
(Nuttall ex Hooker & Baker) Copeland

Gen. Fil. 68. 1947.

Common names: Lace ferns aspidote
Etymology: Greek aspidotes, shield-bearer, for the shieldlike false indusia
Basionym: Hypolepis sect. Aspidotis Nuttall ex Hooker & Baker Syn. Fil. 4: 131. 1867
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 2.
FNA2 P25 Aspidotis-Argyrochosma pg 170.jpegArgyrochosma fendleri
Argyrochosma jonesii
Aspidotis californica
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers

Plants terrestrial or on rock. Stems ± compact, short-creeping, ascending at tip, branched; scales mostly dark-brown, often with very narrow margin of lighter color, lanceolate, margins entire. Leaves monomorphic to somewhat dimorphic, crowded, 8–35 cm. Petiole usually dark reddish-brown, with single groove adaxially, glabrous, with single vascular-bundle. Blade ovate-triangular, deltate, or pentagonal, 3–4 (–5) -pinnate, thick to thin, abaxially glabrous, adaxially lustrous, striate, glabrous; rachis straight. Ultimate segments of blades short-stalked or with base narrowed and decurrent onto costa or costule-bearing segments, linear to lanceolate, mostly 0.5–1.3 mm wide; stalks greenish, not darkened; fertile margins recurved. Veins of ultimate segments obscure, free, ± pinnate and unbranched. False indusia appearing inframarginal, scarious, whitish, broad, partly concealing sporangia. Sporangia in marginal, discrete or continuous sori on abaxial surface, containing 64 spores, lacking paraphyses and glands. Spores dark-brown, tetrahedral-globose, trilete, reticulate, equatorial flange absent. x = 30.


North America, 1 in Mexico


D. B. Lellinger (1968) recognized Aspidotis as separate from Cheilanthes based on its elongate, distantly dentate segments with striate shining surface and on its broad, scarious indusia.

Species 4 (3 in the flora).


1 Mature, fertile blades with continuous sori along length of segments (not at apex); indusia with 10–35 shallow, regular teeth or erose; fertile segments linear, margins ± entire. Aspidotis densa
1 Mature, fertile blades with sori discrete or partially discontinuous; indusia with coarse, irregular teeth or entire; fertile segments lanceolate to deltate, distantly dentate. > 2
2 Sori discrete, 1–3(–5) per blade segment; indusia margins with 2–6 coarse, irregular teeth or ± entire. Aspidotis californica
2 Sori partially discontinuous, connected by narrow indusial wings, 3–7(–9) per blade segment; indusia margins with 6–10 coarse, irregular teeth or lobes. Aspidotis carlotta-halliae

"thick" is not a number.

... more about "Aspidotis"
Alan R. Smith +
- Nuttall ex Hooker & Baker Copeland +
narrowed +
Hypolepis sect. Aspidotis +
pentagonal +, deltate +  and ovate-triangular +
Lace ferns +  and aspidote +
North America +  and 1 in Mexico +
Greek aspidotes, shield-bearer, for the shieldlike false indusia +
yellow +  and white +
obcordate;reniform +
monomorphic +
recurved +  and reflexed +
noncircinate +  and circinate +
8 cm80 mm <br />0.08 m <br /> - 35 cm350 mm <br />0.35 m <br /> +
lighter color +
lanceolate +
dark reddish-brown +
smith1975a +
persistent +
costule-bearing +
discrete +
1 +, 32 +  and 64 +
tetrahedral-globose +
not darkened +  and greenish +
Aspidotis +
Pteridaceae +
0.05 cm0.5 mm <br />5.0e-4 m <br /> - ? +  and 0.13 cm1.3 mm <br />0.0013 m <br /> - ? +
crescent--shaped +  and roundish +
on rock +  and terrestrial +