

Iter Hispan., 308. 1758. name conserved

Etymology: Latin, derived from a name applied by Pliny the Elder to a climbing plant of uncertain identity
Synonyms: Cacoucia Aublet Calopyxis Tulasne Meiostemon Exell & Stace Quisqualis Linnaeus Thiloa Eichler
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 10.
FNA10 P08 Conocarpus erectus.jpgConocarpus erectus
Terminalia catappa
Combretum indicum

Scandentshrubs or lianas [shrubs, occasionally trees], without pneumatophores. Stems elongate, wandlike, equal; twigs hairy, hairs short-to-elongate, combretaceous [or absent], and short-stalked, glandular [peltate scales]. Leaves persistent, opposite or subopposite and decussate [whorled]; stipules absent; petiole persistent, differentiated [or not] proximally, becoming spinelike in age, nectar glands absent; blade papery [to leathery], venation eucamptodromous to brochidodromous, apex acuminate to long-acuminate; without salt-excreting glands; pouch-domatia present or absent abaxially in axils of secondary-veins and midvein. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, spikes [racemes or panicles, sometimes nearly capitate]; bracteoles absent. Flowers conspicuous, each in axil of a bract, bisexual; hypanthium tubular and slightly broadened distally [to trumpet-shaped, narrowly campanulate, or cupshaped], free portion 38–80 mm, from apex of ovary, with sparse, gland-tipped hairs abaxially, [or with peltate scales, and/or simple, nonglandular hairs]; sepals [4] 5, green or pale green, triangular [ovate, sometimes nearly obsolete], glandular-pubescent [with peltate scales] abaxially, and with simple, nonglandular hairs; petals [0, 4] 5, white becoming pink then red [greenish white, yellow, orange, or purple], ovate to slightly obovate, [sometimes narrowly so, or suborbiculate], 9–25 mm, apex obtuse or rounded [emarginate]; nonglandular-pubescent [glabrous or with peltate scales]; stamens [4, 8] 10, included [to exserted]; nectary on inner surface of hypanthium near base, glabrous [pubescent]; ovary ± terete; style straight, adnate to proximal portion of hypanthial tube [free]; ovules 2–4 [–6]. Drupes terete, ellipsoid or ovoid [oblong], fleshy [dry], ridged or winged; ridges or wings [4] 5, poorly to well developed; hypanthium and calyx deciduous.


Introduced; Florida, South America, Asia, Africa, n Australia, pantropical


Species ca. 255 (1 in the flora).

Combretum is naturalized in southern Florida; it is native pantropically but absent in the Pacific Islands.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Combretum"
dorsifixed +
nonglandular-pubescent +
rounded +, obtuse +, acuminate +  and long-acuminate +
Walter S. Judd +
Loefling +
eucamptodromous +  and brochidodromous +
deciduous +
mucilaginous +
mucilaginous +
twisted +  and folded +
Florida +, South America +, Asia +, Africa +, n Australia +  and pantropical +
ridged +, ovoid +, ellipsoid +  and terete +
Latin, derived from a name applied by Pliny the Elder to a climbing plant of uncertain identity +
included +  and long-exserted +
actinomorphic +, staminate +  and pistillate +
conspicuous +
winged +  and ribbed +
dry +  and spongy or fleshy +
simple +, gland-tipped +  and short-stalked +
straight +
sharp-pointed +
short +  and elongate +
free +  and adnate +
axillary +  and terminal +
decussate +, subopposite +  and opposite +
persistent +
unarmed +  and armed +
aquatic +, amphibious +  and terrestrial +
polygamous +, dioecious +  and monoecious +
unlobed +  and lobed +
crassinucellate +  and bitegmic +
anatropous +  and pendulous +
2 +  and 4 +
valvate +  and imbricate +
white becoming pink then red +
distinct +
ovate +  and slightly obovate +
0.9 cm9 mm <br />0.009 m <br /> - 2.5 cm25 mm <br />0.025 m <br /> +
spinelike +
differentiated +
2-5-carpellate +
3.8 cm38 mm <br />0.038 m <br /> - 8 cm80 mm <br />0.08 m <br /> +
Iter Hispan., +
imbricate +  and valvate +
pale green +  and green +
list +  and count +
glandular-pubescent +
triangular +
unarmed +  and armed +
aquatic +, amphibious +  and terrestrial +
polygamous +, dioecious +  and monoecious +
10 +  and 4 +
prostrate +, spreading +, horizontal +  and erect +
wandlike +  and elongate +
circular to elliptic +
straight +
hairy +  and glabrous +
Cacoucia +, Calopyxis +, Meiostemon +, Quisqualis +  and Thiloa +
Combretum +
Combretaceae +
parenchymatous +
unarmed +  and armed +
aquatic +, amphibious +  and terrestrial +
polygamous +, dioecious +  and monoecious +