
W. R. Buck & H. A. Crum

J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 44: 351. 1978.

Etymology: For Zennoske Iwatsuki, b. 1929, Japanese bryologist, and Latin -ella, diminutive
Treatment appears in FNA Volume 28. Treatment on page 367. Mentioned on page 366, 645.
PteriIwatsukiellaLeucotricha.jpegIwatsukiella leucotrichaPatricia M. Eckel

Plants in prostrate mats, yellowish. Stems freely branched; paraphyllia absent. Leaves appressed, imbricate, suborbicular to ovatelanceolate; margins plane to recurved, entire; apex long-piliferous; ecostate or occasionally costa double, short; alar cells not differentiated; medial laminal cells rhombic to elliptic, smooth, walls thick. Capsule erect, oblong-cylindric, symmetric.


nw North America, Europe, Asia


Species 1.

Sporophytes of Iwatsukiella are rare in North America.

Selected References


... more about "Iwatsukiella"
long-piliferous +
Judith A. Harpel +
W. R. Buck & H. A. Crum +
oblong-cylindric +
not differentiated +
nw North America +, Europe +  and Asia +
For Zennoske Iwatsuki, b. 1929, Japanese bryologist, and Latin -ella, diminutive +
erect;erect-spreading or occasionally squarrose +
suborbicular +  and ovatelanceolate +
thread-like +
papillose +  and smooth +
dioicous +  and sexual +
rhombic +  and elliptic +
cucullate +, conic +  and short-rostrate +
J. Hattori Bot. Lab. +
often somewhat larger +
erect;more or less creeping +
Iwatsukiella +
Pterigynandraceae +