

Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 5, 4: 336. 1865.

Etymology: Greek haplos, single, and odontos, tooth, alluding to single peristome
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 140. Mentioned on page 10, 11, 119, 141, 662.
BryaHaplodontiumMacrocarpum.jpegHaplodontium macrocarpumPatricia M. Eckel
BryaHaplodontiumTehamense.jpegHaplodontium tehamensePatricia M. Eckel

Plants small, in open to dense turfs, sometimes as scattered individuals, light green to pink-green, often brown proximally. Stems 0.5–2 (–3) cm, evenly foliate, unbranched to freely branched by subfloral innovations; rhizoids few-to-many, macronemata absent. Leaves flexuose to weakly secund or sometimes imbricate when dry, erect to erect-spreading when moist, elliptic, ovate, oblong, or sometimes broadly lanceolate, somewhat concave, 0.5–2 mm; base not decurrent; margins plane or narrowly revolute proximally, entire or rarely weakly serrulate distally, 1-stratose, limbidium absent; apex rounded-obtuse to broadly acute or sometimes acuminate; costa subpercurrent to percurrent or rarely excurrent, hairpoint present when excurrent, guide cells usually absent; alar cells irregularly short to long-rectangular, not distinctly differentiated; laminal areolation homogeneous; proximal laminal cells rhomboidal to elongate-rhomboidal, 4–6: 1; medial and distal cells rhomboidal to elongate-rhomboidal, 4–6: 1, walls thin, not pitted. Specialized asexual reproduction absent. Sexual condition dioicous; perigonia and perichaetia usually appearing lateral due to rapid innovation growth, leaves same size as or somewhat smaller than vegetative leaves. Seta single, curved to flexuose. Capsule erect, horizontal, or nutant, subglobose to broadly pyriform, 1.2–2.5 mm; hypophysis not enlarged or inflated; operculum flat to convex, apiculate or umbonate; peristome single, typically exostomial but sometimes of unknown origin, or absent; exostome hyaline, teeth slender, irregularly linear-lanceolate. Spores not shed in tetrads, 10–20 (–24) µm, smooth or finely papillose, pale.


North America, South America, Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Islands


Species ca. 20 (2 in the flora).

Previous over-reliance on peristome characters has confused the taxonomy of Haplodontium and Mielichhoferia. The gametophytes of the two genera are very unlike, with Haplodontium species similar to those of Plagiobryoides and Plagiobryum. Recent genetic research has clearly shown that Mielichhoferia is related to Pohlia, while the species centered on H. macrocarpum are closer to Bryum and relatives. As our two species are very similar gametophytically to the type of Haplodontium, H. megalocarpum Arnott, they are here placed in Haplodontium. Peristome reduction is common and complex in this genus, from double to single to absent. The stems of Haplodontium are often densely tomentose proximally; the adaxial supracostal cells are elongate and similar to the adjacent laminal cells; the capsules are sometimes curved or irregularly shaped and often somewhat obscured by elongate innovations; and the exostome teeth are sometimes perforate.

Selected References



1 Peristome single; operculum flat to weakly convex, weakly apiculate; leaf margins narrowly revolute proximally; distal laminal cells at apex elongate; leaves flexuose to weakly secund when dry. Haplodontium macrocarpum
1 Peristome absent; operculum convex, umbonate; leaf margins plane; distal laminal cells at apex short-rectangular to subquadrate; leaves imbricate when dry. Haplodontium tehamense

"narrower" is not a number."narrow" is not a number.

... more about "Haplodontium"
acuminate;rounded-obtuse;broadly acute +
John R. Spence +
reduced +
curved +  and straight +
not decurrent +
cucullate +
nutant +, horizontal +  and erect +
long-exserted +
subglobose +  and broadly pyriform +
0.12 cm1.2 mm <br />0.0012 m <br /> - 0.25 cm2.5 mm <br />0.0025 m <br /> +
long-rectangular +
differentiated +
appendiculate +
excurrent +  and percurrent +
subpercurrent +
hexagonal;rhomboidal +
North America +, South America +, Eurasia +, Africa +  and Pacific Islands +
hyaline;pale-yellow +
Greek haplos, single, and odontos, tooth, alluding to single peristome +
not enlarged +
not +  and differentiated +
polyoicous +, monoicous +, dioicous +  and sexual +
flexuose +
erect;erect-spreading +
concave +, lanceolate +, oblong +  and ovate +
smaller +
0.05 cm0.5 mm <br />5.0e-4 m <br /> - 0.2 cm2 mm <br />0.002 m <br /> +
serrulate +  and entire +
revolute +  and plane +
1 - ? +, 4 - ? +  and 6 - ? +
rhomboidal +  and elongate-rhomboidal +
short-rectangular +  and quadrate +
flat +  and convex apiculate or umbonate +
lateral +  and terminal +
lateral +  and terminal +
diplolepidous-alternate +
rhomboidal +  and elongate-rhomboidal +
Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. +
differentiated +
smooth;papillose +
curved +  and flexuose +
elongate +
germinating +
unbranched +  and freely branched +
2 cm20 mm <br />0.02 m <br /> - 3 cm30 mm <br />0.03 m <br /> +
0.5 cm5 mm <br />0.005 m <br /> - 2 cm20 mm <br />0.02 m <br /> +
Haplodontium +
Bryaceae +
linear-lanceolate +
slender +
distinct +
straight +
specialized +
dioicous +, sexual +  and asexual +
sinuate +
brown +, light green +  and pink-green +