Crossosoma bigelovii

S. Watson

Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 11: 122. 1876.

Common names: Rockflower
Synonyms: Crossosoma bigelovii var. glaucum (Small) Kearney & Peebles C. bigelovii var. parviflorum (B. L. Robinson & Fernald) K. C. Davis C. glaucum C. parviflorum
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 9. Treatment on page 12.

Shrubs, 0.7–2 m. Leaves mostly fasciculate on short-shoots, 5–15 mm (–25 mm on long-shoots). Pedicels short to long. Flowers: sepals 4–5 mm; petals 9–12 (–15) mm. Follicles (1–) 2–3 (–4), (5–) 7–15 mm. Seeds 4–8, 2–2.5 mm diam. 2n = 24.

Phenology: Flowering Jan–May.
Habitat: Dry rocky slopes and cliff faces, often in canyons, most commonly on igneous or volcanic substrates, mostly in the Sonoran and Mojave deserts
Elevation: 50–1700 m


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Ariz., Calif., Nev., Mexico (Baja California), Mexico (Chihuahua), Mexico (Sonora)


The name Crossosoma parviflorum was based on specimens from the north side of the Grand Canyon and Sonora, Mexico, and applied to plants with somewhat smaller flowers and fruits than those in most other populations. Further taxonomic research may determine that this constitutes a valid infrataxon; it has not been accepted for the present treatment. Although it is available through specialty nurseries, this species is seldom seen in southwestern gardens as a specimen plant and ornamental.

Selected References


Lower Taxa

... more about "Crossosoma bigelovii"
reticulate +  and verrucose +
pale-yellow +  and white +
coherent +
fimbriate +
Charles T. Mason Jr.† +  and George Yatskievych +
S. Watson +
gray;grayish tan +
persistent +
, +, cuneate +, spatulate +, narrowly oblanceolate +  and obovate +
expanded +
attenuate +
herbaceous;slightly coriaceous +
short-stipitate +
2 - ? +  and 9 - ? +
opposite +  and alternate +
Rockflower +
Ariz. +, Calif. +, Nev. +, Mexico - Baja California +, Mexico - Chihuahua +  and Mexico - Sonora +
50–1700 m +
0.5 cm5 mm <br />0.005 m <br /> - 0.7 cm7 mm <br />0.007 m <br /> +
turgid;cylindric +
0.7 cm7 mm <br />0.007 m <br /> - 1.5 cm15 mm <br />0.015 m <br /> +
short-tapered +  and angled +
Dry rocky slopes and cliff faces, often in canyons, most commonly on igneous or volcanic substrates, mostly in the Sonoran and Mojave deserts +
saucer-shaped;shallowly cupshaped +
appearing so , usually flowers +  and axillary +
drought-deciduous +  and deciduous +
0.5 cm5 mm <br />0.005 m <br /> - 1.5 cm15 mm <br />0.015 m <br /> +
glabrous +  and glaucous +
2-3-lobed +  and entire +
glabrous +  and glaucous +
1.2 cm12 mm <br />0.012 m <br /> - 1.5 cm15 mm <br />0.015 m <br /> +
purplish tinged +  and white +
distinct +
oblanceolate;elliptic;oblanceolate;elliptic;lanceolate +
0.9 cm9 mm <br />0.009 m <br /> - 1.2 cm12 mm <br />0.012 m <br /> +
not decurrent +
Flowering Jan–May. +
sessile +  and short-stipitate +
free +  and distinct +
Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts +
rounded +
brown;nearly black +
coherent +
verruculose +, rugulose +, striate +  and smooth to faintly +
sometimes nearly spheric +  and slightly moderately flattened +
distinct +
cucullate;ovate;nearly circular +
0.4 cm4 mm <br />0.004 m <br /> - 0.5 cm5 mm <br />0.005 m <br /> +
2 +  and 4 +
Illustrated +
decurrent +
hardened +  and scarious +
Crossosoma bigelovii var. glaucum +, C. bigelovii var. parviflorum +, C. glaucum +  and C. parviflorum +
Crossosoma bigelovii +
Crossosoma +
species +
reddish tinged +  and tan +
ridged +  and angled +