some measurement +
- Achene architecture +
- Achene architecture or coloration or relief +
- Achene architecture or fixation +
- Achene architecture or function or pubescence +
- Achene architecture or pubescence or relief +
- Achene architecture or shape +
- Achene area +
- Achene arrangement +
- Achene arrangement or course or shape +
- Achene arrangement or shape +
- Achene atypical length +
- Achene atypical quantity +
- Achene atypical some measurement +
- Achene atypical width +
- Achene beak orientation +
- Achene beak some measurement +
- Achene beak variability +
- Achene body architecture or shape +
- Achene body height or length or size +
- Achene body length +
- Achene body position +
- Achene body prominence +
- Achene body quantity +
- ...