

Syn. Musc. Eur. ed. 2, CIII, 513. 1876.

Etymology: Greek ana- , above, and koleos, sheath, alluding to leaf base not sheathing
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 99. Mentioned on page 98, 100, 657.
BartAnacoliaMenziesii.jpegAnacolia menziesiiPatricia M. Eckel

Plants in lax to dense tufts, sometimes viny, reddish-brown proximally, yellowish green to green distally. Stems 1–5 cm, erect to ascending, simple or fastigiate; octagonal in cross-section, hyalodermis absent, epidermis prorulose; radiculose proximally, rhizoids papillose. Leaves not in distinct rows or rarely in 5 rows, imbricate, appressed when dry, erect to spreading or recurved when moist, narrowly lanceolate or ovatelanceolate, 1–3-stratose (sometimes 3-stratose or 4-stratose at margins); base not sheathing; margins revolute in distal 1/2, sometimes almost to base, serrate, teeth single or paired; apex acute, acuminate, or rarely obtuse; costa percurrent to long-excurrent, abaxial surface rough or smooth; basal laminal cells shorter, wider than distal cells; distal cells usually oblong to linear or quadrate, strongly prorulose to nearly smooth, walls thick. Specialized asexual reproduction unknown. Sexual condition dioicous; perigonia gemmiform; perichaetial leaves scarcely distinct. Seta single, short-to-elongate, straight or somewhat curved. Capsule erect to inclined, globose to ovoid, irregularly wrinkled when dry, mouth small; annulus absent or scarcely developed; operculum short-conic to conic-obtuse; peristome absent, of low membrane, or exostome teeth yellow to reddish-brown, short, fragile, apically free; endostome rare, very faint. Spores globose to reniform, warty or coarsely papillose.


North America, Mexico, West Indies, Central America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa


Species 4 (2 in the flora).

Anacolia is recognized by its imbricate, appressed leaves, borne on prorulose stems that are felty tomentose proximally. The basal juxtacostal laminal cells are sometimes linear; the perigonia and perichaetia are terminal, appearing lateral by innovations; the capsule is leptodermous; and the capsule neck is very short or absent. When fertile, the usually erect, irregularly wrinkled capsules are distinctive. Within the flora area, Anacolia is confined to western North America.

Selected References



1 Distal laminal cells prorulose at both ends on both surfaces; inner basal cells elongated oblong; distal lamina 2-4-stratose. Anacolia laevisphaera
1 Distal laminal cells smooth or a few cells bearing low prorulae on abaxial side; inner basal cells quadrate or short-rectangular; distal lamina 1 (or 2)-stratose. Anacolia menziesii
... more about "Anacolia"
obtuse +, acuminate +  and acute +
Dana G. Griffin III +
Schimper +
enlarged +
cucullate +
rarely smooth or irregularly wrinkled +  and furrowed +
erect +  and inclined +
globose +  and ovoid +
appendiculate +
percurrent;long-excurrent +
usually oblong;linear or quadrate +
North America +, Mexico +, West Indies +, Central America +, South America +, Europe +, Asia +  and Africa +
Greek ana- , above, and koleos, sheath, alluding to leaf base not sheathing +
yellow;reddish-brown +
papillose +  and smooth +
smooth +, papillose +  and mammillose +
1-3-stratose +
erect;spreading or recurved +
ovatelanceolate +  and lanceolate +
short-conic +  and conic-obtuse +
clavate +  and filiform +
Syn. Musc. Eur. ed. +
papillose +
distinct +
curved +  and straight +
elongate +
short;elongate +
globose;reniform +
erect +  and ascending +
1 cm10 mm <br />0.01 m <br /> - 5 cm50 mm <br />0.05 m <br /> +
Anacolia +
Bartramiaceae +
intermediate +
specialized +
dioicous +, sexual +  and asexual +
enlarged +
differentiated +
yellowish green +  and green +
plant +  and viny +