Penstemon purpusii
Bot. Gaz. 27: 455. 1899.
Herbs. Stems decumbent to ascending, 8–20 cm, retrorsely hairy to pilose, hairs pointed, not glaucous. Leaves basal and cauline, opposite, canescent to pilose, hairs pointed, not glaucous; basal and proximal cauline 8–30 × 3–12 mm, blade round to spatulate or ovate, base tapered, margins entire or shallowly dentate or serrate, apex rounded to obtuse; cauline 2–6 pairs, short-petiolate or sessile, 15–30 × 4–10 mm, blade obovate to spatulate or oblanceolate, base tapered, margins entire, apex obtuse to acute. Thyrses interrupted or continuous, cylindric, 2–8 (–15) cm, axis glandular-pubescent, verticillasters 2–6, cymes 1–3-flowered, 1 or 2 per node; proximal bracts lanceolate, (4–) 9–20 × (0.5–) 1.5–4 mm; peduncles and pedicels appressed, glandular-pubescent. Flowers: calyx lobes ovate to lanceolate, 5–9.5 × 1–2.2 mm, glandular-pubescent; corolla purple to violet, blue, or purple, with purple or violet nectar guides, funnelform, 25–31 mm, glandular-pubescent externally, glabrous internally, tube 8–10 mm, throat gradually inflated, 7–9 mm diam., 2-ridged abaxially; stamens: longer pair reaching orifice, filaments glabrous, pollen-sacs parallel, 2.4–2.6 mm, distal 1/4–1/3 indehiscent, sides hirsute, hairs white, to 0.7 mm, sutures denticulate, hairs to 0.1 mm; staminode 15–18 mm, included, 0.4–0.5 mm diam., glabrous; style 19–23 mm. Capsules 8–13 × 5–8 mm. 2n = 16.
Phenology: Flowering Jun–Aug.
Habitat: Rocky ridges, peaks, open slopes in pine and fir forests.
Elevation: 1500–2400 m.
Penstemon purpusii is found in the North Coast and Klamath ranges. Populations have been documented in Colusa, Glenn, Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Shasta, Tehama, and Trinity counties.
Selected References
Lower Taxa
"/4+timescorollathroat" is not declared as a valid unit of measurement for this property.