Unused properties

This page lists unused properties that are declared although no other page makes use of them. For a differentiated view, see the entire or wanted properties special pages.

List of properties

  1. 2n=18,2n chromosome quantity of type Text
  2. 2n=18-2n chromosome quantity of type Text
  3. 2n=3x chromosome quantity of type Text
  4. 2n=68,70 , n chromosome atypical quantity of type Text
  5. 2n=68,70 , n chromosome quantity of type Text
  6. = character of type Text
  7. = l/w of type Record
  8. = life cycle of type Text
  9. Abaxial and adaxial ligule presence of type Text
  10. Abaxial and adaxial strand size or width of type Text
  11. Abaxial apex architecture or pubescence or relief of type Text
  12. Abaxial apex character of type Text
  13. Abaxial apex condition or texture of type Text
  14. Abaxial apex pubescence or relief of type Text
  15. Abaxial apex shape of type Text
  16. Abaxial blade arrangement of type Text
  17. Abaxial blade atypical some measurement of type Text
  18. Abaxial blade condition or size of type Text
  19. Abaxial blade development of type Text
  20. Abaxial blade position of type Text
  21. Abaxial blade position relational of type Text
  22. Abaxial blade presence of type Text
  23. Abaxial blade quantity of type Text
  24. Abaxial blade size of type Record
  25. Abaxial blade some measurement of type Record
  26. Abaxial blade width of type Text
  27. Abaxial blade width or height of type Text
  28. Abaxial ligule architecture or pubescence or shape of type Text
  29. Abaxial ligule pubescence of type Text
  30. Abaxial ligule shape of type Record
  31. Abaxial ligule texture of type Text
  32. Abaxial margin architecture or pubescence or relief of type Text
  33. Abaxial margin character of type Text
  34. Abaxial strand quantity of type Record
  35. Abaxial strand size or width of type Text
  36. Abaxial surface architecture or arrangement of type Text
  37. Abaxial surface arrangement or vernation of type Text
  38. Abaxial surface character of type Text
  39. Abaxial surface condition or texture of type Text
  40. Abaxial surface course of type Text
  41. Abaxial surface course or shape of type Text
  42. Abaxial surface duration of type Text
  43. Abaxial surface fragility of type Text
  44. Abaxial surface position relational of type Text
  45. Abaxial surface width or height of type Text
  46. Abaxial vein arrangement or vernation of type Text
  47. Abaxial vein atypical quantity of type Text
  48. Abaxial vein character of type Text
  49. Abaxial vein duration of type Text
  50. Abaxial vein prominence or shape of type Text
  51. Abaxial vein pubescence or relief of type Text
  52. Abaxial vein some measurement of type Record
  53. Abaxial vein width of type Text
  54. Accessory-cell of type Text
  55. Achene of type Text
  56. Acorn of type Text
  57. Acumen of type Text
  58. Adaxial abaxial surface architecture or pubescence or relief of type Text
  59. Adaxial abaxial surface arrangement or vernation of type Text
  60. Adaxial abaxial surface character of type Text
  61. Adaxial abaxial surface coloration of type Text
  62. Adaxial abaxial surface prominence or shape of type Text
  63. Adaxial abaxial surface pubescence of type Text
  64. Adaxial abaxial surface pubescence or relief of type Text
  65. Adaxial epiderme relief of type Text
  66. Adaxial ligule pubescence of type Text
  67. Adaxial ligule pubescence or texture of type Text
  68. Adaxial ligule relief of type Text
  69. Adaxial surface texture of type Text
  70. Adaxial surface variability of type Text
  71. Adaxial vein atypical quantity of type Text
  72. Adaxial vein quantity of type Record
  73. Adventitiou-root architecture of type Text
  74. Adventitiou-root development of type Text
  75. Adventitious-bud of type Text
  76. Adventitious-root of type Text
  77. Aggregation architecture of type Text
  78. Air orientation of type Text
  79. Air position of type Text
  80. Albumen of type Text
  81. Algae of type Text
  82. Almond of type Text
  83. Alveola of type Text
  84. Alveolus of type Text
  85. Ament of type Text
  86. Androecium of type Text
  87. Androgynophore of type Text
  88. Androphore of type Text
  89. Angle of type Text
  90. Annual of type Text
  91. Annulus of type Text
  92. Anthela of type Text
  93. Anther of type Text
  94. Anther function of type Text
  95. Anther geographical terms of type Text
  96. Anther prior-to-dehiscence of type Text
  97. Anther sac of type Text
  98. Anther sac dehiscence of type Text
  99. Anther thickness of type Record
  100. Anther-filament of type Text
  101. Antheridial of type Text
  102. Antheridium of type Text
  103. Antherode of type Text
  104. Anthocyanin of type Text
  105. Anthocyanins of type Text
  106. Anthocyanotic of type Text
  107. Apex of type Text
  108. Apical apex architecture or dehiscence of type Text
  109. Apical apex architecture or pubescence or relief of type Text
  110. Apical apex architecture or shape of type Text
  111. Apical apex arrangement of type Text
  112. Apical apex pubescence or relief of type Text
  113. Apical apex quantity of type Text
  114. Apical apex shape of type Text
  115. Apical hair arrangement of type Text
  116. Apical hair atypical some measurement of type Text
  117. Apical hair fragility of type Text
  118. Apical hair orientation of type Text
  119. Apical hair position of type Text
  120. Apical hair prominence or shape of type Text
  121. Apical hair shape of type Text
  122. Apical hair texture of type Text
  123. Apical leaf quantity of type Text
  124. Apical lobe development of type Text
  125. Apical lobe fragility of type Text
  126. Apical lobe length of type Text
  127. Apical lobe life cycle of type Text
  128. Apical lobe presence of type Text
  129. Apical lobe texture of type Text
  130. Apical lobe width of type Text
  131. Apical margin architecture or dehiscence of type Text
  132. Apical margin growth form or texture of type Text
  133. Apical margin pubescence or relief of type Text
  134. Apical margin some measurement of type Text
  135. Apical spikelet condition of type Text
  136. Apical spikelet length of type Record
  137. Apical spikelet shape of type Text
  138. Apical spikelet some measurement of type Record
  139. Apical spikelet width of type Record
  140. Apiculus of type Text
  141. Apophysis of type Text
  142. Appendage of type Text
  143. Archegonial of type Text
  144. Archegonium of type Text
  145. Areola of type Text
  146. Areolar of type Text
  147. Areolation of type Text
  148. Areole of type Text
  149. Aril of type Text
  150. Arista of type Text
  151. Arm cell development of type Text
  152. Armature of type Text
  153. Array of type Text
  154. Auricle of type Text
  155. Auricle coloration or density of type Text
  156. Auricle height or length or size of type Text
  157. Auricle location of type Text
  158. Auricle relief of type Text
  159. Auricle variability of type Text
  160. Awn of type Text
  161. Awn architecture or arrangement or growth form of type Text
  162. Awn coloration or density of type Text
  163. Awn duration of type Record
  164. Awn location of type Record
  165. Awn size or quantity of type Text
  166. Awn thickness of type Record
  167. Awn tip height or length or size of type Text
  168. Awn-lemma junction prominence of type Text
  169. Axil of type Text
  170. Axil-leaf of type Text
  171. Axillary pulvinus presence of type Text
  172. Axillary raceme reproduction of type Text
  173. Back architecture or pubescence or relief of type Text
  174. Banana of type Text
  175. Barb of type Text
  176. Bark of type Text
  177. Basal 1/2 arrangement of type Text
  178. Basal awn architecture of type Text
  179. Basal awn course of type Text
  180. Basal awn pubescence of type Text
  181. Basal awn relief of type Record
  182. Basal awn shape of type Text
  183. Basal awn some measurement of type Record
  184. Basal awn texture of type Text
  185. Basal awn width of type Text
  186. Basal blade arrangement or dehiscence of type Text
  187. Basal blade character of type Text
  188. Basal blade development of type Text
  189. Basal blade diameter of type Record
  190. Basal blade duration of type Text
  191. Basal blade relief of type Text
  192. Basal blade shape or vernation of type Text
  193. Basal bud quantity of type Text
  194. Basal floret architecture of type Text
  195. Basal floret length of type Record
  196. Basal floret pubescence of type Text
  197. Basal floret shape of type Text
  198. Basal floret size of type Text
  199. Basal floret variability of type Text
  200. Basal internode architecture of type Text
  201. Basal internode height or length or size of type Text
  202. Basal internode length or size of type Text
  203. Basal internode pubescence of type Record
  204. Basal internode quantity of type Record
  205. Basal internode size or width of type Text
  206. Basal ligule architecture of type Text
  207. Basal ligule architecture or pubescence or shape of type Text
  208. Basal ligule architecture or relief of type Text
  209. Basal ligule architecture or shape of type Text
  210. Basal ligule coloration of type Text
  211. Basal ligule length of type Text
  212. Basal ligule pubescence of type Text
  213. Basal ligule shape of type Record
  214. Basal ligule some measurement of type Record
  215. Basal ligule texture of type Text
  216. Basal margin pubescence of type Text
  217. Basal membrane length or size of type Text
  218. Basal node architecture of type Text
  219. Basal node position of type Text
  220. Basal portion architecture or shape of type Text
  221. Basal segment position of type Text
  222. Basal segment pubescence or relief of type Text
  223. Basal segment relief of type Text
  224. Basal sheath architecture or pubescence or shape of type Text
  225. Basal sheath architecture or shape of type Text
  226. Basal sheath condition of type Text
  227. Basal sheath prominence or shape of type Text
  228. Basal sheath relief of type Text
  229. Basal throat architecture or pubescence or shape of type Text
  230. Basal throat pubescence of type Text
  231. Basal tuft architecture of type Text
  232. Basal tuft arrangement of type Text
  233. Basal tuft position of type Text
  234. Basal tuft pubescence of type Text
  235. Basal-cell of type Text
  236. Base of type Text
  237. Base branch orientation of type Record
  238. Base-leaf of type Text
  239. Basionym of type Text
  240. Beak of type Text
  241. Berry of type Text
  242. Between costa and margin areole quantity of type Text
  243. Between flowers internode some measurement of type Text
  244. Between midrib and margins strand quantity of type Text
  245. Between midrib and margins strand size or width of type Text
  246. Between sinus and leaf tissue some measurement of type Text
  247. Between vein gland coloration of type Text
  248. Between vein gland quantity of type Text
  249. Between vein hair density of type Text
  250. Between vein hair height or length or size of type Text
  251. Between vein vein quantity of type Text
  252. Biennial of type Text
  253. Blade of type Text
  254. Blade arrangement or dehiscence of type Text
  255. Blade arrangement or orientation of type Text
  256. Blade atypical diameter of type Text
  257. Blade blade position of type Text
  258. Blade blade presence of type Text
  259. Blade blade width or height of type Text
  260. Blade count or size of type Text
  261. Blade growth form or location of type Text
  262. Blade pseudopetiole architecture of type Text
  263. Blade pseudopetiole position of type Text
  264. Blade pseudopetiole presence of type Text
  265. Blade some measurement or shape of type Record
  266. Blade-leaf of type Text
  267. Blade-leaf development of type Text
  268. Blade-leaf presence of type Text
  269. Body of type Text
  270. Body face of type Text
  271. Body margin of type Text
  272. Body pubescence of type Record
  273. Bract of type Text
  274. Bract architecture or relief of type Text
  275. Bract-axil of type Text
  276. Bracteal of type Text
  277. Bracteole of type Text
  278. Bracteole blade width of type Record
  279. Bractlet of type Text
  280. Branch of type Text
  281. Branch leaf of type Text
  282. Branch system architecture of type Text
  283. Branch tip of type Text
  284. Branch-style of type Text
  285. Branchlet of type Text
  286. Bristle of type Text
  287. Bristle tip of type Text
  288. Bristle-spine of type Text
  289. Bristletip of type Text
  290. Brood of type Text
  291. Bud of type Text
  292. Bud condition of type Text
  293. Bud-scale of type Text
  294. Bud-scale size or width of type Text
  295. Bud-scale-scar of type Text
  296. Bulb of type Text
  297. Bulb-leaf of type Text
  298. Bulb-rhizome of type Text
  299. Bulbel of type Text
  300. Bulbil of type Text
  301. Bulblet of type Text
  302. Bundle of type Text
  303. Bundle-scar of type Text
  304. Bur of type Text
  305. Burl of type Text
  306. Bursicle of type Text
  307. Callus of type Text
  308. Callus architecture or pubescence or relief of type Text
  309. Callus count or density of type Text
  310. Callus course of type Text
  311. Callus hair count or density of type Text
  312. Callus hair course of type Text
  313. Callus hair density of type Text
  314. Callus hair prominence of type Text
  315. Callus hair shape of type Record
  316. Callus variability of type Text
  317. Calyculus of type Text
  318. Calyptra of type Text
  319. Calyx of type Text
  320. Calyx-tube of type Text
  321. Canal orientation of type Text
  322. Canal position of type Text
  323. Cancellina of type Text
  324. Capitular leaf of type Text
  325. Capitulum of type Text
  326. Capsule of type Text
  327. Carpel of type Text
  328. Carpophore of type Text
  329. Carpopodium of type Text
  330. Caruncle of type Text
  331. Caryopse architecture of type Text
  332. Caryopse architecture or pubescence or relief of type Text
  333. Caryopse architecture or shape of type Text
  334. Caryopse arrangement or course or shape of type Text
  335. Caryopse arrangement or shape of type Text
  336. Caryopse atypical some measurement of type Text
  337. Caryopse coloration of type Text
  338. Caryopse coloration or pubescence or relief of type Text
  339. Caryopse condition or texture of type Text
  340. Caryopse course of type Text
  341. Caryopse development of type Text
  342. Caryopse diameter of type Record
  343. Caryopse duration of type Text
  344. Caryopse fusion of type Text
  345. Caryopse height or length or size of type Text
  346. Caryopse l w ratio of type Text
  347. Caryopse length of type Record
  348. Caryopse length or size of type Text
  349. Caryopse life cycle of type Text
  350. Caryopse position of type Text
  351. Caryopse presence of type Text
  352. Caryopse prominence of type Text
  353. Caryopse pubescence of type Text
  354. Caryopse quantity of type Text
  355. Caryopse reflectance of type Text
  356. Caryopse relief of type Text
  357. Caryopse shape of type Text
  358. Caryopse shape or vernation of type Text
  359. Caryopse size or width of type Text
  360. Caryopse some measurement of type Record
  361. Caryopse thickness of type Text
  362. Caryopse variability of type Text
  363. Caryopse width of type Text
  364. Caryopsis of type Text
  365. Cataphyll of type Text
  366. Catkin of type Text
  367. Caudex of type Text
  368. Caudices of type Text
  369. Caudicle of type Text
  370. Cauline of type Text
  371. Cauline blade architecture or pubescence or relief of type Text
  372. Cauline blade arrangement or vernation of type Text
  373. Cauline blade course of type Text
  374. Cauline blade course or shape of type Text
  375. Cauline blade pubescence or relief of type Text
  376. Cauline blade pubescence or texture of type Text
  377. Cell of type Text
  378. Cell-layer of type Text
  379. Cell-wall of type Text
  380. Central awn height or length or size of type Text
  381. Central awn presence of type Text
  382. Central awn size of type Text
  383. Central base prominence of type Text
  384. Central branch architecture or arrangement of type Text
  385. Central branch prominence of type Text
  386. Central lateral tooth length or size of type Text
  387. Central lateral tooth shape of type Text
  388. Central node quantity of type Text
  389. Central pocket quantity of type Text
  390. Central portion architecture or pubescence or relief of type Text
  391. Central portion pubescence or relief of type Text
  392. Central tooth arrangement of type Text
  393. Central tooth quantity of type Text
  394. Central vein fusion of type Text
  395. Chaff of type Text
  396. Chlorocyst of type Text
  397. Chlorophyll of type Text
  398. Chloroplast of type Text
  399. Chromosome of type Text
  400. Ciliate of type Text
  401. Cilium of type Text
  402. Cincinnus of type Text
  403. Cladode of type Text
  404. Cladophyll of type Text
  405. Claw of type Text
  406. Cleistogene of type Text
  407. Cleistogene development of type Text
  408. Climber of type Text
  409. Clinandrium of type Text
  410. Clone of type Text
  411. Clump of type Text
  412. Clump fragility of type Text
  413. Cluster of type Text
  414. Cocci of type Text
  415. Coccus of type Text
  416. Collar of type Text
  417. Collar architecture or pubescence or relief of type Text
  418. Collar margin pubescence of type Record
  419. Collar pubescence or relief of type Text
  420. Collar pubescence or texture of type Text
  421. Collar relief of type Text
  422. Colony of type Text
  423. Columella of type Text
  424. Column-foot of type Text
  425. Coma of type Text
  426. Comal of type Text
  427. Comal-leaf of type Text
  428. Compound-corymb of type Text
  429. Compound-corymbiform array of type Text
  430. Concentric series quantity of type Text
  431. Cone of type Text
  432. Connective of type Text
  433. Constriction coloration of type Text
  434. Constriction pubescence of type Text
  435. Contraligule of type Text
  436. Corm of type Text
  437. Corm fixation of type Text
  438. Cormlet of type Text
  439. Corolla of type Text
  440. Corolla-tube of type Text
  441. Corona of type Text
  442. Coronal of type Text
  443. Cortex of type Text
  444. Corymb of type Text
  445. Costa of type Text
  446. Costule of type Text
  447. Cotyledon of type Text
  448. Crenation of type Text
  449. Crenulation of type Text
  450. Cross-line of type Text
  451. Cross-vein of type Text
  452. Crossvein of type Text
  453. Crown of type Text
  454. Crown coloration or density of type Text
  455. Crown course of type Text
  456. Crown development of type Text
  457. Crown length or size of type Text
  458. Crown shape or vernation of type Text
  459. Crown sprout of type Text
  460. Crownshaft of type Text
  461. Crozier of type Text
  462. Culm of type Text
  463. Culm blade prominence or shape of type Text
  464. Culm blade size of type Text
  465. Culm blade some measurement of type Text
  466. Culm development of type Text
  467. Culm fixation of type Text
  468. Culm growth form or shape of type Text
  469. Culm heigth of type Text
  470. Culm leaf arrangement of type Text
  471. Culm leaf duration of type Text
  472. Culm leaf presence of type Text
  473. Culm leaf pubescence of type Text
  474. Culm leaf size or width of type Text
  475. Culm leaf texture of type Text
  476. Culm ligule architecture or shape of type Text
  477. Culm ligule pubescence of type Text
  478. Culm ligule some measurement of type Record
  479. Culm sheath duration of type Text
  480. Culm sheath position of type Text
  481. Culm sheath some measurement of type Record
  482. Culm-internode of type Text
  483. Cultivar coloration of type Text
  484. Cupule of type Text
  485. Cuticle of type Text
  486. Cuticular of type Text
  487. Cyathium of type Text
  488. Cylinder size or width of type Text
  489. Cyme of type Text
  490. Cymose-panicle of type Text
  491. Cymule of type Text
  492. Cypsela of type Text
  493. Cypselum of type Text
  494. Cystolith of type Text
  495. Decurrency of type Text
  496. Dentation of type Text
  497. Denticulation of type Text
  498. Diaspore of type Text
  499. Diaspore shape of type Text
  500. Dichasium of type Text