

Sp. Pl. 2: 1036. 1753; Gen. Pl. ed. 5; 458, 1754.

Common names: Frog-bit
Etymology: Greek hydr-, water, and chari, grace
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 22.
FNA22 P5 Sagittaria Alisma Hydrocharis pg 21.jpegSagittaria latifolia
Alisma subcordatum
Hydrocharis morsus-ranae
John Myers
John Myers
John Myers

Plants perennial, of fresh waters. Rhizomes absent; stolons present. Stems floating on or suspended in water, rooted or not, unbranched, short. Leaves basal, emergent or floating, petiolate; blade cordate to reniform or orbiculate, base reniform or cordate, apex obtuse to almost truncate; midvein without rows of lacunae along sides, uniform in color throughout, abaxial surface without prickles, smooth on emergent leaves or with aerenchymous tissue on floating leaves; intravaginal squamules entire. Inflorescences 1-flowered or cymose, sessile or short-pedunculate; spathe not winged. Flowers unisexual, staminate and pistillate on different plants [on same plants], emersed, pedicellate; petals white to pinkish. Staminate flowers: filaments distinct or basally connate, distinct portion longer than connate; anthers oval; pollen in monads. Pistillate flowers: ovary 1-locular; styles 6, 2-fid less than ½ length. Fruits spheric, smooth to ridged, dehiscing irregularly. Seeds ellipsoid, minutely tuberculate or muricate.


Introduced; North America, Eurasia, Africa, Australia


Species 3 (1 in the flora).

... more about "Hydrocharis"
obtuse to almost +
Robert R. Haynes +
Linnaeus +
abbreviated +
cordate +  and reniform +
cordate;reniform or orbiculate +
Frog-bit +
North America +, Eurasia +, Africa +  and Australia +
Greek hydr-, water, and chari, grace +
connate +  and distinct +
pistillate +, staminate +  and pedicellate +
ridged;spheric +
short-pedunculate +, sessile +, cymose +  and 1-flowered +
whorled +, opposite +  and alternate +
emergent +  and floating +
2-6[-16]-carpellate +
3-parted +  and 6-parted +
differentiated +
white;pinkish +
longer than connate +
cook1982c +  and roberts1981a +
zygomorphic +  and actinomorphic +
muricate +  and tuberculate +
ellipsoid +
connate +  and distinct +
- 0-2-many +
unbranched +, not +  and rooted +
elongate +
less than ½ length +
Hydrocharis +
Hydrocharitaceae +
without evident stem +  and caulescent +
water +, marine +  and brackish +
pubescent +  and glabrous +